论文标题:Direct evidence of Neanderthal fibre technology and its cognitiveand behavioral implications
作者:B. L.Hardy, M.-H.Moncelet.al
本周《科学报告》发表的一篇论文Direct evidence of Neanderthal fbre technology and itscognitive and behavioral implications报道发现了已知最古老的关于纤维技术——使用天然纤维制纱——的直接证据。这一发现增进了我们对于旧石器时代中期(3万-30万年前)尼安德特人的认知能力的理解。
图1:Abri du Maras挖掘现场。
版权归属M-H. Moncel
美国俄亥俄州凯尼恩学院的Bruce Hardy及同事发现了一段6毫米长的细绳——由三股纤维拧成,附在一个60毫米长的薄石器上。作者推测这段细绳可能是裹在石器上作为提手用,或者是装石器的网或袋子的一部分。这段绳子发现于法国Abri du Maras遗址,测年数据显示其年份在4.1万-5.2万年前。作者利用光谱和显微技术,发现绳子的组成纤维可能来自不开花的树(如针叶树)的内树皮。
版权归属B. Hardy
版权归属S. Deryck
图4:Abri du Maras出土的细绳的电子显微照片。
版权归属M-H. Moncel
在此之前,人们发现的最古老的纤维片段来自以色列的Ohalo II遗址,距今约1.9万年。最新发现表明纤维技术的历史比这更悠久,而且尼安德特人的认知能力可能比之前预想的更接近现代人类。
摘要:Neanderthals are often considered as less technologicallyadvanced than modern humans. However, we typically only find faunal remains orstone tools at Paleolithic sites. Perishable materials, comprising the vastmajority of material culture items, are typically missing. Individual twistedfibres on stone tools from the Abri du Maras led to the hypothesis ofNeanderthal string production in the past, but conclusive evidence was lacking.Here we show direct evidence of fibre technology in the form of a 3-ply cordfragment made from inner bark fibres on a stone tool recoveredin situfrom the same site. Twisted fibres provide the basis forclothing, rope, bags, nets, mats, boats, etc. which, once discovered, wouldhave become an indispensable part of daily life. Understanding and use oftwisted fibres implies the use of complex multi-component technology as well asa mathematical understanding of pairs, sets, and numbers. Added to recentevidence of birch bark tar, art, and shell beads, the idea that Neanderthalswere cognitively inferior to modern humans is becoming increasingly untenable.
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