论文标题:Kea show three signatures of domain-general statistical inference
作者:AmaliaP. M. Bastos,AlexH. Taylor
《自然-通讯》本周发表的一项研究Kea showthree signatures of domain-general statistical inference发现,新西兰的啄羊鹦鹉不仅能理解概率,还能据此采取行动。这一发现也是对大猿以外动物可以进行统计推断的首次报道。
新西兰奥克兰大学的Amalia Bastos和AlexTaylor设计并开展了一系列实验,对照统计理解的多个指标进行测试,呼应之前对灵长目和人类婴儿的研究。首先,他们训练了6只啄羊鹦鹉(名为Blofeld、Bruce、Loki、Neo、Plankton和Taz),让它们将黑色与有奖赏、橙色与无奖赏联系起来。作者按不同的相对频率在两个透明罐子里分装了橙色和黑色小棍,并从两个罐子中取小棍给啄羊鹦鹉选择,展示时把小棍攥在拳头里,不给啄羊鹦鹉看。
摘要:One key aspect of domain-general thought is the ability tointegrate information across different cognitive domains. Here, we testedwhether kea (Nestor notabilis) canuse relative quantities when predicting sampling outcomes, and then integrateboth physical information about the presence of a barrier, and socialinformation about the biased sampling of an experimenter, into theirpredictions. Our results show that kea exhibit three signatures of statisticalinference, and therefore can integrate knowledge across different cognitivedomains to flexibly adjust their predictions of sampling events. This resultprovides evidence that true statistical inference is found outside of the greatapes, and that aspects of domain-general thinking can convergently evolve inbrains with a highly different structure from primates. This has importantimplications not only for our understanding of how intelligence evolves, butalso for research focused on how to create artificial domain-general thoughtprocesses.
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