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Three‐Dimensional Graphene Networks with Abundant Sharp Edge Sites for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-30 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201709901
Huaping Wang 1, 2 , Xu-Bing Li 2, 3 , Lei Gao 4, 5 , Hao-Lin Wu 2, 3 , Jie Yang 1 , Le Cai 1, 2 , Tian-Bao Ma 4 , Chen-Ho Tung 2, 3 , Li-Zhu Wu 2, 3 , Gui Yu 1, 2

To achieve sustainable production of hydrogen (H2) through water splitting, establishing efficient and earth‐abundant electrocatalysts is of great necessity. Morphology engineering of graphene is now shown to modulate the electronic structure of carbon skeleton and in turn endow it with excellent ability of proton reduction. Three‐dimensional (3D) graphene networks with a high density of sharp edge sites are synthesized. Electrocatalytic measurements indicate that the obtained 3D graphene networks can electrocatalyze H2 evolution with an extremely low onset potential of about 18 mV in 0.5 m H2SO4 solution, together with good stability. A combination of control experiments and density functional theory (DFT) investigations indicates that the exceptional H2 evolution performance is attributed to the abundant sharp edge sites of the advanced frameworks, which are responsible for promoting the adsorption and reduction of protons.



为了通过水分解实现氢(H 2)的可持续生产,建立高效和富地球的电催化剂非常必要。现在显示出石墨烯的形态工程学可以调节碳骨架的电子结构,进而赋予其优异的质子还原能力。合成了具有高密度尖端位置的三维(3D)石墨烯网络。电测量表明,获得的3D石墨烯网络可以electrocatalyzeħ 2在0.5进化与约18毫伏的极低开始电位 ħ 2 SO 4解决方案,以及良好的稳定性。控制实验和密度泛函理论(DFT)研究的结合表明,卓越的H 2放出性能归因于高级骨架的大量锋利边缘部位,这些部位促进了质子的吸附和还原。