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Gold Nanoparticles and g‐C3N4‐Intercalated Graphene Oxide Membrane for Recyclable Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201701714
Lulu Qu 1, 2 , Na Wang 1 , Hui Xu 2, 3 , Weipeng Wang 2 , Yang Liu 2 , Lidia Kuo 2 , T. P. Yadav 2 , Jingjie Wu 2 , Jarin Joyner 2 , Yanhua Song 2, 4 , Haitao Li 1 , Jun Lou 2 , Robert Vajtai 2 , Pulickel M. Ajayan 2

Toxic organic pollutants in the aquatic environment cause severe threats to both humans and the global environment. Thus, the development of robust strategies for detection and removal of these organic pollutants is essential. For this purpose, a multifunctional and recyclable membrane by intercalating gold nanoparticles and graphitic carbon nitride into graphene oxide (GNPs/g‐C3N4/GO) is fabricated. The membranes exhibit not only superior surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity attributed to high preconcentration ability to analytes through π–π and electrostatic interactions, but also excellent catalytic activity due to the enhanced electron–hole separation efficiency. These outstanding properties allow the membrane to be used for highly sensitive detection of rhodamine 6G with a limit of detection of 5.0 × 10−14m and self‐cleaning by photocatalytic degradation of the adsorbed analytes into inorganic small molecules, thus achieving recyclable SERS application. Furthermore, the excellent SERS activity of the membrane is demonstrated by detection of 4‐chlorophenol at less than nanomolar level and no significant SERS or catalytic activity loss was observed when reusability is tested. These results suggest that the GNPs/g‐C3N4/GO membrane provides a new strategy for eliminating traditional, single‐use SERS substrates, and expands practical SERS application to simultaneous detection and removal of environmental pollutants.



水生环境中的有毒有机污染物对人类和全球环境均构成严重威胁。因此,开发用于检测和去除这些有机污染物的可靠策略至关重要。为此,通过将金纳米颗粒和石墨氮化碳嵌入氧化石墨烯(GNPs / g-C 3 N 4/ GO)。膜不仅表现出优异的表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)活性,这归因于通过π-π和静电相互作用使分析物具有很高的预浓缩能力,而且由于增强了的电子-空穴分离效率,还具有出色的催化活性。这些出色的性能使该膜可用于高灵敏度检测若丹明6G,检测极限为5.0×10 -14 m通过将吸附的分析物光催化降解为无机小分子进行自我清洁,从而实现可回收的SERS应用。此外,通过在小于纳摩尔水平的条件下检测到4-氯苯酚,可以证明膜具有出色的SERS活性,并且在测试可重复使用性时未观察到明显的SERS或催化活性损失。这些结果表明,GNPs / g-C 3 N 4 / GO膜为消除传统的一次性SERS底物提供了新的策略,并扩大了SERS的实际应用范围,可同时检测和去除环境污染物。