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刘玥 讲师    



2017.10--2022.06        英国利兹大学    食品科学与营养学院          博士

2014.09--2016.07        北京林业大学    生物科学与技术学院          硕士

2010.09--2014.06        浙江农林大学    农业与食品科学学院          学士


2022.09–至今         集美大学,海洋食品与生物工程学院


1. 农业废弃物的加工与再利用

2. 食品安全

3. 肠道微生物应用


1. 2018.01-2022.03 UK Research and Innovation through the Global Challenges Research Fund :GCRF-Agricultural and Food systems Resilience: Increasing Capacity & Advising Policy (AFRICAP),参与该项目中农业发展和粮食安全方向(Food System Research)下的减少毒素污染提高粮食安全的实验研究工作 

2. 2019.02-2021.03             Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC):UK-China Agritech Challenge- CITRUSAFE,参与该项目利用柑橘材料中抑制食源性病原菌生长的实验研究工作

3. 2015.01-2018.07             国家自然基金:乳酸菌吸附苯并芘特性评价及机制研究,参与该项目中部分菌株对污染物吸附的特性研究


1. Liu, Y., Benohoud, M., Galani Yamdeu, J.H., Gong, Y.Y. and Orfila, C. 2021. Green extraction of polyphenols from citrus peel by-products and their antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus. Food Chemistry: X. 12, pp.1-10.

2. Liu, Y., Galani Yamdeu, J.H., Gong, Y.Y. and Orfila, C. 2020. A review of postharvest approaches to reduce fungal and mycotoxin contamination of foods. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. pp.1-40.

3. Wang, M.Z., Ouyang, X.Y., Liu, Y.R., Liu, Y., Cheng, L., Wang, C.T., Zhu, B.Q. and Zhang, B.L. 2020. Comparison of nutrients and microbial density in goji berry juice during lactic acid fermentation using four lactic acid bacteria strains. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 45(1), pp.1-15.

4. Shoukat, S., Liu, Y., Rehman, A. and Zhang, B.L. 2019. Screening of Bifidobacterium strains with assignment of functional groups to bind with benzo[a]pyrene under food stress factors. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 1114-1115, pp.100-109. IF=3.205

5. 刘玥,李冉冉,徐梦婷,成纪予,陆国权.涂膜结合冷藏对鲜切甘薯抗氧化性的影响[J].食品工业科技.2014(15).