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何丹 在读博士     进组时间: 2018.3


本科:黑龙江东方学院 生物工程

硕士:温州大学       化学生物学

博士:韩国全南大学   生物能源与生物材料


1.He D, Wu SY, Yan LP, Zuo JH, Cheng Y, et al (2019) Antitumor bioactivity of porphyran extracted from Pyropia yezoensis Chonsoo2 on human cancer cell lines Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture,99, 6722-6730.

2.He D, Yan LP, Ma XJ, Cheng Y, Wu SY, et al (2019) Gamma-irradiation degradation of sulfated polysaccharide from a new red alga strain Pyropia yezoensis Sookwawon 104 and their in vitro antitumor bioactivity Oncology Letters, 20, 91.

3.Chen PC, He D, Zhang Y, Yang SS, Chen LJ, et al (2016) Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides activate antioxidant defense by promoting Nrf2-dependent cytoprotection and ameliorate stress insult during aging Food & Function, 7, 4576-4588.

4.Zhang Y#, Qiao R#, He D, Zhao Z, Yang S, et al (2016) Indazolo [3,2-b] quinazolinones attack hepatocellular carcinoma Hep3B cells by inducing mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis and inhibition of Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway Current molecular Medicine 16, 1-9.

Chen LJ, Chen PC, Liu J, Hu CX, Yang SS, He D, et al (2018) Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharide SFP-F2 activates the NF-κB signaling pathway via CD14/IKK and P38 axes in RAW264.7 cells Marine Drugs, 16, E264.

5.何丹,张旭,肖保衡,吴晓辉,吴明江 (2016)羊栖菜多糖的提取和抗氧化活性研究 海洋科学, 40, 24-29.

6.何丹,张旭,陈柳君,胡晨熙,沈莹,倪伶俐,吴明江 (2016)正交试验优选褐藻糖胶的提取工艺 浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版),35122-126.

7.吴明江,何丹,张旭,陈培超,李伟,赵萍 (2017)一种提取羊栖菜多糖的方法(ZL 2016 1 0144933. 7

8.吴明江, 陈柳君,张旭,何丹, 林秀秀, 杨珊珊, 陈培超 (2019)一种羊栖菜多糖在制备用于抗炎的片剂、胶囊或功能性食品中的应用 (ZL 2016 10556342. 0
