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1. Fei Sun, Yichao Liu, Shuomin Zhong, and Shuai Zhang Transformation optics and its frontier branches, Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, 2023. ISSN: 1664-8714, ISBN 978-2-8325-3885-2.

2. Fei SunTransformation Optics for Controlling DC Magnetic Field》,KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (Publisher), 2014. ISSN: 1653-5146ISBN: 978-91-7595-328-1.




1. 电磁隐身衣的研究进展与发展趋势,光电工程第 41 卷, 第 10 期,240191,2024 年。期刊封面.


2. 基于双物理场零空间介质的电磁-热分束器光学学报,第44卷,第20期,2023001,2024年


3. Stabilized conformal planar cavity with continuous adjustable resonant frequency, Optics & Laser Technology 181, 111707 (2025). 共形变换设计稳定平板谐振腔 


4. Broadband planar electromagnetic hyperlens with uniform magnification in air, Optics Express 32(20), 35139-35149 (2024). 均匀放大倍率的宽带平板双曲超透镜


5. Virtual Fresnel drag in spatiotemporal transformation medium, Optics Express 32(18), 32128-32137 (2024). 编辑推荐时空坐标变换介质用于虚拟菲涅尔拖拽效应


6. A Thermal-EM Concentrator for Enhancing EM Signals and Focusing Heat Fluxes Simultaneously, Laser & Photonics Reviews 2024, 2400488 (2024).对电磁波和热流同时有效的聚焦器


7. On-chip omnidirectional electromagnetic-thermal cloak, iScience 27, 110105 (2024). 全角度电磁波-热流隐身结构


8. Tunable uniform field enhancement in a subwavelength air pillar by photonic doping in epsilon-near-zero medium, Results in Physics 61, 107778 (2024). 光子参杂方法在亚波长的空气区域实现高均匀度的电场增强


9. Simultaneously realizing thermal and electromagnetic cloaking by multi-physical null medium, Opto-Electronic Science 3, 230027 (2024). 电磁波和热流同时有效的零空间介质与隐身衣





1. Transformation optics and its frontier branches, Frontiers in Materials 10, 1310326 (2023).变换光学前沿展望

2. A Thermal-Electric Cloak via Nonlinear Transformation, IEEE Photonics Journal 15(6), 1-6 (2023). 非线性变换设计对热和静电场有效的隐身

3. Tunable open Janus functional thermal device based on moving thermal conductive medium, AIP Advances 13, 105304 (2023). Featured article运动导热媒质设计开放式可调Janus热调控器件

4. Simultaneously focusing electromagnetic and acoustic waves by double-physical-fields null medium, Frontiers in Materials 10, 1229164 (2023). 双波零空间介质用于电磁波和声波的同时聚焦

5. Electromagnetic-acoustic splitter with a tunable splitting ratio based on copper plates, Optics Letters 48 (13), 3407-3410 (2023). 双波零空间介质用于电磁波和声波的同时分束

6. Active Thermal Metasurfaces for Remote Heating/Cooling by Mimicking Negative Thermal Conductivity, Advanced Materials 35(22), 2210981 (2023). 有源热学超表面等效实现负热导率材料和远距离热调控

7. Macroscopic thermal diode with stable rectification ratio by thermal null medium, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41, 102587 (2023).基于热学零空间介质的具有稳定热整理比的室温宏观热二极管

8. A metamaterial-free omnidirectional invisibility cloak based on thrice transformations inside optic-null medium, Optics and Laser Technology 157, 108779 (2023).零空间介质中多次变换得到全角度电磁隐身



1. Near-zero-index-featured multi-band highly directional radiator with large Purcell factors, Results in Physics 40, 105875 (2022).等效功能近零折射率介质用于高度Purcell因子的高定向辐射

2. Full-space omnidirectional cloak by subwavelength metal channels filled with homogeneous dielectrics, Optics Express 30(12), 21386-21395 (2022). 金属亚波长沟道中填充均匀电介质的方法实现全空间全方向隐身

3. Thermal camouflages based on 3D thermal-null medium, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 176 107506 (2022). 基于三维热零空间介质的热欺骗



1. Full-view imaging on dynamic closed surface by curved-to-flat conversion lens, Optics Express 29(18), 28167-28177 (2021). 闭合曲面的全角度动态成像透镜

2. Optical funnel: broadband and uniform compression of electromagnetic fields to an air neck, Photonics Research 9(9), 1675-11682 (2021). 光学漏斗:在空气区域中宽带均匀压缩电磁场

3. Planar hyper-lens with uniform pre-designed magnification factor by homogeneous medium, Applied Physics Express 14, 022007 (2021).

4. Reflectionless spatial beam benders with an arbitrary bending angle by introducing an optic-null medium in transformation optics, Chinese Physics B 30(3), 034101 (2021)



1. Broadband Electromagnetic Wave Tunneling with Transmuted Material Singularity, Physical Review Letters 125, 207401 (2020). 编辑推荐

2. Asymmetric universal invisible gateway, Optics Express 28(23), 35363-35375 (2020).

3. Arbitrarily shaped retro-reflector by optics surface transformation, Chinese Optics Letters, 18(10), 102201 (2020). 期刊封面

4.  Designing conformal cloaks by manipulating structures directly in the physical space, Optics Express 28(16), 23105-23113 (2020).

5. Surface transformation multi-physics for controlling electromagnetic and acoustic waves simultaneously, Optics Express 28(1), 94-106 (2020). 电磁波和声波的双波表面变换理论



1. Omnidirectional conformal cloak without geometrical dispersion, Physical Review Applied 12(6), 064009 (2019).

2. Thermal surface transformation and its applications to heat flux manipulations, Optics Express 27(23), 33757-33767 (2019). 热表面变换理论

3. A Camouflage Device without Metamaterials, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 165, 107-117 (2019).

4. Full space destructive interference by acoustic-null medium, Applied Physics Express 12, 074003 (2019).

5. An Acoustic Metamaterial Lens for Acoustic Point-to-Point Communication in Air, Acoustical Physics 65(1), 1-6 (2019).




1. 一种新型的在自由空间中实现均匀强静磁场的方法,专利号:ZL201310063549.0 (中国发明专利)

2. 一种自由空间实时投影成像设备及系统,专利号:ZL201510678377.7 (中国发明专利)

3. 一种实现逆多普勒效应的器件,专利号:ZL201610954398.1(中国发明专利)

4. 一种开口式热缓冲器件及其方法,专利号:ZL201810021012.0(中国发明专利)

5. 一种新型实现超分辨率放大成像的器件,专利号:ZL201810523443.7(中国发明专利)

6. 一种热传导隐形方法、装置以及应用,专利号: ZL201910817929.6(中国发明专利)

7. 微波空间功率合成器件及合成方法, 专利号:ZL201810021492.0(中国发明专利)

8. 全空间的有源噪音抑制器件及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL201810021472.3(中国发明专利)

9.一种新型的高空隐形结构, 专利号:ZL201810522451.X(中国发明专利)

10.用于对电磁波和声波同时进行操控的装置和方法, 专利号:ZL201911113056.7(中国发明专利)

11.一种光学回反射器及反射器阵列, 专利号:ZL201810089252.4(中国发明专利)

12.一种全角度电磁波隐形结构, ZL202110423044.5(中国发明专利)

13.一种非封闭式电磁屏蔽室, ZL202010680577.7(中国发明专利)

14.一种用普通电介质构建近零折射率材料的方法, ZL202010530813.7(中国发明专利)

15.一种用渐变折射率介质构建宽带亚波长波导连接器的方法, ZL202010506044.7(中国发明专利)

16. 一种芯片散热辅助装置, ZL202222099906.6(新型实用专利)






² 晁坤(2020级硕士,电子信息工程,2023取得专业硕士学位),“开放式方向选择型热调控结构”

² 陈子豪(2020级硕士,电子信息工程,2023取得专业硕士学位),“基于零空间介质的双波分束器”

² 马晓敏2020级硕士,电子信息工程,2023取得专业硕士学位),“对电磁波和温度场同时有效的双物理场隐身结构”

² 赵港(2021级硕士,电子信息工程,2024取得专业硕士学位),“基于电磁超材料的微波谐振腔和旋转集中器设计”

² 鄯晋媛(2021级硕士,物理学,2024取得学术硕士学位),“基于零折射率介质的电磁场增强结构”

² 陈韶婕(2021级硕士,光学工程,2024取得学术硕士学位),“基于零空间介质的电磁-热调控方法研究”

² 王琪(2021级硕士,电子信息工程,2024取得专业硕士学位),“基于超材料的磁调控方法研究”




² 指导太原理工本科生徐瑜成(保送南京大学)第一作者发表论文:

Yucheng Xun(徐瑜成),et al, Optics Express 28(23), 35363-35375 (2020).

² 指导太原理工本科生陈斯(保送天津大学)第一作者论文:

Si Chen(陈斯),et al, Optics Express 29(18), 28167-28177 (2021).

² 指导太原理工本科生陈汉川(保送本课题组)第一作者论文:

Hanchuan Chen(陈汉川), et al, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 176 107506 (2022).

² 指导太原理工本科生王博(保送复旦大学)第一作者论文:

Bo Wang(王博), et al, Optics Express 30(12), 21386-21395 (2022).

² 指导太原理工戴鸿涛本科生(保送复旦大学)第一作者论文:

Hongtao Dai(戴鸿涛), et al, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41, 102587 (2023).


陈汉川“基于热学零空间介质的可组装型热欺骗结构” (2023本科特优论文)

戴鸿涛“基于零空间介质的热电双场二极管研究” (2023本科优秀论文)







1. 2024山西省研究生教育创新项目,“热-电磁双场集中器的研究”,起止年月:2024.06.-2025.06. 编号:2024KY220

2. 2023山西省研究生教育创新项目,“双波超分辨成像透镜的研究”,起止年月:2023.06.-2024.06. 项目编号:RC2300003332

3. 大学生创新创业训练项目,“新型全角度曲面成像透镜设计及其扩展应用研究”,起止年月:2021.06-2022.06, 项目号20210094。 被评为优秀项目结题,入选第十五届大学生创新创业年会。

4. 第八届山西省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,省金奖,“全角度实时成像透镜”,高教主赛道。2022年9月。