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[1] Jin WG, Fan XR, Jiang CY, Liu Y, Zhu KY, Miao XQ, Jiang PF*. Characterization of non-volatile and volatile flavor profiles of Coregonus peled meat cooked by different methods. Food Chemistry X, 2023, 17: 100584.

[2] Geng J, He, S, Zhang S, Tian H, Jin WG*. Impact of incorporating shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) on microbial community and flavor volatiles in traditional Jiuqu. Foods, 2024, 13, 1019.

[3] Jin WG, Zhao S, Sun H, Pei J, Gao RC, Jiang PF*. Characterization and discrimination of flavor volatiles of different colored wheat grains after cooking based on GC-IMS and chemometrics. Current Research in Food Science 2023, 7: 100583.

[4] Jin WG, Zhang Z, Zhao S, Liu J, Gao RC, Jiang PF*. Characterization of volatile organic compounds of different pigmented rice after puffing based on gas chromatography-ion migration spectrometry and chemometrics. Food Research International, 2023, 169: 112879.

[5] Jin WG, Cai W, Zhao S, Gao RC, Jiang PF*. Uncovering the differences in flavor volatiles of different colored foxtail millets based on gas chromatography-ion migration spectrometry and chemometrics. Current Research in Food Science 2023, 7: 100585.

[6] Jin WG, Pei JJ, Wang SQ, Chen XH, Gao RC, Tan MQ*. Effect of continuous and intermittent drying on water mobility of fresh walnuts (Juglans regia L): A LF-NMR study. Drying Technology, 2022, 40(2): 254-264.

[7] Jin WG, Chen XH, Geng JZ, Jin J, Pei JJ, Gao RC*, Chen DJ. Quality characteristics and moisture mobility of giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) jerky during roasting process. Journal of Food Quality, 2021, Article ID:9970797. 1-11.

[8] Jin WG, Pei JJ, Chen XH, Geng JZ, Jin J, Gao RC*. Influence of frying methods on quality characteristics and volatile flavor compounds of giant salamander(Andrias davidiauns) meatballs. Journal of Food Quality, 2021, Article ID:8450072.1-9.

[9] Jin WG, Pei JJ, Du YN, Pan J, Gao RC, Chen DJ, Wu HT*, Zhu BW. Characterization and functional properties of gelatin extracted from Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) skin. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 2019, 28(8): 861-876 .

[10] Jin WG, Du YN, Pei JJ, Zhao J, Tang Y, Shang WH, Wu HT*, Zhu BW. Characterization and antioxidant activity of Maillard reaction products from a scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) gonad hydrolysates-sugar model system. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 2018, 12(4): 2883-2891.

[11] Jin WG, Wu HT, Li XS*, Zhu BW*, Dong XP, Li Y, Fu YH. Microstructure and inter-molecular forces involved in gelation-like protein hydrolysate from neutrase-treated male gonad of scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis). Food Hydrocolloids, 2014,40: 245-253.

[12] Jin WG, Wu HT, Zhu BW*, Ran XQ. Functional properties of gelation-like protein hydrolysates from scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis) male gonad. European Food Research and Technology, 2012, 234(5): 863-872.

[13] Yuan L, Yu J, Mu J, Shi T, Sun Q, Jin WG*, Gao R*. Effects of deacetylation of konjac glucomannan on the physico-chemical properties of surimi gels from silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 19828-19836.

[14] Gao R, Shu W, Shen Y, Sun Q, Bai F, Wang J, Li D, Li Y, Jin WG*, Yuan L*. Sturgeon protein-derived peptides exert anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages via the MAPK pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 72: 104044.

[15] Gao R, Wang X, Shi T, Wijayaa G. Y. A, Bai F, Wang J, Jin WG*, Yuan L*. Enhanced physical properties of reduced-salt surimi gels from Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii) by L-Arginine and L-Histidine. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2021, 45(11): e15887.

[16] Yuan L, Zhang Q, Zheng Z, Zhou J, Cui Y, Jin WG*, Gao RC*. Isolation of protease-producing bacteria from shrimp paste and the characteristics of fermenting catfish paste. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 2022, 28(8): 861-876.

[17] Shi T, Wang X, Li M, Xiong Z, McClements DJ, Bao Y, Song T, Li J, Yuan L, Jin WG*, Gao RC*. Mechanism of low-salt surimi gelation induced by microwave heating combined with L-arginine and transglutaminase: On the basis of molecular docking between L-arginine and myosin heavy chain. Food Chemistry, 2022, 391: 133184.

[18] Yuan L, Zhang Q, Zhao F. Jin WG*, Shi T, Xiong ZY, Gao RC*. Dynamic changes and correlation analysis of protease activities, texture, and flavour compounds during fish fermentation (suanyu) using mixed culture (Enterococcus rivorum and Enterococcus lactis). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2023, 58(5): 2312-2324.

[19] Wang WQ, Zhao SB, Pei JJ, Jiang PF, Jin WG*, Gao RC*. Antioxidative activity and volatile profiles of Maillard reaction products between giant salamander(Andrias davidianus) peptides and glucose during the heating process. Journal of Food Quality, 2023, 2023: 8804009.

[20] 金文刚, 赵萍, 金晶, 杨猛, 刘俊霞, 耿敬章, 陈小华, 裴金金. 基于气相-离子迁移谱分析大鲵不同可食部位挥发性成分指纹差异.食品科学, 2022, 43(2): 303-309 (EI).

[21] 金文刚, 刘俊霞, 赵萍, 陈小华,韩豪,裴金金,耿敬章*, 姜鹏飞*.  基于顶空气相-离子迁移色谱分析洋县不同色泽糙米蒸煮后挥发性风味物质差异.食品科学, 2022,43(18): 258-264(EI)

[22] 金文刚, 赵萍, 刘俊霞, 兰阿峰, 陈德经, 裴金金*, 高瑞昌*. 基于GC-MS代谢组学分析大鲵肉冷藏过程中肌肉代谢产物差异.食品科学, 2022, 43(24):192-201 (EI)

[23] 金文刚, 赵萍, 姜鹏飞, 刘俊霞. 基于GC-IMS技术结合多元统计模型分析不同色泽小米粥挥发性有机物差异.食品科学, 2023,44(6): 277-284(EI)

[24] 金文刚,刘俊霞, 裴金金, 姜鹏飞. 基于GC-IMS技术结合化学计量学鉴别大鲵油掺伪不同比例花生油挥发性有机物特征.食品科学, 2023, 44(10): 368-376(EI)

[25] 金文刚,刘俊霞, 耿敬章. 基于气相色谱-离子迁移谱联用分析五彩糙米挥发性成分差异.中国食品学报, 2023, 23(7): 382-391 (EI)

[26] 赵萍, 金文刚*, 兰阿峰, 刘俊霞, 裴金金, 陈德经. 基于Illumina MiSeq测序技术分析大鲵肉冷藏过程中微生物菌群演替规律.食品科学,  2022, 43(20):172-182 (EI)

[27] 赵萍, 刘俊霞, 兰阿峰, 裴金金, 陈德经, 金文刚*. 基于UHPLC-MS非靶向代谢组学分析大鲵肉冷藏过程中代谢物的变化.食品科学, 2022, 43(22):267-280 (EI)

[28] 姜鹏飞, 柳杨, 张浩, 尚珊, 启航, 董秀萍, 金文刚*. 气相色谱-离子迁移谱在水产领域的应用研究进展. 中国食品学报, 2023, 23(6): 431-440 (EI)

[29] 金文刚, 陈德经, 耿敬章, 裴金金. 大鲵皮明胶提取及其性质分析. 食品与发酵工业, 2017, 43(2): 174-179.

[30] 金文刚, 郭思琪, 肖苗. 大鲵皮明胶-茶多酚复合膜液理化性质及功能性研究. 食品与发酵工业, 2019, 45(17): 85-90.

[31] 金文刚, 吕浩, 赵萍. 水溶性硅素对大鲵皮明胶理化性质及乳化活性的影响. 食品与发酵工业, 2020, 46(22): 36-41.

[32] 金文刚, 陈小华, 耿敬章, 姜鹏飞, 裴金金*. 基于气相-离子迁移谱分析不同产地“汉中仙毫”气味指纹差异. 食品与发酵工业, 2021. 47(5): 231-237.

[33] 金文刚, 刘俊霞, 金晶, 耿敬章, 王金泽,殷冬霞,江海*. 宁强核桃馍焙烤过程中品质特性及其挥发性风味物质动态变化.食品与发酵工业, 2021, 47(16): 188-195.

[34] 金文刚, 赵萍, 刘俊霞, 耿敬章, 陈小华,裴金金. 基于气相-离子迁移色谱结合化学计量学分析大鲵肉烤制过程中挥发性风味成分.食品与发酵工业, 2021, 47(21): 231-239.

[35] 金文刚, 商美君, 刘洋, 潘锦锋*. 单宁酸和芦丁对马哈鱼鱼皮明胶凝胶性质的影响.食品与发酵工业, 2022, 48(3): 123-127.

[36] 赵萍, 陈小华, 刘俊霞, 裴金金, 金文刚*, 陈德经*. 生姜/料酒脱腥过程中大鲵肝挥发性有机物动态变化. 食品与发酵工业, 2021, 47(24): 164-172.

[37] 刘俊霞, 赵萍, 金晶, 金文刚*. 基于GC-IMS结合化学计量学分析大鲵肉冷藏过程中挥发性成分.食品与发酵工业, 2022, 48(): 269-278.

[38] 刘俊霞, 吴艳, 赵世博, 姜鹏飞, 金文刚*. 响应面法优化大鲵肽-硒螯合物制备工艺及其性质研究.食品与发酵工业, 2023, DOI: 1013995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.035888.

[39] 赵世博刘俊霞, 何琳琳姜鹏飞, 程虎, 金文刚*大鲵肽-硒螯合物对D-半乳糖诱导小鼠氧化损伤保护作用研究.食品与发酵工业, 2023, 49(20):181-189