Zhou, X.Q., Han, H.T., Chen, J.H.*, Han, H.* (2024) The emerging roles of WOX genes in development and stress responses in woody plants. Plant Science. 349, 112259 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2024.112259
Krizek, B., Iorio, C., Higgins, K., Han, H. (2023) Differences in both expression and protein activity contribute to the distinct functions of AINTEGUMENTA compared with AINTEGUMENTA- LIKE 5 and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE 7. Plant molecular biology, Online. DOI10.1007/s11103-023-01374-0
2022 and before
Han, H. & Zhou, Y. (2022). Function and regulation of microRNA171 in plant stem cell homeostasis and developmental programing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(5), 2544. (中科院JCR生物学2区,IF= 5.924)
Han, H.#, Yan, A.#, Li, L., Zhu, Y., Liu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2020). A signal cascade originated from epidermis defines apical-basal patterning of Arabidopsis shoot apical meristems. Nature Communications. 11(1), 1-17. (中科院JCR综合性期刊1区,Top,IF=14.92)
Han, H., Geng, Y., Guo, L., Yan, A., Meyerowitz, E.M., Liu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2020). The Overlapping and Distinct Roles of HAM Family Genes in Arabidopsis Shoot Meristems. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 1375.(中科院JCR生物2区,IF=4.407)
Han, H., Liu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2020). Transcriptional circuits in control of shoot stem cell homeostasis. Current opinion in plant biology, 53, 50-56. (中科院JCR植物科学1区, Top,IF=7.834)
Han, H., & Krizek, B. A. (2016). AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 can functionally replace AINTEGUMENTA but alters Arabidopsis flower development when misexpressed at high levels. Plant molecular biology, 92(4-5), 597-612.(中科院JCR生物2区, IF=4.078)
Han, H. and Krizek, B.A. (2016) AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 can functionally replace AINTEGUMENTA but has additional phenotypes when expressed at high levels. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (Suppl. 3), pp 1026-1027. doi:10.1017/ S1431927616005973
Zhou, Y.#, Yan, A.#, Han, H., Li, T., Geng, Y., Liu, X., & Meyerowitz, E. M. (2018). HAIRY MERISTEM with WUSCHEL confines CLAVATA3 expression to the outer apical meristem layers. Science, 361(6401), 502-506. (中科院JCR综合性期刊1区,Top, IF=41.84)
Tian, Y., Zhong, D., Li, X., Shen, R., Han, H., Dai, Y., ... & Lu, Y. (2022). High‐throughput genome editing in rice with a virus‐based surrogate system. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.
Tian, Y., Shen, R., Li, Z., Yao, Q., Zhang, X., Zhong, D., Tan, X., Song, M., Han, H., Zhu JK & Lu Y. (2022) Efficient C-to-G editing in rice using an optimized base editor. Plant biotechnology journal. 20 (7), 1238-1240(中科院JCR生物学1区,IF= 9.803)
Namrata, J. , Liao, C., Mengesha, B. , Han, H., Lee, S., Sharon, A., Zhou, Y. & Mengiste, T. (2022). Regulation of plant immunity and growth by tomato receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase TRK1. New Phytologist. 233(1), 458-478. (中科院JCR植物科学1区, Top,IF=8.512)
Krizek, B., Bantle, A., Heflin, J., Han, H., Freese, N., & Loraine, A. (2021) AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 directly regulate floral homeotic and growth genes in young Arabidopsis flowers. Journal of Experimental Botany. 72(15), 5478-5493. (中科院JCR植物科学1区,Top,IF=5.908)
Geng, Y.#, Guo, L.#, Han, H., Liu, X., Banks, J., Wisecaver, J., & Zhou, Y. (2021). Conservation and diversification of HAIRY MERISTEM gene family in land plants. The Plant Journal. 106(2), 366-378. (中科院JCR植物科学1区,Top,IF=6.141)