Yun Ge PI , Ph.D. supervisor Glycan Chemical Biology Lab
Dr. Ge is now a Junior PI at the Institute of Chemical Biology, SZBL, and a tenure-track assistant professor at the School of Chemical Biology and Biotechnology, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. Dr. Ge obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Biology at Peking University in 2018. During her Ph.D. training, she focused on the development and applications of the genetic code expansion technique, bioorthogonal chemistries, and enzymatic protein labeling strategies. She has developed a multifunctional unnatural amino acid for protein activation via a bioorthogonal cleavage reaction, and an enzyme-mediated intercellular proximity labeling for detecting cell–cell interactions. Since 2018, Dr. Ge conducted her postdoc research at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, focusing on the study of O-GlcNAcylation, one of the ubiquitous glycan modifications on proteins. She developed the first protein-selective O-GlcNAc “eraser”, nanobody-splitOGA, by leveraging the blossoming nanobody platform and the structure-guided protein engineering, which has been on the list of most desired tools in the community for years. This tool has already drawn tremendous attention in the glycan and broader community and has been widely reported. To date, Dr. Ge has published more than 10 papers in top-ranked journals, including Nature Cell Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, and Chemical Science, and has filed 4 patents.
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The research interests of our group focus on the development of chemical biology approaches for functional analyses and precise modulations of proteins and cells via engineering, in order to deepen the understanding of biological processes and spark the discovery of drugs and therapeutics.