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All publications can be obtained from the websites: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qPQY9YcAAAAJ

Selected publications:

40.Chuan He, Jianli Cheng, Yuhang Liu, Xicui Zhang*, Bin Wang*,Thin-walled hollow fibers for flexible high energy density fiber-shaped supercapacitors,Energy Materials,2021,1 (1), 100010(Invited Paper).

39.Xuelian Li, Guicai Qi, JunXiang Zhang, Jianli Cheng, Bin Wang*,Artificial Solid-Electrolyte Interphase and Bamboo-like N-doped Carbon Nanotube Enabled Highly Rechargeable K-CO2 Batteries,Adv.Funct.Mater.,2021,2105029.

38.Yongpeng Li, Qun Guan, Jianli Cheng*, Bin Wang*,Flexible High Energy Density Sodium Dual-ion Battery with Long Cyclelife,Energy Environment Material ,2021, in press.

 37. Junxiang Zhang, Fuhui Wang, Guicai Qi, Jianli Cheng*, Lin Chen, Huibiao Liu*, Bin Wang*, Rechargeable Li-CO2 Batteries with Graphdiyne as Efficient Metal-Free Cathode Catalysts, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, DOI:10.1002/adfm.202101423.

36. Tao He, Suting Weng, Yusheng Ye, Jianli Cheng*, Xilin Wang, Xuefeng Wang,* Bin Wang*,Cation-Deficient Zn0.3(NH4)0.3V4O10·0.91H2O for Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc Battery with Superior Low-Temperature Performance,Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 38,389-396.

35.Tao He, Yusheng Ye, Hui Li, Xuefeng Wang, Qinhua Zhang, Jianli Cheng*, Suting Weng, Jun Lu*, Bin Wang*,Oxygen-Deficient NH4V4O10-x for Flexible Aqueous Zinc Batteries with High Energy Density and Rate Capability at -30 ℃,Materials Today,in press.(IF 26.5) 

34.Xuelian Li, Junxiang Zhang, Guicai Qi, Jianli Cheng*, Bin Wang*,Vertically Aligned N-doped Carbon Nanotubes Arrays as Efficient Binder-free Catalysts for Flexible Li-CO2 Batteries,Energy Storage Materials,2020, 10.1016/j.ensm.2020.11.020.

33. Jie Yang, Chao Yang , Jianli Cheng *, Alvin Dai, Tongchao Liu, Yifei Yuan, Kunkun Guo, Dingwang Yuan, Bin Wang* and Jun Lu*, One-Dimensional Fluidic Nanogenerator with High Power Density for Self-Powered Integrated Electronics, Cell Report Physical Science, 2020, in Press.

32. Changfeng Wang, Tao He, Jianli Cheng*, Qun Guan and Bin Wang*, Bioinspired Interface Design of Sewable, Weavable and Washable Fiber Zinc Batteries for Wearable Power Textiles, Adv.Funct. Mater., 2020, 2004430.

31.Chao Yang,Kunkun Guo*,Dingwang Yuan, Jianli Cheng,Bin Wang, Unveiling reaction mechanisms of Mo2C as cathode catalysts in Li-CO2 battery, J.Am.Chem.Soc, 2020, 10.1021/jacs.9b12868(IF=14.7)

30. Jie Yang, Xuelian Li, Jingwen Zhou, Bin Wang*; Jianli Cheng*. Fiber-shaped supercapacitors: advanced strategies toward high-performances and multifunctions. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2020,2020,38(5)403.(Invited Review)

29.Jingwen Zhou,Jianli Cheng*,Bin Wang*, Huisheng Peng,Jun Lu, Flexible Metal-gas Batteries: A Potential Option for the Next-generation Power Accessories of Wearable Electronics, Energy &Environmental Science, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0EE00039F.(IF=33.3,Selected as Back Cover)

28. Hui Li, Jie Yang, Jianli Cheng*, Tao He, Bin Wang*, Flexible Aqueous Ammonium-Ion Full Cell with High Rate Capability and Long Cycle Life, Nano Energy, 2020, 68,104369. (IF=15.55)

27. Qun Guan, Yongpeng Li, Xuanxuan Bi, Jie Yang, Jingwen Zhou, XueLian Li, Jianli Cheng*, Zhuanpei Wang, Bin Wang* and Jun Lu*, Dendrite-Free Flexible Fiber-shaped Zn Battery with Long Cycle Life in Water and Air, Adv. Energy Mater.,2019, 10.1002/aenm.201901434.( IF=24.88, selected as back cover)

26.Zhuanpei Wang, Jianli Cheng*, Hui Huang, Bin Wang*,A Flexible Self-Powered Fiber-Shaped Photocapacitor with Ultralong Cycle and Total Efficiency of 5.1%Energy Storage Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2019.08.011. (Citescore=15.09)

25. Xuelian Li, Jingwen Zhou, Junxiang Zhang, Matthew Li, Xuanxuan Bi, Tongchao Liu, Tao He, Jianli Cheng*, Yongpeng Li, Jun Lu*, Bin Wang*, Bamboo-like Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotube Forests as Durable Metal-Free Catalysts for Self-Powered Flexible Li-CO2 Battery, Adv. Mater., 2019, 201903852. (IF=25.81,selected as the Frontispiece)

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24. Qiang Liu, Jingwen zhou, Chenhui Song, Xuelian Li, Zhuanpei Wang, Jie Yang, Jianli cheng, Hui Li, Bin Wang*, 2.2V High Performance Symmetrical Fiber-Shaped Aqueous Supercapacitors Enabled by “Water-in-Salt” Gel Electrolyte and N-Doped Graphene Fiber,Energy Storage Materials, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.ensm.2019.07.008. (Citescore=15.09)

23. Chenhui Song, Yongpeng Li, Hui Li, Tao He, Qun Guan, Jie Yang, Xuelian Li, Jianli Cheng*, Bin Wang, A Novel Flexible Fiber-Shaped Dual-Ion Battery with High Energy Density Based On Omnidirectional Porous Al Wire Anode, Nano Energy, 2019,60,285-293. (IF=15.55)

22. Junxiang Zhang, Zhuanpei Wang, Xuelian Li, Jie Yang, Chenhui Song, Yongpeng Li, Jianli Cheng*, Qun Guan and Bin Wang*, A Flexible Pt-free Fiber-Shaped Dye Sensitized Solar Cell with 10.28% Efficiency, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019,2,4,2870-2877. (Selected as the Cover Paper

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21. Yinchuan Li, Jingwen Zhou, Tingbo Zhang, Tianshuai Wang, Xuelian Li, Yafu Jia, Jianli Cheng, Qun Guan, Enzuo Liu, Huisheng Peng, Bin Wang*,Highly Surface-Wrinkled and N-Doped CNTs Anchored on Metal Wire: A Novel Fiber-Shaped Cathode toward High-Performance Flexible Li-CO2 Batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater, 2019, 31,1808117.(IF=15.62, Selected in hot topics:surfaces and interfaces)

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20. Jingwen Zhou, Xuelian Li, Chao Yang, Yinchuan Li, Kunkun Guo, Jianli Cheng*, Dingwang Yuan, Chenhui Song, Jun Lu*, Bin Wang*, A Quasi-Solid-State Flexible Fiber-shaped Li-CO2 Battery with Low Overpotential and High Energy Efficiency, Adv. Mater.2019,31(3)1804439. (IF=25.81,highly cited paper)

19. Jie Yang, Junxiang Zhang, Xuelian Li, Jingwen Zhou, Yongpeng Li, Zhuanpei Wang, Jianli Cheng*, Qun Guan, Bin Wang*, Single Janus Iodine-doped rGO/rGO Film with Multi-responsive Actuation and High Capacitance for Smart Integrated Electronics, Nano Energy,2018,53,916-925. (IF=15.55

18. Zhuanpei Wang, Jianli Cheng*, Jingwen Zhou, Junxiang Zhang, Hui Huang*, Jie Yang, Yinchuan Li, Bin Wang*, All-Climate Aqueous Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitors with Record Areal Energy Density and High Safety, Nano Energy, 2018,50,106-117.(IF=15.55

17.Zhuanpei Wang; Jianli Cheng*; Qun Guan;Hui Huang;Yinchuan Li;Jingwen Zhou;Wei Ni; Bin Wang*,Sisi He, Huisheng Peng*, All-in-one fiber for stretchable fiber-shaped Supercapacitors, Nano Energy, 2018,45,210-219.(IF=15.55

16. Bo Li; Jianli Cheng*; Zhuanpei Wang; Yinchuan Li; Wei Ni; Bin Wang*,Highly-Wrinkled Reduced Graphene Oxide-Conductive Polymer Fibers for Flexible Fiber-Shaped and Interdigital-Designed Supercapacitors, J. Power Sources, 2018,376,117-124.(IF=7.47

15. Ling Huang; Qun Guan; Jianli Cheng*; Chun Li; Wei Ni; Zhuanpei Wang; Yun Zhang; Bin Wang*, Free-standing N-doped carbon nanofibers/carbon nanotubes hybrid film for flexible, robust half and full lithium-ion batteries,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334,682-690.(IF=8.36

14. Dan Yang, Wei Ni, Jianli Cheng, Zhuanpei Wang, Chun Li, Yun Zhang*, Bin Wang*, Omnidirectional porous fiber scrolls of polyaniline nanopillars array-N-doped carbon nanofibers for fiber-shaped supercapacitors, Materials Today Energy, 2017, 5, 196-204.

13. Jianli Cheng, Wei Ni, Guifang Gu, Qun Guan, Yinchuan Li, Bin Wang,*,Graphene Oxide Hydrogel as Restricted-Area Nanoreactor for Synthesis of 3D Graphene Supported Ultrafine TiO2 Nanorod Nanocomposites for High Rate Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes,Nanotechnology,2017, 28, 305401.(IF=3.4)

12. Dan Yang, Wei Ni*, Jianli Cheng, Zhuanpei Wang, Ting Wang, Qun Guan,Yun Zhang∗, Hao  Wu, Xiaodong Li, Bin Wang*, Flexible three-dimensional electrodes of hollow carbon bead strings as graded sulfur reservoirs and the synergistic mechanism for lithium-sulfur batteries, Applied Surface Science,2017, 415,207-219.(IF=5.16)

11. Zhiyu Wang, Jianli Cheng*, Wei Ni, Lizhen Gao, Dan Yang, Joselito M.  Razal*, Bin Wang*, Poly(3,4-ethylene-dioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) glued and graphene encapsulated sulfur-carbon film for high-performance free-standing lithium-sulfur batteries, J. Power Sources, 2017, 342,772-778. (IF=7.47)

10.B. Wang, C.Hu, L.Dai*, Functionalized carbon nanotubes and graphene-based materials for energy storage, Chem.Comm.,2016, 52, 14350-14360. (Invited ReviewIF=6.16)

9. D.M Yuan, B. Li, J.L. Cheng, Q. Guan, Z.P. Wang, W. Ni, C. Li, H. Liu, B. Wang*, Twisted  yarns  for  fiber-shaped  supercapacitors  based  on wetspun PEDOT:PSS fibers from aqueous coagulation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 11616-11624. (IF=10.73)

8. G. Qu, J.Cheng*, X. Li, D. Yuan, P. Chen, X. Chen, B. Wang*, and H. Peng*, A fiber supercapacitor with high energy density based on hollow graphene/conducting polymer fiber electrode, Advanced  Materials, 2016, 28,3646-3652.(Selected as Front Cover Paper and the most accessed paper in 05/2016 and ESI 1% highly cited papers and Hot topic paper) (IF=25.81)

7. X. Li, X. Li*, J. Cheng, D. Yuan, W. Ni, Q. Guan, B. Wang*, Lizhen Gao, Fiber−Shaped Solid−State Supercapacitors Based on Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets for a Self−powered Photodetecting System, Nano Energy, 2016, 21, 228–237. (IF=15.55 Top 25 Hottest Articles and ESI 1% highly cited papers)

6. J. Cheng, G. Gu, Q. Guan, J. M. Razal*, Z. Wang, X. Li , B. Wang*, Porous Sheet-like V2O5-CNT Nanocomposite Synthesized by Ice-Templating ‘Bricks-and-Mortar’ Assembly as High-Capacity, Long Cyclelife Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 2729-2739. (IF=10.73)

5. G.F. Gu, J.L. Cheng* , X.D. Li , W. Ni, Q. Guan,G.X. Qu, B. Wang* , Facile Synthesis of Graphene Supported Ultralong TiO2 Nanofibers from the Commercial Titania for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 6642 – 6648. (IF= 10.73)

4. L. Huang, J. Cheng, X. Li, D. Yuan, W. Ni, G. Qu,Q. Guan, Y. Zhang*, B. Wang*, Sulfur Quantum Dots Wrapped by Conductive Polymer Shell with Internal Void Spaces for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 4049 – 4057. (IF= IF=10.73)

3. W.Ni, J.L.Cheng,L.Y.Shi,X.D.Li, B.Wang*, Q.Guan,L.Huang, G.F.Gu,Integration of Sn/C Yolk-Shell Nanostructures into Free-standing Conductive Networks as Hierarchical Composite 3D Electrodes and the Li-ion Insertion/Extraction Properties in a Gel-type Lithium-ion Battery Thereof, J. Mater. Chem.A, 2014, 2, 19122-19130. (IF= 10.73, Selected as Inside Back Cover)

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2. X.D. Li, Z.M. Zhang, L.L. Chen, Z.P. Liu, J.L. Cheng, W. Ni, E.Q. Xie*, B. Wang*, Cadmium sulfide quantum dots sensitized tin dioxide-titanium dioxide heterojunction for efficient photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, J. Power Sources, 2014, 269,866-872. (IF=7.47)

1.Q.Guan,J.L.Cheng,B. Wang*,W. Ni,X.D. Li, G.F. Gu, L. Huang, G.C. Yang, F.D. Nie*, Needle-like Co3O4 Anchored on the Graphene with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Aqueous Supercapacitors, ACS applied materials and interfaces, 2014, 6 (10), 7626–7632. (IF=8.46, Selected as one of ESI highly cited paper updated on July/2015).