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  • Yu, X., Li, Y.*, Su, Z., Tao, Y., Nguyen, B., Xia, F. 2020. Entrepreneurial Bricolage and Its Effects on New Venture Growth and Adaptiveness in an Emerging Economy. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-019-09657-1.
  • Yu, X., Meng, X., Cao, G., Jia Y*. 2020. Exploring the Relationship between Entrepreneurial failure and Conflict between Work and Family from Conservation of Resources Perspective. International Journal of Conflict Management. 31(3): 417-440.
  • Wang, X., Dass, M., Arnett, D.B., Yu, X*. 2020. Understanding Firms’ Relative Strategic Emphases: An Entrepreneurial Orientation Explanation. Industrial Marketing Management. 84(1): 151-164.
  • Wang, XC., Yu, X*. 2019. The Contradictory Effects of Customer Participation Breadth and Depth on Customer-perceived Value. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 34(8): 1736-1748.
  • Zhao, H., Liu, W., Li, J.*, & Yu, X. 2019. Leader-Member Exchange, Organizational Identification, and Knowledge Hiding: The Moderating Role of Relative Leader–Member Exchange. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 40: 834-848.
  • Yu, X., Li, Y.*, Chen, D., Meng, X., Nguyen, B., Tao, X. 2019. Entrepreneurial Bricolage and Online Store Performance in Emerging Economies. Electronic Markets. 29(2): 167-185.
  • Yu, X., Tao, Y., Tao X., Xia, F., Li, Y.* 2018. Managing Uncertainty in Emerging Economies: The Interaction Effects between Causation and Effectuation on Firm Performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 135(10): 121-131.
  • Yu, X., Roy, S.K., Quazi, A., Nguyen, B.*, Han, Y. 2017. Internet entrepreneurship and ‘the sharing of information’ in an Internet-of-Things context. Internet Research. 27(1): 74-96.
  • Nguyen, B. Yu, X.*, Melewar, T.C., Gupta, S. 2016. Critical Brand Innovation Factors (CBIF): Understanding Innovation and Market Performance in the Chinese High-Tech Service Industry. Journal of Business Research. 69(7): 2471-2479.
  • Yu, X., Chen Y., Nguyen, B*. 2014. Knowledge Management, Learning Behavior from Failure and New Product Development of New Technology Ventures. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 31(3): 405-423.