1. R2F methods:叶绿素荧光降尺度理论
工作简介:通过阐明近红外反射率和SIF辐射传输过程的相似性,提出了基于反射率的SIF信号解译方法—Reflectance-to-fluorescence 方法
参考文献:Yang, P., & van der Tol, C. (2018). Linking canopy scattering of far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence with reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment, 209, 456-467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.029
2. FCVI 指数:叶绿素荧光结构与生理解耦指数
工作简介:分别建立反射率与光合有效辐射的吸收fPAR,以及荧光散射的物理关系,提出Fluorescence correction vegetation index, 实现从遥感信号中提取光合能量分配的方法:生理与结构的解耦指数
参考文献:Yang, Peiqi, et al. "Fluorescence Correction Vegetation Index (FCVI): A physically based reflectance index to separate physiological and non-physiological information in far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence." Remote sensing of environment 240 (2020): 111676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111676
3. Soil correction methods (RBB, TBB, LAB)
1)Red-band-based (RBB) 方法: 利用冠层红光反射率估算土壤直接反射对冠层反射率的贡献;
2)Two-band-based (TBB)方法: 利用冠层蓝光和红光双波段反射率估算土壤影响;
3)Linear-assumption-based (LAB)方法: 假定土壤反射率线性变化进而估算土壤影响;
RBB方法利用了675 nm处的冠层反射率和土壤反射率信息,TBB方法利用了675 nm和438 nm处的冠层反射率和土壤反射率信息,LAB方法利用了675 nm和438 nm处的冠层反射率和土壤反射率在可见光-近红外光谱范围内的线性依赖性假设。
参考文献:Yang, Peiqi, et al. "Separation of the direct reflection of soil from canopy spectral reflectance." Remote Sensing of Environment 316 (2025): 114500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2024.114500
4. saPRI指数:PRI土壤校正与冠层到叶片降尺度方法
参考文献:Yang, Peiqi. "Downscaling canopy photochemical reflectance index to leaf level by correcting for the soil effects." Remote Sensing of Environment 311 (2024): 114250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2024.114250
Yang, P. (2022). Exploring the interrelated effects of soil background, canopy structure and sun-observer geometry on canopy photochemical reflectance index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 279, 113133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113133
5. LAD-Lidar: 基于激光雷达的叶倾角反演方法