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1. 电场调控低维铁磁材料自旋机制研究

    Ferromagnetism, refers to a permanent magnetic moment without applying any external magnetic field when the temperature is below a critical value-Curie temperature (Tc). Through the ages, the three-dimensional (3D) ferromagnetic with high Tc can be easily achieved. However, according to the Mermin-Wanger theorem, the finite-range exchange interaction cannot preserve the long-range magnetic orders in 2D system which can be destroyed by the thermal fluctuation at nonzero temperature. Cutting through the limitation of Mermin-Wanger theorem requires strong enough magnetic anisotropy overcoming the thermal fluctuation like the way the 2D Ising model are. Thus, introducing magnetic anisotropywill make the way to long-range magnetic order at finite temperature and 2D ferromagnetism possible. The spin states and spin-wave can be harnessed to carve out a path to realize modulator, spintronic and memory devices.


2. 低维铁磁材料晶圆级生长制备研究

     At this stage, the key questions that are being addressed are that 2D ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials can be reliably larger-scally synthesized with high quality and higher Tc.  Once, the constraints are overcomed, the potential for technological impact is enormou.