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60. Yangliu Wu, Haipeng Lu, Xiaocang Han, Chendi Yang, Nanshu Liu, Xiaoxu Zhao, Liang Qiao, Wei Ji, Renchao Che, Longjiang Deng* and Bo Peng*Observation of unconventional van der Waals multiferroics near room temperature;  https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.14300

59. Yangliu Wu, Haipeng Lu, Xiaocang Han, Chendi Yang, Nanshu Liu, Xiaoxu Zhao, Liang Qiao, Wei Ji, Renchao Che, Longjiang Deng* and Bo Peng*Coexistence of ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in 2D van der Waals multiferroic (Submitted)

58. Yuting Niu, Zhen Liu, Ke Wang, Wanlei Ai, Tao Gong, Tao Liu, Lei Bi, Gang Zhang*, Longjiang Deng* and Bo Peng*; Robust Electric-Field Control of Colossal Exchange Bias in CrI3 Homotrilayer (Submitted)

57. Yangliu Wu, Deju Zhang, Yanning Zhang*, Longjiang Deng* and Bo Peng*Non-Reciprocal and Non-Volatile Electric-Field Switching of Magnetism in van der Waals Heterostructure Multiferroics (Revised)

56. Jiang, Y.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wei, J.; Peng, B.*; Qiu, C.-W.* Dilemma in optical identification of single-layer multiferroics. Nature 2023, 619, E40-E43.

55. Yue Li, Xinlin Geng, Xianghong Kong, Xingsi Liu, Zhen Liu, Zheng Wang, Difei Liang,Qian Xie, Jianliang Xie,* Longjiang Deng,* Cheng-Wei Qiu,* and Bo Peng*; Picosecond Wide-Angle Dynamic Beam Steering for ObjectTracking;Laser Photonics Rev.2022, 2200274; DOI: 0.1002/lpor.202200274

54. Zhen Liu, Yongzheng Guo, Zhiyong Chen, Tao Gong, Yue Li, Yuting Niu, Yingchun Cheng, Haipeng Lu, Longjiang Deng* and Bo Peng* ;Observation of intrinsic crystal phase in bare few-layer CrI3;Nanophotonics 2022; 11(19): 4409–4417;DOI:https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2022-0246

53. Bo Peng, Hongmei Zhou, Zhen Liu, Yue Li, Qiuyu Shang, Jianliang Xie, Longjiang Deng, Qing Zhang, and Difei Liang* Pattern-Selective Molecular Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystalline Perovskite Arrays toward Ultrasensitive and Ultrafast Photodetector.Nano Lett. 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00074

52. Zhao, X.; Qiao, J.; Zhou, X.; Chen, H.; Tan, J. Y.; Yu, H.; Chan, S. M.; Li, J.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, J.; Dan, J.; Liu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Liu, Z.; Peng, B.*; Deng, L.; Pennycook, S. J.; Quek, S. Y.; Loh, K. P.* Strong Moiré Excitons in High-Angle Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers with Robust Commensuration. Nano Lett. 2022, 22, 203-210.


51. Yu-Ting Niu, Fang-Zhu Qing, Xue-Song Li* and Bo Peng*; Inhomogeneous strain and doping of transferred CVD-grown graphene; Rare Metals, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s12598-021-01912-z

50. Peng Bo, Chen Zhiyong, Li Yue, Liu Zhen, Liang Difei, Deng Longjiang; Multiwavelength magnetic coding of helical luminescence in ferromagnetic 2D layered CrI3, iScience, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.103623


 49. Yu-Ting Niu, Xiao Lu, Zhong-Tai Shi, Peng Bo*; Observation of magnetoresistance in CrI3/graphenevan der Waals heterostructures, Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30, 117506-117506



48. Liu Zhen; Deng Longjiang; Peng Bo*; Ferromagnetic and ferroelectric two-dimensional materials for memory application, Nano research, 2020, 14, 1802-1813


47. Zhen Liu, Kai Guo, Guangwei Hu, Zhongtai Shi, Yue Li, Linbo Zhang, Haiyan Chen, Li Zhang, Peiheng Zhou, Haipeng Lu, MiaoLing Lin, Sizhao Liu, Yingchun Cheng, Xue Lu Liu, Jianliang Xie, Lei Bi, PingHeng Tan, Longjiang Deng*,ChengWei Qiu*, Bo Peng*, Observation of nonreciprocal magneto phonon effect in nonencapsulated few-layered CrI3, Science advances, 6, eabc7628 (2020). 


46. Siyu Zhou, Bo Peng*;Non-volatile optical memory in vertical van der Waals heterostructures, Journal of Semiconductors, 2020, 41, 072906 .


45. Wei Fu, Xiaoxu Zhao, Ke Wang, Zhi Chen, Kai Leng, Deyi Fu, Peng Song, Hai Wang, Longjiang Deng, Stephen John Pennycook, Gang Zhang*, Bo Peng*, and Kian Ping Loh*,An Anomalous Magneto-Optic Effect in Epitaxial Indium Selenide Layers, Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 7, 5330–5338


44. Li Qi #; Zhao Xiaoxu #; Deng Longjiang; Shi Zhongtai; Liu Sheng; Wei Qilin; Zhang Linbo; Cheng Yingchun*; Zhang Li; Lu Haipeng; Gao Weibo; Huang Wei; Qiu Cheng-Wei; Xiang Gang; Pennycook John Stephen; Xiong Qihua; Loh Kian Ping*; Peng Bo*; Enhanced Valley Zeeman Splitting in Fe-Doped Monolayer MoS2, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 4, 4636–4645(封面论文)


43. Wang Yaqian; Deng Longjiang; Wei Qilin; Wan Yi; Liu Zhen; Lu Xiao; Li Yue; Bi Lei; Zhang Li; Lu Haipeng; Chen Haiyan; Zhou Peiheng; Zhang Linbo; Cheng Yingchun*; Zhao Xiaoxu*; Ye Yu; Huang Wei; Pennycook John Stephen; Loh Kian Ping; Bo Peng*; Spin-Valley Locking Effect in Defect States of Monolayer MoS2, Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 3, 2129–2136. 


42. Shi Zhongtai; Muhammad Shoaib; Deng Longjiang; Liu Zhen; Bi Lei; Zhang Linbo; Zhang Li; Zhou Peiheng; Chen Haiyan; Lu Haipeng; Xie Jianliang; Li Dong; Pan Anlian*; Peng Bo*; Magnetic-brightening and control of dark exciton in CsPbBr3 perovskite, Science China Materials, 2020, 63, 1503–1509


41. Guo Kai; Deng Bowen; Liu Zhen; Gao Chaofeng; Shi Zhongtai; Bi Lei; Zhang Li; Lu Haipeng; Zhou Peiheng; Zhang Linbo*; Cheng Yingchun; Peng Bo*; Layer dependence of stacking order in nonencapsulated few-layer CrI3, Science China Materials, 2020, 63(3): 413-420 (封面论文) 


40. Gu Pingfan#; Tan Qinghai#; Wan Yi#; Li Ziling; Peng Yuxuan; Lai Jiawei; Ma Junchao; Yao Xiaohan; Yang Shiqi; Yuan Kai; Sun Dong; Peng Bo; Zhang Jun; Ye Yu*, Photoluminescent Quantum Interference in a van der Waals Magnet Preserved by Symmetry Breaking, ACS Nano, 2020 14 (1), 1003-1010



39.    Chen Jie; Zhang Qing*; Shi Jia; Zhang Shuai; Du Wenna; Mi Yang; Shang Qiuyu; Liu Pengchong; Sui Xinyu; Wu Xianxin; Wang Rui; Peng Bo, Zhong Haizheng; Xing Guichuan; Qiu Xiaohui; Sum Tze Chien*; Liu Xinfeng*; Room temperature continuous-wave excited biexciton emission in perovskite nanoplatelets via plasmonic nonlinear fano resonance, Communications Physics, 2019, 2(1), 80


38.    Li, Y.; Li, J.; Huang, T.; Huang, F.; Qin, J.; Bi, L.; Xie, J.; Deng, L.; Peng, B.* Active Macroscale Visible Plasmonic Nanorod Self-Assembled Monolayer. Photon. Res. 2018, 6, 409-416.


37.     Peng, B.*; Li, Q.; Liang, X.; Song, P.; Li, J.; He, K.; Fu, D.; Li, Y.; Shen, C.; Wang, H.; Wang, C.; Liu, T.; Zhang, L.; Lu, H.; Wang, X.; Zhao, J.; Xie, J.; Wu, M.; Bi, L.; Deng, L., et al. Valley Polarization of Trions and Magnetoresistance in Heterostructures of Mos2 and Yttrium Iron Garnet. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 12257-12265.


36.     Peng, B.*; Li, J.; Li, Q.; Li, Y.; Zhu, H.; Zhang, L.; Wang, X.; Bi, L.; Lu, H.; Xie, J.; Deng, L.; Xu, Q.; Loh, K., Bose-Einstein oscillators and the excitation mechanism of free excitons in 2D layered organic-inorganic perovskites. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 18366-18373.


35.     Peng, B.; Yu, G.; Zhao, Y.; Xu, Q.; Xing, G.; Liu, X.; Fu, D.; Liu, B.; Tan, J. R. S.; Tang, W., Lu, H.; Xie, J.; Deng, L.; Sum, T. C.; Loh, K. P. Achieving Ultrafast Hole Transfer at the Monolayer MoS2 and Ch3nh3pbi3 Perovskite Interface by Defect Engineering. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 6383-6391.


34.      Peng, B.; Li, Y.; Li, J.; Bi, L.; Lu, H.; Xie, J.; Ren, X.; Cai, Y.; Wang, N.; Meng, X.; Deng, L. J.; Guo, Z. Monodisperse Light Color Nanoparticle Ink toward Chromatic Electrophoretic Displays. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 10917


33.      Peng, B.; Yu, G.; Liu, X.; Liu, B.; Liang, X.; Bi, L.; Deng, L.; Sum, T. C.; Loh, K. P. Ultrafast charge transfer in MoS2 /WSe2 p–n Heterojunction. 2D Materials 2016, 3, 025020.


32.      Peng, B*.; Lu, X.; Mutlugun, E.; Chen, S.; Huan, C. H. A.; Yu, S. F.; Demir, H. V.; Xiong, Q., Exciton Dynamics in Luminescent Carbon Nanodots: Electron-Hole Exchange Interaction. Nano Research, 2016, 9,549-559.


31.       Peng, B.; Ang, P. K.; Loh, K. P., Two-Dimensional Dichalcogenides for Light-Harvesting Applications. Nano Today 2015, 10, 128-137. 



30.       Peng, B.; Li, Z.; Mutlugun, E.; Hernandez Martinez, P. L.; Li, D.; Zhang, Q.; Gao, Y.; Demir, H. V.; Xiong, Q., Quantum Dots on Vertically Aligned Gold Nanorod Monolayer: Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 5592-5598.


29.       Peng, B.; Li, G.; Li, D.; Dodson, S.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, J.; Lee, Y. H.; Demir, H. V.; Yi Ling, X.; Xiong, Q., Vertically Aligned Gold Nanorod Monolayer on Arbitrary Substrates: Self-Assembly and Femtomolar Detection of Food Contaminants. ACS Nano 2013, 7, 5993-6000.(ESI Top 1%)


28.       Peng, B.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, X. F.; Ji, Y.; Demir, H. V.; Huan, C. H. A.; Sum, T. C.; Xiong, Q. H., Fluorophore-Doped Core-Multishell Spherical Plasmonic Nanocavities: Resonant Energy Transfer toward a Loss Compensation. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 6250-6259.


27.       Peng, B.; Tan, L. F.; Chen, D.; Meng, X. W.; Tang, F. Q., Programming Surface Morphology of Tio2 Hollow Spheres and Their Superhydrophilic Films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2012, 4, 96-101.


26.       Peng, B.; Chen, D.; Deng, Z. T.; Wen, T.; Meng, X. W.; Ren, X. L.; Ren, J.; Tang, F. Q., Surfactant-Free Self-Assembly of Nanocrystals into Ellipsoidal Architectures. Chemphyschem 2010, 11, 3744-3751.


25.       Peng, B.; Tang, F. Q.; Chen, D.; Ren, M. L.; Meng, X. W.; Ren, J., Preparation of Ps/Tio2/Uf Multilayer Core-Shell Hybrid Microspheres with High Stability. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2009, 329, 62-66.


24.       Peng, B.; Meng, X. W.; Tang, F. Q.; Ren, X. L.; Chen, D.; Ren, J., General Synthesis and Optical Properties of Monodisperse Multifunctional Metal-Ion-Doped Tio2 Hollow Particles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113, 20240-20245.


23.       Peng, B.; Deng, Z. T.; Tang, F. Q.; Chen, D.; Ren, X. L.; Ren, J., Self-Healing Self-Assembly of Aspect-Ratio-Tunable Chloroplast-Shaped Architectures. Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9, 4745-4751.


22. Zhao, M.; Zhang, J.; Gao, N.; Song, P.; Bosman, M.; Peng, B.; Sun, B.; Qiu, C.-W.; Xu, Q.-H.; Bao, Q., Loh, K. P. Actively Tunable Visible Surface Plasmons in Bi2te3 and Their Energy-Harvesting Applications. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 3138-3144.


21.       Liu, Z.; Yang, Z.; Peng, B.; Cao, C.; Zhang, C.; You, H.; Xiong, Q.; Li, Z.; Fang, J., Highly Sensitive, Uniform, and Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy from Hollow Au-Ag Alloy Nanourchins. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 2431-2439.


20.       Wen, X.; Li, G.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Q.; Peng, B.; Wong, L. M.; Wang, S.; Xiong, Q., Transparent Free-Standing Metamaterials and Their Applications in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 132-139.


19.       Xu, X.; Kyaw, A. K. K.; Peng, B.; Du, Q.; Hong, L.; Demir, H. V.; Wong, T. K. S.; Xiong, Q.; Sun, X. W., Enhanced Efficiency of Solution-Processed Small-Molecule Solar Cells Upon Incorporation of Gold Nanospheres and Nanorods into Organic Layers. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 4451-4454.


18.       Xu, X.; Du, Q.; Peng, B.; Xiong, Q.; Hong, L.; Demir, H. V.; Wong, T. K. S.; Ko Kyaw, A. K.; Sun, X. W., Effect of Shell Thickness on Small-Molecule Solar Cells Enhanced by Dual Plasmonic Gold-Silica Nanorods. Applied Physics Letters 2014, 105, 113306.


17.       Chen, S. F.; Peng, B.; Cheng, F.; Mei, Y.; Kong, M.; Hao, J. Y.; Zhang, R.; Xiong, Q. H.; Wang, L. H.; Huang, W., Plasmon-Enhanced Polymer Photovoltaic Cells Based on Large Aspect Ratio Gold Nanorods and the Related Working Mechanism. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 104, 213903


16.       Chen, S.; Peng, B.; Lu, F.; Mei, Y.; Cheng, F.; Deng, L.; Xiong, Q.; Wang, L.; Sun, X.; Huang, W., Scattering or Photoluminescence Major Mechanism Exploration on Performance Enhancement in P3ht-Based Polymer Solar Cells with Nayf4:2% Er3+, 18% Yb3+ Upconverting Nanocrystals. Adv. Optical Mater. 2014, 2, 442-449.


15.       Zhu, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Utama, M. I. B.; de la Mata, M.; Zhao, Y. Y.; Zhang, Q.; Peng, B.; Magen, C.; Arbiol, J.; Xiong, Q. H., Solution Phase Van Der Waals Epitaxy of Zno Wire Arrays. Nanoscale 2013, 5, 7242-7249.


14.       Xu, X. Y.; Kyaw, A. K. K.; Peng, B.; Zhao, D. W.; Wong, T. K. S.; Xiong, Q. H.; Sun, X. W.; Heeger, A. J., A Plasmonically Enhanced Polymer Solar Cell with Gold-Silica Core-Shell Nanorods. Org. Electron. 2013, 14, 2360-2368.


13.       Zhang, Q.; Zhang, J.; Utama, M. I. B.; Peng, B.; de la Mata, M.; Arbiol, J.; Xiong, Q. H., Exciton-Phonon Coupling in Individual Znte Nanorods Studied by Resonant Raman Spectroscopy. Physical Review B 2012, 85.


12.       Utama, M. I. B.; Belarre, F. J.; Magen, C.; Peng, B.; Arbiol, J.; Xiong, Q. H., Incommensurate Van Der Waals Epitaxy of Nanowire Arrays: A Case Study with Zno on Muscovite Mica Substrates. Nano. Lett. 2012, 12, 2146-2152.


11.       Pan, J.; Utama, M. I. B.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, X. F.; Peng, B.; Wong, L. M.; Sum, T. C.; Wang, S. J.; Xiong, Q. H., Composition-Tunable Vertically Aligned Cdsxse1-X Nanowire Arrays Via Van Der Waals Epitaxy: Investigation of Optical Properties and Photocatalytic Behavior. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 4151-4156.


10.       de la Mata, M.; Magen, C.; Gazquez, J.; Utama, M. I. B.; Heiss, M.; Lopatin, S.; Furtmayr, F.; Fernandez-Rojas, C. J.; Peng, B.; Morante, J. R., et al., Polarity Assignment in Znte, Gaas, Zno, and Gan-Aln Nanowires from Direct Dumbbell Analysis. Nano. Lett. 2012, 12, 2579-2586.


9.         Gao, F. G.; Li, L. L.; Liu, T. L.; Hao, N. J.; Liu, H. Y.; Tan, L. F.; Li, H. B.; Huang, X. L.; Peng, B.; Yan, C. M., et al., Doxorubicin Loaded Silica Nanorattles Actively Seek Tumors with Improved Anti-Tumor Effects. Nanoscale 2012, 4, 3365-3372.


8.         Zhao, Y. Y.; Chua, K. T. E.; Gan, C. K.; Zhang, J.; Peng, B.; Peng, Z. P.; Xiong, Q. H., Phonons in Bi2s3 Nanostructures: Raman Scattering and First-Principles Studies. Physical Review B 2011, 84.


7.         Zhang, J.; Peng, Z. P.; Soni, A.; Zhao, Y. Y.; Xiong, Y.; Peng, B.; Wang, J. B.; Dresselhaus, M. S.; Xiong, Q. H., Raman Spectroscopy of Few-Quintuple Layer Topological Insulator Bi2se3 Nanoplatelets. Nano. Lett. 2011, 11, 2407-2414.


6.         Xu, X. L.; Peng, B.; Li, D. H.; Zhang, J.; Wong, L. M.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, S. J.; Xiong, Q. H., Flexible Visible-Infrared Metamaterials and Their Applications in Highly Sensitive Chemical and Biological Sensing. Nano. Lett. 2011, 11, 3232-3238.


5.         Utama, M. I. B.; Peng, Z. P.; Chen, R.; Peng, B.; Xu, X. L.; Dong, Y. J.; Wong, L. M.; Wang, S. J.; Sun, H. D.; Xiong, Q. H., Vertically Aligned Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanowire Arrays on Muscovite Mica: A Demonstration of Epitaxial Growth Strategy. Nano. Lett. 2011, 11, 3051-3057.


4.         Chen, R.; Utama, M. I. B.; Peng, Z. P.; Peng, B.; Xiong, Q. H.; Sun, H. D., Excitonic Properties and near-Infrared Coherent Random Lasing in Vertically Aligned Cdse Nanowires. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 1404-1408.


3.         Meng, X. W.; Tang, F. Q.; Peng, B.; Ren, J., Monodisperse Hollow Tricolor Pigment Particles for Electronic Paper. Nanoscale Research Letters 2010, 5, 174-179.


2.         Deng, Z. T.; Peng, B.; Chen, D.; Tang, F. Q.; Muscat, A. J., A New Route to Self-Assembled Tin Dioxide Nanospheres: Fabrication and Characterization. Langmuir 2008, 24, 11089-11095.


1.         Deng, Z. T.; Chen, D.; Peng, B.; Tang, F. Q., From Bulk Metal Bi to Two-Dimensional Well-Crystallized Biox (X = Cl, Br) Micro- and Nanostructures: Synthesis and Characterization. Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8, 2995-3003.
