当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  2023.10| 祝贺侯瑞婷一篇论文被Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 接收发表|Paper by Ruiting Hou published in Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology.
2023.10| 祝贺侯瑞婷一篇论文被Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 接收发表|Paper by Ruiting Hou published in Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology.

Studying near room-temperature magnetoresistance of A-site Sr-doped into La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.98Fe0.02O3: Ag0.15 ceramics

Ruiting Hou, Haishan Wang,  Xiangxiang Zhu,  Qingming Chen, Hui Zhang, Yule Li*
