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20. Mingliang Duan, Zhencen He, Zhuohang He, Li Zhou, Baoren Wei, and Zhimin Hu*,

   A cold target recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy for atomic and molecular reaction dynamics induced by ion beams at few-MeV energies

    Submitted  (2024)

19. Zhuohang He, Zhencen He, Mingliang Duan, Junxiang Wu, Liyuan Deng, Ziqi Chen, Shuyu Zhang, Zhimin Hu*,

    Effect of the 15N(p,α)12C reaction on the kinetic energy release of water molecule fragmentation

    Submitted  (2024)

18. Zhao Sun, Zhencen He, Junxiang Wu, Liyuan Deng, Zhuohang He, Ziqi Chen, Junkang Jiang, Hang Zhu, Shuyu Zhang and Zhimin Hu*,

    Proton-CAT: a Novel Strategy for Enhanced Proton Therapyy

    Submitted  (2024)

17. Zhimin Hu, Chintan Shah, Sean R. McConnell, Andrey Surzhykov, and Stanislav Tashenov,

    Shake-off effect on L-shell ionization during nuclear α decay

    Submitted  (2024)

16. Zhencen He, Tianluo Luo, Yadong Liu, Zhihao Yang, Shuyu Zhang, Chengwu Huang, Baoren Wei, Bing Yan*, and Zhimin Hu*,

    Simulation sheds light on the long-standing problem of laboratory photoionized silicon plasma spectra

    Submitted  (2024)

15. 陈希普,罗天泺,胡智民*



14. 吴骏翔,邓力源,何贞岑,孙钊,胡智民*


   强激光与粒子束 36, 240019 (2024)

13. Zhihao Yang, Guangping Chen, Yongqing Hu, Yan Zhong, Hong Tu, Tianluo Luo,  Zhencen He,  and Zhimin Hu*,

    Effect of the configuration mixing on the polarization and angular distribution of x-ray line emissions following electron-impact excitation of Ne-like ions

   Opt. Express 32, 9877 (2024)

12. Tianluo Luo, Zhencen He, Zhihao Yang, Shuyu Zhang, and Zhimin Hu*,

    Linear polarization of dielectronic satellite lines of hydrogenlike ions with Z values ranging from 9 to 92

    Phys. Rev. A 109, 022815 (2024)

11. Tianluo Luo, Zhencen He, Zhihao Yang, Mingliang Duan, Xianliang Liu, Liangbo Xu, Shuyu Zhang, Xiang Gao, and Zhimin Hu*,

    Linear polarization of x rays emitted in radiative recombination into K and L shells of Kr, Xe, Bi, and U ions

    Phys. Rev. A 109, 012822 (2024)


10. Zhencen He, Ben Niu, Gang Xiong, Liangyu Huang, Jialin Liu, Liang Liu*, Zhimin Hu*, Chongyang Chen, Baoren Wei, Yaming Zou, and Ke Yao*,

    Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Highly Charged Open L-shell Tungsten Ions

    Phys. Plasmas 30, 043302 (2023)

9. Li Zhou, Zhihao Yang, Zhencen He, Tianluo Luo, Mingliang Duan, Zhu An, and Zhimin Hu*,

    Effect of the generalized Breit interaction on the K-shell x-ray spectra of hot krypton plasmas

    J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 297108469 (2023)

8. Zhencen He, Jiyan Zhang, Jiamin Yang, Bing Yan*,and Zhimin Hu*,

    Time-resolved K-shell x-ray spectra of ns laser-produced titanium tracer in gold plasmas

    Chinese Phys. B 32, 015202 (2023)


7Zhencen He, Ju Meng, Yajing Li, Fangshi Jia, Nadir Khan, Ben Niu, Liangyu Huang, Zhimin Hu*, Jiguang Li*, Jianguo Wang , Yaming Zou, Baoren Wei, and Ke Yao*,

    Magnetic-dipole lines in Fe-like and Mn-like molybdenum ions

    J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 288, 108276 (2022)

6. Zhihao Yang, Zhencen He, Gang Xiong, Ke Yao, Yang Yang, Baoren Wei, Yaming Zou, Zhongwen Wu, Ziqiang Tian, Yulong Ma, Chensheng Wu, Xiang Gao, and Zhimin Hu*,

    Apparent change of the 3C/3D line intensity ratio in neonlike ions

    Opt. Express 30, 25326 (2022)

5Zhimin Hu*, Gang Xiong, Zhencen He, Zhihao Yang, Naoki Numadate, Chengwu Huang, Jiamin Yang, Ke Yao*, Baoren Wei, Yaming Zou, Chensheng Wu, Yulong Ma, Yong Wu, Xiang Gao*, and Nobuyuki Nakamura,

    Giant retardation effect in electron-electron interaction

    Phys. Rev. A (Letter) 105, L030801 (2022)

4. Zhencen He, Jiarong Wang, Yu Zhang*, Bo Wang, Jie Han, Baihui Ren, Long Wei, Zihan Xia, Pufang Ma, Tianming Meng, Yaming Zou, Zhimin Hu*, and Baoren Wei*,

    Sequential deprotonation of the allene trication produced by 30-keV/u He2+ impact

    Phys. Rev. A 105, 022818 (2022)


3. Junwen Gao, Yueying Qi, Zhihao Yang, Zhimin Hu*, Yiwen Zhang, Yong Wu, Jianguo Wang, Alain Dubois, and Nicolas Sisourat,

    Single- and double-electron capture in intermediate-energy H++Mg collisions

   Phys. Rev. A 104, 032826 (2021)

2Zhihao Yang#, Junwen Gao#, Wenmin Yan, Ke Yao, Jiamin Yang, Zhongwen Wu, and Zhimin Hu*,

    Anisotropy and polarization of x-ray line emissions in the dielectronic recombination of hydrogenlike Fe25+ ions

    Phys. Rev. A 104, 022809 (2021)

1. Zhihao Yang, Zhiyu Zhang, Min Lv, Zhimin Hu*, Zhu An, Minxi Wei, Yang Zhao and Jiamin Yang*,

    A highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal spectrometer in von Hamos geometry for x-ray fluorescence experiments

    Meas. Sci. Technol. 32, 047001 (2021)


 *入职四川大学之前 (Selected)* 


1Zhimin Hu, Xiaoying Han, Yueming Li, Daiji Kato, Xiaomin Tong, and Nobuyuki Nakamura, 

   Experimental Demonstration of the Breit Interaction which Dominates the Angular Distribution of X-ray Emission in Dielectronic Recombination

   Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 073002 (2012) 


2Zhimin Hu, Yueming Li, and Nobuyuki Nakamura, 

   Resonance strength for KLL dielectronic recombination of hydrogenlike krypton

    Phys. Rev. A 87, 052706 (2013)                        

3. Gang Xiong, Jiyan Zhang, Zhimin Hu*, Nobuyuki Nakamura, Yueming Li, Xiaoying Han, Jiamin Yang, and Baohan Zhang, 

   KLL dielectronic-recombination measurement for Li-like to O-like gold

    Phys. Rev. A 88, 042704 (2013)      

4Zhimin Hu, Yusuke Ishiguro, Hirofumi Watanabe, Shunsuke Ohtani and Noubuyuki Nakamura, 

     Nucl. Instr. and Methods B 298, 96 (2013)


5Zhimin Hu, Yueming Li, Xiaoying Han, Daiji Kato, Xiaomin Tong, Hirofumi Watanabe, and Nobuyuki Nakamura,

   Atomic-number dependence of the magnetic-sublevel population in the autoionization state formed in dielectronic recombination

    Phys. Rev. A 90, 062702 (2014)


6. Holger Jörg, Zhimin Hu, Hendrik Bekker, Michael A. Blessenohl, Daniel Hollain, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov, 

   Linear polarization of x-ray transitions due to dielectronic recombination in highly charged ions

    Phys. Rev. A 91, 042705 (2015)                          

7. Chintan Shah, Holger Jörg, Sven Bernitt, Stepan Dobrodey, René Steinbrügge, Christian Beilmann, Pedro Amaro, Zhimin Hu, Sebastian Weber, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov, 

   Polarization measurement of dielectronic recombination transitions in highly charged krypton ions

     Phys. Rev. A 92, 042702 (2015)


8. Gang Xiong, Jiamin Yang, Jiyan Zhang*, Zhimin Hu*, Yang Zhao, Bo Qing, Guohong Yang, Minxi Wei, Rongqing Yi, Tianming Song, Hang Li, Zheng Yuan, Min Lv, Xujun Meng, Yan Xu, Zeqing Wu and Jun Yan, 

  Opacity measurement and theoretical investigation of hot silicon plasma

     Astrophys. J. 816 (1), 36 (2016) 


9. Zhencen He, Zhimin Hu*, Yong Hou, Jiamin Yang, Jianmin Yuan, Gang Jiang*, Jiyan Zhang, Yunsong Dong, Chengwu Huang, 

     Can. J. Phys. 96 (12), 1404 (2018)


10. Yudong Pu, Xuan Luo, Lu Zhang, Chuankui Sun, Zhimin Hu, Gang Shen, Xuerong Wang, Qi Tang, Zhen Yuan, Feng Wang, Dong Yang, Jiamin Yang, Shaoen Jiang, Yongkun Ding, and Jianguo Wang, 

  Chunk mixing implosion experiments using deuterated foam capsules with gold dopant

     Phys. Rev. E 102, 023204 (2020)                                                                     

11. Chensheng Wu, Lu-You Xie, Zhimin Hu*, Xiang Gao*, 

   Prominent enhancement on the radiative branching ratio of the doubly excited resonant states due to the Breit interaction induced ion-core energy inversion

     J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 246, 106912 (2020)