Editor-in-Chief: Stephen E. Rees, PhD Respiratory and Critical Care Group (RCARE) Aalborg University Denmark Associate Editors:
Karim Bendjelid Intensive Care Service Geneva University Hospitals Switzerland Jan Hendrickx Department of Anesthesiology OLV Hospital Aalst, Belgium
Thomas Scheeren Department of Anesthesiology University Medical Center, Groningen The Netherlands Stanley Skinner Department of Intraoperative Monitoring Abbott Northwestern Hospital Minneapolis, MN Tom C.R.V. Van Zundert Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Udayana University Bali, Indonesia Ziekenhuis Oost Limurg Genk, Belgium
Society Representatives: NAVAt - Philip Peyton, Melbourne, Australia ESCTAIC - Stephen Rees, Aalborg, Denmark (European Society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care) STA - Kirk Shelley, New Haven, CT (Society for Technology in Anesthesia) SCAI - Sven Zenker, Pittsburgh, PA (Society for Complex Acute Illness) Editorial Board: Neurophysiological Monitoring Gracee Agrawal, Cleveland Heights, OH Martin Bootin, Houston, TX Bikash Bose, Newark, DE Jorgen Bruhn, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Dennis Drummond, Philadelphia, PA David Houlden, Toronto, Canada Mike Jaffe, Cheshire, CT Ville Jantti, Tampere, Finland Mathieu Jeanne, Lille, France Christian Jeleazcov, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany David MacDonald, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Sylvia Pelayo, Lille, France Anthony K. Sestokas, Nashville, TN J. Richard Toleikis, Chicago, IL Leo Towle, Chicago, IL Charles D. Yingling, Stanford, CA Cardiovascular Monitoring Maxime Cannesson, Orange, CA Lester AH Critchley, Shatin, Hong Kong Thomas Desaive, Liege Belgium Azriel Perel, Tel Aviv, Israel Steffen Rex, Leuven, Belgium Bernd Saugel, Hamburg, Germany Niels Secher, Copenhagen, Denmark Kirk Shelley, New Haven, CT Michael Shabot, Los Angeles, CA Richard Teplick, Mobile, AL Pulmonary Monitoring Jason H. Bates, Burlington, VT Ron Dueck, La Jolla, CA Mike Jaffe, Cheshire, CT Dan S. Karbing, Aalborg, Denmark Steffen Leonhardt, Aachen, Germany Gaetano Perchiazzi, Uppsala, Sweden Glucose Monitoring and Regulation Geoff Chase, Christchurch, New Zealand Cellular Monitoring Egbert G. Mik, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Distance Education and e-Learning Vincenzo Lanza, Siracusa, Italy AIMS, Decision Support Systems and Internet Technology Rene Hagenouw, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Alan Morris, Murray, UT Mohamed Rehman, Philadelphia, PA Kevin K. Tremper, Ann Arbor, Michigan Ergonomics Workflow and Human Factors John Doyle, Cleveland, OH Wolfgang Friesdorf, Berlin, Germany Ingo Marsolek, Berlin, Germany Keith J. Ruskin , Westport, CT