Editorial Board
H. Rennenberg
Freiburg, Germany
E-mail: heinz.rennenberg@ctp.uni-freiburg.de
J. T. M. Elzenga
Haren, The Netherlands
E-mail: j.t.m.elzenga@biol.rug.nl
Reviews Editor
A. Weber
Düsseldorf, Germany
E-mail: andreas.weber@uni-duesseldorf.de
R. Mendel
Braunschweig, Germany
E-mail: r.mendel@tu-bs.de
Molecular biology of primary metabolism
R. Bekker
Haren, The Netherlands
E-mail: r.m.bekker@rug.nl
Vegetation dynamics, soil seed banks, seed morphology, germination and establishment, community ecology, restoration ecology
Editorial Board
W. W. Adams III
Boulder, USA
E-mail: william.adams@colorado.edu
Photosynthesis, photoprotection, energy dissipation, carotenoids, ecophysiology, source-sink relations, phloem and xylem transport
M. Arista
Sevilla, Spain
E-mail: marista@us.es
Reproductive biology, plant mating system, floral trait evolution, plant-pollinator interaction
L. Bentsink
Wageningen, The Netherlands
E-mail: leonie.bentsink@wur.nl
Seed dormancy, seed longevity, germination, natural variation
T. Bisseling
Wageningen, The Netherlands
E-mail: ton.bisseling@wur.nl
Plant-microbe interactions, nuclear organization, plant development
D. L. Byers
Normal, USA
E-mail: dlbyers2@ilstu.edu
Community, population and physiological ecology, conservation biology and evolutionary ecology
A. Dafni
Haifa, Israel
E-mail: amots.dafni@gmail.com
Pollination ecologyy
P. Dietrich
Erlangen, Germany
E-mail: petra.dietrich@fau.de
Membrane transport, abiotic stress responses, stomatal movement, signal transduction, Ca2+-signalling, cell biology
E. Flemetakis
Athens, Greece
E-mail: mflem@aua.gr
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, plant symbioses, molecular biochemistry, gene expression
P. Franken
Grossbeeren, Germany
E-mail: philipp.franken@fh-erfurt.de
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, plant symbioses, plant nutrition, molecular mycology, transcriptiomics
P. Fransz
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: p.f.fransz@uva.nl
Chromosomes, chromatin, nuclear organisation, epigenetics, cytogenetics, meiosis
B. Hause
Halle/Saale, Germany
E-mail; bhause@ipb-halle.de
Plant hormones, symbiosis, root development, metabolism
M. Hawkesford
Rothamsted, UK
E-mail: malcolm.hawkesford@rothamsted.ac.uk
Plant nutrition physiology and molecular biology
I. Kranner
Innsbruck, Österreich
E-mail: ilse.kranner@uibk.ac.at
Stress response, seeds, lichens, antioxidants
R. C. Leegood
Sheffield, UK
E-mail: r.leegood@sheffield.ac.uk
Photosynthesis, carbon and nitrogen metabolism, photorespiration, CO2 concentrating mechanisms
B. Liu
California, USA
E-mail: bliu@ucdavis.edu
Cell biology, cell division, mitosis, cytokinesis, the cytoskeleton
F. Loreto
Rome, Italy
E-mail: francesco.loreto@cnr.it
Chlorophyll fluorescence, climate change, isoprenoids, photosynthesis, respiration, stress physiology
Z.-B. Luo
Beijing, China
E-mail: luozbbill@163.com
Ecophysiological and molecular responses of plants to abiotic stress (heavy metals, nutritions, salinity, drought)
A. Martinez - Medina
Leipzig, Germany
E-mail: ainhoa_martinez.medina@idiv.de
Mycorrhizal symbiosis, plant endophytes, plant-insect interactions, plant-microbe interactions, plant defenses, plant volatiles, metabolomics, transcriptomics, root-shoot communication
H.-P. Mock
Gatersleben, Germany
E-mail: mock@ipk-gatersleben.de
Biochemistry, secondary metabolism, natural products, oxidative stress, metabolomics, proteomics
G. Noctor
Orsay cedex, France
E-mail: graham.noctor@u-psud.fr
Oxidative stress, redox metabolism and signaling, antioxidants
H. Papen
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
E-mail: hans.papen@online.de
Soil microbiology, biogeochemical cycles, plant-microbe interactions
M. Parepa
Tübingen, Germany
E-mail: madalin.parepa@uni-tuebingen.de
Plant ecology, evolutionary ecology, invasion biology, community ecology, biotic interactions
S. Pfautsch
Sydney, Australia
E-mail: s.pfautsch@westernsydney.edu.au
Plant-water relations, tree growth, hydraulic anatomy, climate extremes
Z.-X. Ren
Kunming, China
E-mail: renzongxin@mail.kib.ac.cn
Floral trait evolution, plant reproduction, plant-pollinator interaction, plant breeding system, deceptive pollination, orchid conservation
M. Riederer
Würzburg, Germany
E-mail: riederer@botanik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Ecophysiology, biology of plant surfaces
J. F. Scheepens
Tübingen, Germany
E-mail: niek.scheepens@biologie.uni-tuebingen.de
Evolutionary ecology, population biology, phenotypic plasticity, adaptation to land use and climate
G. Scopece
Napoli, Italy
E-mail: giovanni.scopece@unina.it
Plant-animal interactions, pollinator-mediated selection, mating system evolution, plant speciation, plant hybridisation
J. P. Sparks
Ithaca, USA
E-mail: jps66@cornell.edu
Trace gas exchange, water relations, ozone effects, photosynthesis, xylem transport
M. Sugita
Nagoya, Japan
E-mail: sugita@gene.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Plastid and mitochondrial gene structure, gene expression in plastids and cyanobacteria
G. Thiel
Darmstadt, Germany
E-mail: thiel@bio.tu-darmstadt.de
Membrane transport, stomatal movement, signal transduction, Ca2+-metabolism, cell biology
X.-Q. Wang
Beijing, China
E-mail: xiaoq_wang@ibcas.ac.cn
Phylogenetics and speciation, molecular evolution, biogeography, gymnosperm evolution, DNA barcoding
J. Whelan
Bundoora, Australia
E-mail: J.Whelan@Latrobe.edu.au
Organelle biogenesis, protein targeting, interorganelle communication and co-ordination, gene expression, transcriptional regulation
U. Wittstock
Braunschweig, Germany
E-mail: u.wittstock@tu-bs.de
Secondary metabolism, natural products, chemical ecology, ecological biochemistry, plant defence
M. Zhou
Chengdu, China
E-mail: mhuazhou@imde.ac.cn
Biogeochemical cycles, trace gas exchange, plant-soil interactions
Editorial Office
Annette Schlierenkamp
UNI Freiburg
Institut für Forstwissenschaften
Professur für Baumphysiologie
Georges-Köhler Allee, Geb. 53/54
79085 Freiburg
Tel. +49 761-203-8300; Fax. + 49 761-203-8302
E-mail: annette.schlierenkamp@ctp.uni-freiburg.de