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期刊名称 Oikos
期刊ISSN 0030-1299
期刊官方网站 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/16000706
是否OA No
出版商 Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd
出版周期 Monthly
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始发年份 1949
年文章数 167
最新影响因子 3.1(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
环境科学与生态学2区 ECOLOGY 生态学2区
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 6.2 1.447 1.121
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
106/721 85%
自引率 2.80%
H-index 164
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0030-1299%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/oikos
Oikos is a journal issued by the Nordic Ecological Society and is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in ecology.

Oikos publishes original research and perspectives that have the potential to change or substantially improve our understanding of ecological mechanisms, processes, or patterns in nature. These original perspectives can be generated from new theory and/or concepts, well-designed experiments that test theory or uncover processes, and/or from resounding analyses of ecological patterns. Oikos considers publishing interdisciplinary studies that integrate across ecology and other relevant domains to tackle ecological, environmental, or societal challenges. Oikos gives low priority to studies that confirm or extend current knowledge by extending well-established results to unstudied taxa or regions. 

Besides the standard Research papers and Meta-analyses, Oikos aims to stimulate discussion by promoting novel ideas and synthesis. These Forum articles should strive for conceptual unification and serve as a point of departure for future work rather than reviewing bodies of theory and data.
投稿指南 http://www.oikosjournal.org/authors/author-guidelines



 Dries Bonte, Ghent, Belgium






Deputy Editors-in-Chief


 Gerlinde De Deyn, Wageningen University, the Netherlands


Strategic Editor


 Pedro Peres-Neto, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada


Managing Editor


 Åsa Langefors, Lund, Sweden





Technical Editor


Petter Oscarsson, Lund, Sweden



Editorial Office


Oikos Editorial Office

Ecology Building

Lund University

SE-223 62 Lund




Subject Editors


Lonnie W. Aarssen, Kingston, Ontario, Canada – reproduction, life history, env gradients, patterns in biodiversity, human ecology


Jessica Abbott, Lund, Sweden – sexual selection, sexual conflict, sexual dimorphism, insects, Drosophila, damselflies, polymorphism, morphometrics, gene expression


Florian Altermatt, Zurich, Switzerland – metapopulation, metacommunity, meta-ecosystem ecology, dispersal, protist microcosm experiments, dendritic networks, aquatic ecology


Erik Aschehoug, Ås, Norway – community ecology, plant ecology, invasion ecology, restoration ecology, plant-plant interactions, plant-microbe interactions


Ignasi Bartomeus, Sevilla, Spain – community ecology, biodiversity, species interactions, pollination, ecosystem services


Silke Bauer, Sempach, Switzerland – animal migration, phenology, migratory host-parasite interactions, theoretical ecology


Matty P. Berg, Amsterdam, the Netherlands – community ecology, litter decomposition, functional traits, evo-ecological dynamics, community assembly, ecosystem functioning


Martijn Bezemer, NIOO, the Netherlands – insect-plant interactions, insect herbivory, above-belowground interactions, nature restoration, plant-soil interactions


Dries Bonte, Ghent, Belgium – plant-herbivore interactions, evolution, spatial ecology, dispersal, above-belowground interactions, IBM


Matthew Bracken, Irvine, USA – biodiversity, bottom-up processes, community ecology, consumers, ecosystem functioning, herbivory, nutrients, physiologial ecology, predation, top-down processes


Rein Brys, Bazel, Belgium – pollination biology, heterostyly, plant-pollinator interactions, plant breeding system evolution, inbreeding depression, plant population demography 


James Bullock, Wallingford, UK – demography, dispersal, population modellling, invasions, conservation, restoration, ecosystem services


Joseph K. Bump, St. Paul, USA – stable isotopes, resources subsidies, mammal ecology, habitat mapping


Jarret Byrnes, Boston, USA – biodiversity ecosystem function, marine ecology, kelp forest, fouling communities, meta-analysis, structural equation modeling, statistical ecology


Paul Caplat, Belfast, UK – spatial ecology, range shifts, land-use change, population biology, landscape biology, integrative modelling


David Chalcraft, Greenville, USA – species interactions, pred-prey, plasticity


Julien Cote, Tolouse, France – dispersal, biological invasions, intraspecific phenotypic variation, climate change, animal personality


Gerlinde De Deyn, Wageningen, the Netherlands – plant-soil interactions, plant traits, nematodes, mycorrhiza, grassland, trait-based ecology, carbon sequestration


Steven Declerck, Wageningen, the Netherlands – apid adaptation, ecological stoichiometry, aquatic ecology, zooplankton, biodiversity


Calvin Dytham, York, UK – population biology, individual-based models, agent-based models, evolutionary ecology, senescence, dispersal


Allan Edelsparre, Toronto, Canada – movement ecology, polymorphism, habitat/landscape connectivity, animal personality, behaviour genetics, dispersal/migration, foraging


Wolf Eiserhardt, Aarhus, Denmark – phylogenomics, phylogenetic comparative methods, macroevolution, macroecology, biodiversity informatics, plants


Bruno Ernande, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France – evolutionary ecology, life history theory, phenotypic plasticity, quantitative genetics, bioenergetics, predator-prey interactions, population dynamics


Rampal S. Etienne, Groningen, The Netherlands - evolutionary community ecology, phylogenetics, diversification, likelihood-based inference, dynamical models


Jennifer Firn, Brisbane, Australia –


Jessica Forrest, Ottawa, Canada – insect population ecology, life history, pollination biology, phenology


Tadashi Fukami, Stanford, USA – community assembly, ecosystem functioning, microbial ecology


Jean-Michel Gaillard, Lyon, France –


Bente Graae, Trondheim, Norway – plant functional traits, seedling recruitment, seeds, seed dispersal, germination, plant communities


Jacopo Grilli, Santa Fe, USA – ecological networks, microbial communities, macroecology, theoretical ecology


Andrew Gonzalez, Montreal, Canada – biodiversity, extinction, rapid evolution, ecosystem functioning, habitat fragmentation, connectivity, metacommunities, sustainability science


Paulo Guimaraes, Sao Paulo, Brazil – ecological networks,  theoretical ecology, mutualistic interactions, plant-animal interactions, nested patterns in ecology


Simon P. Hart, Zürich, Switzerland –


Gregor Kalinkat, Berlin, Germany – food webs, predator-prey interactions, metabolic theory, invasion biology, freshwater biodiversity


Morgan Kelly, Baton Rouge, USA – marine evolutionary ecology and physiology, molecular ecology, local adaptation


Johan Kotze, Helsinki, Finland – fragmentation, urban ecology, socio-landscapes


Silke Langenheder, Uppsala University, Sweden – microbial ecology, community ecology, metacommunities, community assembly, ecosystem functioning and stability, bacteria, aquatic ecology


Yanjie Liu, Changchun, China – plant ecology, plant invasions, plant-soil interactions, plant-plant interactions, phenotypic plasticity


Leif Egil Loe, Ås, Norway – arctic ecology, ungulate ecology, biotelemetry, habitat selection, movement ecology


Sara Magalhaes, Lisbon Portugal – experimental evolution, behavioural ecology, sex allocation, mating strategies, host-parasite interactions


Dustin Marshall, Victoria, Australia – life histories, growth/reproductive strategies, marine sexual selection


Francois Massol, Lille, France – theory, community ecology, interactions, metapopulation, modelling, dispersal, metacommunity, network


Dan Mayor, Southampton, UK – Sediment biogeochemistry, aquaculture and food security, plankton interactions/eco-physiology, ecological stoichiometry/nutrition, anthropogenic impact on marine environment, ecology of deepest environment on Earth


Hamish McCallum, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia – ecophysiology, behavioral ecology, wildlife management & disease


Carlos J. Melian, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland – foodwebs, theory, evolution


Richard Michalet, Bordeaux, France – plant community ecology, plant interactions, community genetics, biogeography, forest ecosystems, soil ecology, mountain ecology


Kailen Mooney, Irvine, USA – plants, insects, herbivory, predation, multi-trophic, community ecology


Wendt Müller, Antwerp, Belgium – life histories, sexual selection, immunoecology, evolutionary ecology


Germán Orizaola, Uppsala, Sweden – evolutionary ecology, phenotypic plasticity, life history, environmental gradients, ecophysiology, radioecology, herpetology


Robin Pakeman, Aberdeen, UK – grazing, restoration, dispersal, seed regeneration and seed banks, plant functional traits, ecosystem function


John D. Parker, Edgewater, USA – plant community ecology; biological invasions; biodiversity and ecosystem function; climate change and range expansions; plant-herbivore interactions; mangroves; forest ecology


Pedro Peres-Neto, Montreal, Canada – spatial ecology, biodiversity, community ecology, aquatic systems, quantitative ecology


Ignacio Perez-Ramos, Seville, Spain – climate change, functional ecology, interactions between organisms, masting, plant community dynamics, seed dispersal


Sean Rands, Bristol, UK


Jiří Reif, Prague, Czechia avian population dynamics, bird community ecology and speciation, biological invasions, climate change


Rob Robinson, Thetford, UK – demography and dynamics


James D. Roth, Winnipeg, Canada – predator-prey interactions


Marjo Saastamoinen, Helsinki, Finland – life history, phenotypic plasticity, spatial variation, dispersal, fragmentation, adaptation


Kenneth Schmidt, Lubbock, Texas, USA – breeding habitat selection, avian ecology and nest predation, predator-prey interactions, behavioral ecology, information


Eric Seabloom, Corvallis, Oregon, USA – restoration, environmental change, disturbance/invasion


Isabel M. Smallegange, Amsterdam, the Netherlands - demography, evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecology, population biology, polymorphisms, foraging behaviour


Mei Sun, Hong Kong – molecular ecology, plant speciation, mating system evolution, phylogeography, conservation genetics, natural hybridization


Christopher M. Swan, Baltimore, Maryland, USA – community ecology, community assembly, dispersal, ecosystem function, decomposition, biodiversity, urban ecology, aquatic ecology, decomposition


Matthew Symonds, Burwood, Victoria, Australia – behavioural ecology, macroecology, chemical ecology, evolutionary ecology, phylogenetic comparative analysis, science publishing


Peter Todd, Singapore – coral reef ecology, marine conservation, behavioural ecology, experimental design, organism form and function, morphometrics, iIntraspecific variation/phenotypic plasticity, colours and patterns for communication or camouflage


Anna Traveset, Esporles, Spain – impact of exotic species, invasions, seeds, pollination


Justin M. J. Travis, Aberdeen, UK – space, models, aging, dispersal


Werner Ulrich, Torun, Poland – macroecology, particularly species-area relationships, global diversity, size distributions, statistical ecology, neutral modelling and the analysis of ecological matrices


Jotaro Urabe, Sendai, Japan – ecological stoichiometry, nutritional ecology, plankton, trophic dynamics, material budget, benthos


Ciska Veen, Wageningen, the Netherlands –


Miguel Verdú, Valencia, Spain – community phylogenetics, plant facilitation


Thorsten Wiegand, Leipzig, Germany – spatial ecology, GIS, spatial PVA, movement ecology


Shawn Wilder, Stillwater, Oklahoma – nutrition, foraging, diet, predators, predator-prey, trophic ecology


Monika Winder, Stockholm, Sweden – plankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton, food web, trophic interactions, stable isotope, lake, estuary, coast, long-term ecological research, climate change, ocean acidification


Bob Wong, Melbourne, Australia – behavioural ecology, evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecotoxicology, anthropogenic change


Sa Xiao, Lanzhou, China – theoretical plant ecology; Individual-based model; species interaction; species coexistence and diversity; community structure and function.


Regino Zamora, Granada, Spain – plant-animal interactions, and plant-plant interactions


Damaris Zurell, Berlin, Germany – global change, biodiversity modelling, niche concept, species distribution modelling, population dynamics modelling, birds

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