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期刊名称 Oceanologia
期刊ISSN 0078-3234
期刊官方网站 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/oceanologia
是否OA Yes
出版商 Elsevier B.V.
出版周期 Quarterly
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年文章数 45
影响因子 2.6(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 5.3 0.674 1.012
Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Aquatic Science
49/247 80%
Ocean Engineering
24/105 77%
Earth and Planetary Sciences
35/145 76%
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Atmospheric Science
55/148 63%
自引率 15.90%
H-index 37
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0078-3234%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 https://www.editorialmanager.com/OCEANO
Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.. Peer review under the responsibility of Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Oceanologia, the official journal of the Committee of Marine Research and the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is an international journal that publishes results of original research in the field of marine sciences with emphasis on the European seas. Manuscripts contributing, but not limited, to the understanding of properties and processes in the marine environment in the aspect of basic sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, ecology and geochemistry will be considered for publication. Special attention will be given to papers devoted to phenomena occurring in the marine environment in the zones characterized by:
• gradients of properties (salinity, red-ox, temperature, light field, others),
• phases boundaries both abiotic and biotic/abiotic (aqueous/solid, aqueous/gaseous, biotic/solid and biotic/aqueous),
• marine-land boundary.

We also encourage the submission of manuscripts dealing with multidisciplinary approaches to the investigated phenomena, as well as those devoted to manifestations of contemporary global issues e.g. climate warming and other global change-related phenomena, and/or describing possible and actual adaptations to threats brought by these changes. Preference will be given to manuscripts covering innovative research of global significance over those devoted to strictly local issues, and to papers contributing to the marine ecosystem functioning over strictly descriptive ones.

Oceanologia also publishes special and thematic issues dedicated to specific subject areas and events. Prospective Guest Editors of potential special issues must contact the Editor-in-Chief first to check the subject and scope of the special issue.

The issues 53(2011)–56(2014) were digitalized thanks to the financial support of the project Index Plus of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

All issues of the journal Oceanologia published since 2011 are available on ScienceDirect at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00783234, archival issues published before 2011 can be accessed at http://www.iopan.gda.pl/oceanologia/issues.html.

For any questions please contact oceano@elsevier.com.
投稿指南 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/oceanologia/publish/guide-for-authors

Janusz Pempkowiak

Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712, Sopot, Poland 
Associate Editors

Małgorzata Stramska

Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland

Tymon Zieliński

Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland
Editorial Board

Boris Chubarenko

FSBIS P P Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moskva, Russian Federation

Mirosław Darecki

Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland

Jerzy Dera

Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland

Agnieszka Herman  

University of Gdansk Institute of Oceanography, Gdynia, Poland

Genrik Sergey Karabashev

FSBIS P P Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moskva, Russian Federation

Zygmunt Kowalik

University of Alaska Institute of Marine Science, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States

Matti Leppäranta

University of Helsinki Department of Physics, HELSINKI, Finland

Ewa Łupikasza 

University of Silesia Faculty of Philology, Sosnowiec, Poland

Hanna Mazur-Marzec

University of Gdansk Institute of Oceanography, Gdynia, Poland

Dag Myrhaug

Norwegian Technical University of Science Institute of Marine Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Sergej Olenin

Coastal Research and Planning Institute, Klaipėda, Lithuania

Xosé Antón Álvarez Salgado

Institute of Marine Research Oceanography Department, Vigo, Spain

Antoni Śliwiński

University of Gdansk Institute of Experimental Physics, Gdańsk, Poland

Tarmo Soomere

TUT Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia

Hans Storch, von

Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, Geesthacht, Germany

Dariusz Stramski

University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, United States

Piotr Szefer

Medical University of Gdansk Faculty of Pharmacy and Laboratory Medicine, Gdansk, Poland

Muhammet Türkoğlu

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Canakkale, Turkey

Jan Marcin Węsławski

Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland

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