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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
期刊名称 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
期刊ISSN 0021-9630
期刊官方网站 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14697610
是否OA No
出版商 Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd
出版周期 Monthly
文章处理费 登录后查看
始发年份 1960
年文章数 114
影响因子 6.5(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
医学2区 PSYCHIATRY 精神病学2区
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 13.8 3.133 2.724
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
3/330 99%
Developmental and Educational Psychology
8/360 97%
Psychiatry and Mental Health
22/567 96%
自引率 4.6%
H-index 187
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0021-9630%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcpp_journal
The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP) is widely recognised to be the leading international journal covering both child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry. JCPP publishes the highest quality clinically relevant research in psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines. With a large and expanding global readership, its coverage includes studies on epidemiology, diagnosis, psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatments, behaviour, cognition, neuroscience, neurobiology and genetic aspects of childhood disorders. Articles published include experimental, longitudinal and intervention studies, especially those that advance our understanding of developmental psychopathology and that inform both theory and clinical practice. An important function of the Journal is to bring together empirical research, clinical studies and reviews of high quality that arise from different points of view, different theoretical perspectives and different disciplines.
投稿指南 https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/14697610/forauthors.html



Kings College London, UK

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:


University College of London, UK



Oregon Health & Science University, OH, USA


Duke University, NC, USA


University of Oslo, Norway


University Hospital of Wuerzburg, Germany


Washington University School of Medicine, MO, USA


University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands


Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southtern California, CA, USA


Birbeck, University of London, UK


National Institute of Mental Health, USA


Tulane University, LO, USA

Associate Editors:

MICHAEL H. BLOCH (Research Reviews)

Yale Child Study Center, CT, USA

PAUL RAMCHANDANI (Practitioner Reviews)

University of Cambridge, UK

SARA JAFFEE (Annual Research Review)

Pennsylvania University, PA, USA

SABINE LANDAU (Statistics Editor)

Kings College London, UK

Specialist Subject Editors:


UCLA School of Medicine, CA, USA


University of Mannheim, Germany


University of Minnesota, MN, USA


Goldsmiths, University of London, UK


King's College London, UK


Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Michigan State University, MI, USA


Editorial Team at ACAMH:

Prabha Choubina, Louie Sandys, Mubasil Chaudhry


Advisory Board:
Thomas M. Achenbach (Vermont, USA)
Bjorn Albrecht (Niedersachsen, Germany)
Alan Apter (Petah Tikva, Israel)
Louise Arseneault (London, UK)
Philip Asherson (London, UK)
Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg (Leiden, NL)
Ted Barker (London, UK)
Simon Baron-Cohen (Cambridge, UK)
Christopher Bartlett (Ohio, USA)
John E. Bates (Bloomington, USA)
Joseph H. Beitchman (Toronto, Canada)
Jay Belsky (Davis, USA)
Lucy Bowes (Oxford, UK)
Susan B. Campbell (Pittsburgh, USA)
Avshalom Caspi (London, UK)
F. Xavier Castellanos (New York, USA)
Lei Chang (Hong Kong, China)
Gina Conti-Ramsden (Manchester, UK)
William Copeland (North Carolina, USA)
Samuele Cortese (Southampton, UK)
Mark Dadds (Sydney, Australia)
Andrea Danese (London, USA)
Lea Dougherty (Iowa, USA)
Graeme Fairchild (Southampton, UK)
David M. Fergusson (Christchurch, NZ)
Helen Fisher (London, UK)
Nathan Fox (Maryland, USA)
Susan Gau (Taipei, Taiwan)
Hilde Geurts (Amsterdam, NL)
Danya Glaser (London, UK)
Alice Gregory (London, UK)
Elena Grigorenko (Connecticut, USA)
Paul Gringras (London, UK)
Catherine Harmer (Oxford, UK)
Gordon Harold (Brighton, UK)
Stephen P. Hinshaw (Berkeley, USA)
Matthew Hollocks (London, UK)
Patricia Howlin (London, UK)
Charles Hulme (London UK)
Luke Hyde (Michigan, USA)
Sara Jaffee (London, UK)
Kerry Jang (Vancouver, Canada)
Kerstin Konrad (Aachen, Germany)
Robert Kumsta (Bochum, Germany)
Jonna Kuntsi (London, UK)
Benjamin B. Lahey (Chicago, USA)
Kate Langley (Cardiff, UK)
Henrik Larsson (Stockholm, Sweden)
Ellen Leibenluft (Bethesda, USA)
Eleanor Leigh (London, UK)
Arne Lervag (Oslo, Norway)
Catherine Lord (Ann Arbor, USA)
David Mataix-Cols (Stockholm, Sweden)
Eamon J. McCrory (London, UK)
Nadia Micali (London, UK)
Jonathan Mill (Exeter, UK)
Terrie E. Moffi tt (London, UK)
Laurent Mottron (Montreal, Canada)
Bonnie Nagel (Portland, USA)
Charles A. Nelson (Boston, USA)
Yoko Nomura (New York, USA)
Thomas Olino (Philadelphia, USA)
Thomas H. Ollendick (Virginia, USA)
Dennis Ougrin (London, UK)
Andrew Pickles (London, UK)
Alison Pike (Sussex, UK)
Kerstin Plessen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Robert Plomin (London, UK)
Guilherme V. Polancyk (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Richard Rende (Arizona, USA)
Soo Rhee (Colorado, USA)
Luis A. Rhode (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Sinead Rhodes (Glasgow, UK)
Veit Roessner (Dresden, Germany)
Michael L. Rutter (London, UK)
Giovanni Salum (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Louis Schmidt (Ontario, Canada)
Joseph A. Sergeant (Amsterdam, NL)
Daniel S. Shaw (Pittsburgh, USA)
Philip Shaw (Maryland, USA)
Mima Simic (London, UK)
Patrick Smith (London, UK)
Susan H. Spence (Queensland, Australia)
Hans-Christoph Steinhausen (Aalborg, Denmark; Basel and Zurich, Switzerland)
Eric A Storch (Florida, USA)
Peter Szatmari (Hamilton, Canada)
Rosemary Tannock (Toronto, Canada)
Martin. H. Teicher (Massachusetts, USA)
Per Hove Thomsen (Risskov, Denmark)
Kenneth Towbin (Bethesda, USA)
Gail Tripp (Okinawa, Japan)
Essi Viding (London, UK)
Fred Volkmar (New Haven, USA)
John Walkup (New York, USA)
Roeljan Wiersema (Ghent, Belgium)
Keiko Yoshida (Kyushu, Japan)
William Yule (London, UK)

Former Editors:
Elizabeth Irvine, Emanuel Miller, Colin B. Hindley, Rodney Maliphant, Lionel Hersov, Michael Berger, Eric Taylor, Dorothy Bishop, David Skuse, Jim Stevenson, Frank Verhulst, Francesca Happé, Aribert Rothenberger, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Thalia Eley, Tony Charman, Jane Costello, Nurit Yirmiya, Tobias Banaschewski, Daniel Pine, Margaret Snowling, Tom O’Connor, Stephen Petrill, David Coghill, Barbara Maughan, Sally Ozonoff, Courtenay Frazier Norbury, Jonathan Green.



Editorial Conflicts of Interest (January 2018)

Editors have been asked to disclose their financial interests or other relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest (COI) as they might relate to editorial judgments. The COI period covered extends to the 36-month period prior to 1 January 2018, and declarations are in accordance with recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Editorial practice is for Editors to recuse themselves from any decisions in which a conflict of interest exists or could be perceived to exist. Statements are provided both for decision editors of the journal and editorial staff.

Academic affiliations are for those additional to the principal institutions listed on this Editorial Board webpage, where any updates will be provided.

All Editors receive reimbursement of travelling expenses for attending editorial team meetings each year and are offered a personal annual honorarium during their editorial term of office.




Edmund Sonuga-Barke (Editor-in-Chief): Edmund is Professor in Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience, Kings College London and has visiting chairs at Ghent University in Belgium, Aarhus University in Denmark and the University of Sussex. He is also a consultant for Neurotech solutions, Aarhus University, Copenhagen University, Berhanderling, Ghent University and KU Leuven. Further, Edmund is a member of the speakers’ advisory groups for Shire Pharmaceuticals and Janssen Cilag and has received speaker’s fees from numerous scientific organizations. Grants: Shire pharmaceuticals; MRC; ESRC; EU; Wellcome Trust; DoH/NHS; Nuffield Foundation; Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen (FWO); MQ - Transforming Mental Health.

Read more about the JCPP Editorial Team

Pasco Fearon (Deputy Editor-in-Chief): Pasco is Chair for Developmental Psychopathology, University College London, the Director of Developmental Neuroscience Unit (PT), Anna Freud Centre and a Visiting Associate Professor at the Child Study Center at Yale University. He is also a member of the scientific advisory boards for the Better Start Expert Advisory Group, Big Lottery and the Scientific Advisory Foundation Years Information Research. Grants: NIHR; NSPCC; ESRC; Waterloo Foundation; Leverhulme Trust; Royal Society; Optimus Foundation.

S. Alexandra Burt (Joint Editor): Alex is Professor and Director of Clinical Training in the Department of Psychology, Michigan State University. She is also serving as Chair for the Behaviour Genetics and Epidemiology study section at the Center for Scientific Review at the National Institute of Health. As well, Alex is a co-developer of Subtypes of Antisocial Behaviour Questionnaire. Grants: NICHD; NIMH; John Templeton Foundation; NIEHS; Avielle Foundation; American Heart Association.

Eric Fombonne (Joint Editor): Eric is Professor in Psychiatry, Oregon Health and Science University. He is also an expert witness for Glaxo Smith Kline and a member of the scientific advisory boards for MINERVA NIH and Mount Sinai Seaver Center for Autism Research and Treatment. As well, Eric is a co-inventor of the Animation-based Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment. Grants: NIMH/NIH; Simons Foundation; Qatar National Research Foundation.

Jeff M. Halperin (Joint Editor): Jeff is Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Queens College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Arne Lervåg (Joint Editor): Arne is Professor in the Department of Education, University of Oslo and a Visiting Professor at Western Norway University Applied Sciences.  He is also a member of the Editorial Board for the journal Scientific Studies of Reading.  Grants: Norwegian Research Council.

Klaus-Peter Lesch (Joint Editor): Klaus-Peter is Professor in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, and Chair of the Division of Molecular Psychiatry, Clinical Research Unit on Disorders of Neurodevelopment and Cognition, Laboratory of Translational Neuroscience, Center of Mental Health, University Hospital of Wuerzburg.

Albertine J. (Tineke) Oldehinkel (Joint Editor): Albertine is Professor in Lifecourse Epidemiology of Common Mental Disorders, University Medical Center Groningen.

Bradley Peterson (Joint Editor): Bradley is Professor in Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California and Director of The Institute for The Developing Mind, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He is also a member on the Project Scout Advisory Board of Shire Human Genetic Therapies and is also a member of the scientific advisory board for AIM for Mental Health. Bradley is co-owner of the company MindScan and as well, owns the patents for the Arrangement and Method for Decoupling of RF Coil Arrays Using One or More Non-Standardly-Matched Coil Elements, Spectral Resolution Enhancement of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging, and Apparatus, Method, and Computer-Accessible Medium for Diagnosing and Subtyping Psychiatric Diseases.Grants: NIH; Pfizer Pharmaceuticals; Sharon D. Lund Foundation.

Angelica Ronald (Joint Editor): Angelica is Professor in Psychology and Genetics, Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London and is an honorary academic at both King's College London and University College London.  She has also acted as a science writer for the National Childbirth Trust and a science consultant for a Wellcome Trust grant.  As well, Angelica is a member of the scientific advisory board for the Association for Psychological Science Janet Taylor Spence Award Committee and is Co-chair if the Epidemiology topic for the International Society for Autism Research. Grants: Medical Research Foundation; Wellcome Trust; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences, The Camara-Rijvers David Studentship fund, The Bloomsbury Colleges Studentship fund, The Waterloo Foundation.

Argyris Stringaris (Joint Editor): Argyris is Chief of the Mood Brain & Development Unit at the National Institute of Mental Health. He is also a member of the scientific advisory boards for JAACAP Editorial Board and the MQ Scientific Advisory Board. Grants: Wellcome Trust; NIHR; University College London.

Charles Zeanah (Joint Editor): Charles is Sellars-Polchow Professor in Psychiatry and Professor in Clinical Pediatrics, and Vice-Chair for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Tulane University. He is also a member of the board of directors for Zero to Three. Grants: NIMH; SAMHSA; Palix Foundation; Lumos Foundation; Irving Harris Foundation.

Michael H. Bloch (Associate Editor): Michael is Associate Professor for the Child Study Center, Associate Director of the Albert J. Solnit Integrated Training Program and Associate Director of the Tic and OCD Program, Yale School of Medicine. He is also a member of the scientific advisory board for Therapix Biosciences. Grants: Biohaven Pharmaceuticals; Therapix Biosciences; NARSAD; Patterson Foundation; National Institute of Health; Tourette Association of America.

Paul Ramchandani (Associate Editor): Paul is LEGO Professor of Play in Education, Development and Learning, in the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.  He is also a visiting Professor of Child and Adolescent Mental Health in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London and works as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in the UK Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.  As well, Paul is a member of the scientific advisory board for the HQUIP child health advisory group and of the editorial advisory board for the journal Child: Care, Health and Development.  Grants: NIHR; AHRC/MRC; LEGO Foundation.

Joan Asarnow (Subject Specialist Editor): Joan is Professor in Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles provides editorial work for the Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. She is a member of the scientific boards for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation and has been a consultant for SAMHSA, NIH, Kaiser Permanente and San Diego State University. Grants: NIMH; American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; Society for Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology; American Psychological Association.

Daniel Brandeis (Subject Specialist Editor): Daniel is Professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Zürich and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim. He is also a member of a scientific advisory board for a EU-funded neurofeedback trial by Mensia. Grants: EU; BMBF; SNF.

Megan Gunnar (Subject Specialist Editor): Megan is the Department Chair, Director of the Institute, Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota. She is also a member of the Research Advisory Board for the Minnesota Children’s Museum (unpaid).

Alice Gregory (Subject Specialist Editor): Alice is Professor in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths University of London and holds an honorary contract at the Social, Genetic, Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. Grants: Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel Trust; NIHR Maudsley BRC; Goldsmiths Annual Fund.

Chris Hollis (Subject Specialist Editor): Chris is Professor in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham and an Honorary Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry Consultant for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Chris is also Director of the NIHR MindTech MIC and NIHR Nottingham BRC Mental Health & Technology Theme lead, and a member of the NICE ADHD Guideline Committee, the NICE IAPT Advisory Committee and the NIHR Experts Panel. Grants: NIHR; EU.

Kelly Klump (Subject Specialist Editor): Kelly is Professor in the Department of Psychology, Michigan State University and Associate Editor for both the International Journal of Eating Disorders and Clinical Psychological Science. She is also a member of the Clinical Excellence Board, The Renfrew Center and a Consulting Editor for the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

Sabine Landau (Statistics Editor): Sabine is Professor in Biostatistics and Lead of the Causal Modelling Group, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London.

Sara Jaffee (Annual Research Reviews Editor): Sara is Professor in Psychology, University of Pennsylvania and Associate Editor for Developmental Psychology. She is also a faculty director for The Field Center and has consulted for NIH R25 Summer Training Institute.




Editorial Office

Prabha Choubina (Publications Manager): No conflicts declared.
Louie Sandys (Editorial Assistant): No conflicts declared.
Mubasil Chaudhry (Editorial Assistant): No conflicts declared.

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