Scott Bradford, Editor-in-Chief USDA, ARS, US Salinity Lab, California, USA Email: scott.bradford@ars.usda.gov Fluid flow and contaminant transport; Interphase mass transfer; Mathematical models; Colloids, nanoparticles, and microorganisms; Antibiotic resistance; Animal waste; Managed aquifer recharge; Soil and groundwater remediation
Robert J. Letcher Environment and Climate Change Canada, National Wildlife Research Center, Departments of Chemistry and Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Email: robert.letcher@canada.ca Persistent Organic Pollutants, Organohalogen Contaminants, Environmental Chemistry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Ecological Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Toxicokinetics, Bioaccumulation, Metabolism and Biotransformation, Biomarkers, Endocrine Disruption, Marine and Freshwater, Wildlife, Ecosystems, Food Web Interactions, Polar Regions
Lena Ma University of Florida, Soil and Water Sciences Department, Florida, USA Email: lqma@ufl.edu Biogeochemical processes of trace metals in soils, water, wastes, and plants; Soil contamination and remediation; Phytoremediation; Land application of wastes
Yong Sik Ok Korea University, Seoul, The Republic of Korea Email: yongsikok@korea.ac.kr Soil pollution; Soil remediation; Heavy metals in the environment; Waste management; Bioavailability of emerging contaminants; Bioenergy and value-added products; Biochar and soil organic matter; Phytoremediation
Jörg Rinklebe University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany Email: rinklebe@uni-wuppertal.de Soils, sediments, waters, plants, and their pollutions (in particular trace elements and nutrients) and linked biogeochemical issues with a special focus in redox chemistry; Remediation of soils; Soil microbiology
Associate Editors
Taicheng An Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China Email: antc99@gdut.edu.cn Emerging organic contaminants; Persistent organic pollutions; Volatile organic compounds; Pathogenic microorganisms; Environmental transportation mechanisms; Biohazard inactivation; Human metabolism mechanism; Early health effects; Environmental Catalysis; Photocatalysis; Nanostructured catalysts; Natural mineral materials; Environmental applications
Amit Bhatnagar University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland Email: amit.bhatnagar@uef.fi Adsorption; Biosorption; Water and wastewater treatment; Microalgae; Bioenergy and biofuels; Resource recovery; Waste valorization; Biochar; Nanocellulose; Bionanocomposites; Emerging contaminants
Thomas M. Holsen Civil and Environmental Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam New York, USA Email: holsen@clarkson.edu Pollutant fate and transport; Environmental chemistry; Emerging contaminants; Water treatment; Freshwater and terrestrial systems
Albert Juhasz University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Email: albert.juhasz@unisa.edu.au Contaminant bioavailability and bioaccessibility; Exposure assessment; Soil contamination; Development and application of remediation technologies; Bioremediation
Hyunook Kim University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea Email: h_kim@uos.ac.kr Modeling and automatic control of water or wastewater treatment processes and anaerobic digesters; Sensors or analytical techniques to measure trace organic pollutants
Hyunjung Kim Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea Email: kshjkim@jbnu.ac.kr Colloidal chemistry; Flotation; Colloid transport; Biohydrometallurgy
Ki-Hyun Kim Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea Email: kkim61@hanyang.ac.kr Materials application; Air quality; Environmental analysis; Odor VOC; Metal-organic frameworks
Jack Ng The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Email: j.ng@uq.edu.au Environmental health and health risk assessment; General toxicology; Environmental toxicology; Heavy metals; Natural toxins; Metal speciation and bioavailabilty; Arsenic carcinogenicity; Interaction and toxicology of mixed contaminants.
Daniel CW Tsang The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China E-mail: dan.tsang@polyu.edu.hk Green chemistry/engineering; Soil/sediment remediation; Engineered biochar; Waste valorization; Resource recovery; Wastewater/stormwater treatment; Catalytic conversion/degradation; Pollutant transport; Environmental pollution
Charles Wong University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Email: ch.wong@uwinnipeg.ca Environmental organic chemistry; Persistent organic chemicals; Pharmaceuticals and personal care products; Metabolites and transformation products; Environmental/analytical chemistry; Passive samplers; Wastewater; Ecotoxicology; Bioaccumulation and food web interactions
Yu (Frank) Yang University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, USA Email: yuy@unr.edu Organic matter geochemistry; Radionuclides; Colloid-facilitated transport; Bioavailability; Degradation and eco-toxicity; Reactive transport; Electrolysis
Chang-Ping Yu Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan Email: cpyu@ntu.edu.tw Urban environment; Environmental biotechnology; Waste to resources; Environmental microbiology; Emerging contaminants; Environmental biotechnology; Microbial ecology; Bioenergy development; Bioremediation; Material flow analysis
Gang Yu Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Email: yg-den@tsinghua.edu.cn Emerging contaminants; Analytical/monitoring methods; Transport, transform, fate and effect of persistent organic pollutants (POPs); Control techniques; Wastes disposal technologies; Cleaner processes; Synthesis and property of POPs surrogates; POPs hazard assessment model
Editorial Board Members
Daniel S. Alessi Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada Email: alessi@ualberta.ca Water resources; Environmental geochemistry; Geomicrobiology
Mélanie Davranche University of Rennes, Rennes, France Email: melanie.davranche@univ-rennes1.fr Iron oxyhydroxides; Organic matter; Trace elements; Soil; Wetland; Speciation; Processes at water/solid interfaces; Experimentation and geochemical modelling.
Menachem Elimelech Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Email: menachem.Elimelech@yale.edu Environmental engineering; Membrane separations; Environmental nanotechnology; Desalination; Water-energy nexus
Scott Fendorf Earth System Science Department, Stanford University, USA Email: fendorf@stanford.edu Soil biogeochemistry; Contaminant transport; Carbon cycling; Nutrient dynamics; Redox processes
Charles Gerba University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA Email: gerba@ag.arizona.edu Applied microbiology
Anthony Hay Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA Email: agh5@cornell.edu Microbiology; Environmental science; Toxicology
Deyi Hou Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Email: houdeyi@tsinghua.edu.cn Biochar synthesis and utilization; Soil and groundwater remediation; Heavy metal contamination; Pollutant fate and transport; Sustainability assessment; Life cycle assessment
Jurate Kumpiene Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden Email: jurate.kumpiene@ltu.se Soil and groundwater pollution with trace elements; Soil and groundwater remediation; Soil stabilization with industrial by-products; Risk assessment of contaminated sites; Bioavailability
Guenter Langergraber BOKU University, Vienna, Austria Email: guenter.langergraber@boku.ac Treatment; Wetlands; Sanitation; Modelling
X. Chris Le University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Email: xc.le@ualberta.ca Analytical and environmental toxicology; Arsenic exposure, metabolism, and health effects; Chemical speciation of trace elements in environmental and biological systems; Chemical carcinogenesis; Environmental health sciences; Exposure biomarkers
Xu Li University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Email: xuli@unl.edu Environmental biotechnology; Applied microbiology; Contaminants of emerging concerns; Antibiotic resistance
Melissa McKinney McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Québec, Canada Email: melissa.mckinney@mcgill.ca Environmental chemistry; Animal biology; Arctic; Climate change; Ecotoxicology, Fish and wildlife; Marine ecology; Mercury; Multiple stressors; Persistent organic pollutants
William Mitch Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, USA Email: wamitch@stanford.edu Public health and emerging carcinogens; Global warming and oceanography; Sustainability and persistent organic pollutants; Engineering for sustainable wastewater recycling; Carbon sequestration; Disinfection by-products
Adam Morris Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Email: amorris@alumni.uoguelph.ca Ecotoxicology; Environmental chemistry; Environmental biology; Trophic ecology; Bioaccumulation; Environmental physiology; Metabolomics; Persistent organic pollutants; Mercury
Ana Navas-Acien Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA Email: an2737@cumc.columbia.edu Environmental epidemiology; Water pollution; Metals and metalloids; Tobacco products; Public health
Anh Pham University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Email: anh.pham@uwaterloo.ca Aquatic chemistry and geochemistry; Contaminant fate and transformation; Soil and groundwater remediation; Water treatment technologies; Advanced oxidation processes; Electrocoagulation and electrooxidation; Perfluoroalkyl substances; Passive sampling
Brian Reid School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom Email: B.Reid@uea.ac.uk Contaminant fate and transport in association with soil colloids and organic matter; Contaminant-soil interactions; Biochar; Remediation; Pollutant risks; Ecotoxicity
Brett Robinson University of Canterbury, New Zealand Email: brett.robinson@canterbury.ac.nz Soil protection; Contaminants in the soil – plant system; Phytomanagement of contaminated sites; Biofortification of trace elements; Biological wastes; Riparian planting for waterway protection.
Amina Salamova School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA Email: asalamov@indiana.edu Environmental chemistry; Environmental exposure; Semi-volatile organic compounds; Flame retardants; Indoor exposure; Non-invasive biomonitoring; Passive sampling; Metabolites
Binoy Sarkar The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK Email: b.sarkar@sheffield.ac.uk Climate change mitigation; Global food security; Environmental health; Atmospheric carbon dioxide capture; Soil carbon sequestration; Clay minerals and nanomaterials for contaminant cleanup; Contaminants treatment; Fate and transformation of contaminants
Guanyong Su Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Email: sugy@njust.edu.cn Environmental chemistry and toxicology; Ecotoxicology; Organic contaminants; Flame retardants; Environmental monitoring; Biological transformation; Non-target and suspect screening; Mass spectrometry
Tiziana Tosco DIATI - Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy Email: tiziana.tosco@polito.it Groundwater remediation; Colloid transport; Numerical modelling; Rheology; Nanoparticles
Yiu Fai Tsang Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Email: tsangyf@eduhk.hk Wastewater treatment; Bioremediation; Resource and energy recovery from organic waste; Microbial CO2 fixation
Costas Velis University of Leeds, Leeds, England Email: c.velis@leeds.ac.uk Environmental engineering; circular economy; solid waste; recycling; plastic pollution; solid recovered fuel
John R. White Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA Email: jrwhite@lsu.edu Biogeochemical cycling of nutrients; Removal of nutrients and pharmaceuticals in wetlands and estuaries; Dynamics of internal nutrient loading; Microbial-mediated nutrient transformations; Plant-nutrient dynamics
Fengchang Wu Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing, China Email: wufengchang@vip.skleg.cn Risk assessment and management; Environmental criteria and standard; Water contaminants; Bigeochemistry and pollutant control; Ecotoxicology
Jianming Xu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Email: jmxu@zju.edu.cn Transformation and bioavailability of heavy metals in soils; Soil contamination and remediation; Environmental stress and soil microbial ecology; Soil quality and food safety