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期刊ISSN 1465-5411
期刊官方网站 http://breast-cancer-research.biomedcentral.com/
出版商 BioMed Central Ltd.
出版周期 Bimonthly
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年文章数 0
影响因子 6.1(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
医学2区 ONCOLOGY 肿瘤学2区
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 5.86 2.874 1.770
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Cancer Research
25 / 191 87%
27 / 321 91%
自引率 N.A.
H-index 132
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=1465-5411%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 https://www.editorialmanager.com/brcr/default.aspx

Breast Cancer Research is an international, peer-reviewed online journal, publishing original research, reviews, editorials and reports. Open access research articles of exceptional interest are published in all areas of biology and medicine relevant to breast cancer, including normal mammary gland biology, with special emphasis on the genetic, biochemical, and cellular basis of breast cancer. In addition to basic research, the journal publishes preclinical, translational and clinical studies with a biological basis, including Phase I and Phase II trials.

Research articles
Short report
投稿指南 https://breast-cancer-research.biomedcentral.com/submission-guidelines
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参考文献格式 https://breast-cancer-research.biomedcentral.com/submission-guidelines/preparing-your-manuscript

Lewis Chodosh, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Deputy Editors
Elizabeth Anderson, Charles River Laboratories, Austria
Leslie Bernstein, City of Hope, USA
Jenny Chang, Houston Methodist Cancer Center, USA
Heide Ford, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA 
Steffi Oesterreich, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Associate Editors
Basic Science: Cancer Biology and Cellular & Molecular Pathogenesis 
Carol Lange, University of Minnesota, USA  
Yi Li, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
William Muller, McGill University, Canada
Senthil Muthuswamy, Harvard Medical School, USA
Kaylee Schwertfeger, University of Minnesota, USA
Charles Streuli, University of Manchester, UK

Clinical Research: Experimental ad Existing Therapies
Carey Anders, UNC Chapel Hill, USA
Richard Finn, University of California Los Angeles, USA
Claudine Isaacs, Georgetown University, USA
Sherene Loi, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, USA
Erica Mayer, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA

Computational Biology
Christina Curtis, Stanford University, USA
Susan Neuhausen, City of Hope, USA

Alpa Patel, American Cancer Society, USA
Rulla Tamimi, Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA
Giske Ursin, Cancer Registry of Norway, Norway

Despina Kontos, University of Pennsylvania, USA
David A Mankoff, University of Pennsylvania, USA

David Rimm, Yale School of Medicine, USA
Dennis Sgroi, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

Editorial Board
Roger A'Hern, Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Hans-Olov Adami, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Craig D Allred, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Steven M Anderson, University of Colorado, USA
Fabrice Andre, Institut Gustave Roussy France, France
Carlos Arteaga, Vanderbilt University, USA
Vimla Band, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, NYU Langone Medical Center, USA
Mohamed Bentires-Alj, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Mina J Bissell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Anne-Lise Borresen-Dale, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Norway
Ron Bose, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Louise A Brinton, National Cancer Institute, USA
David Cameron, Edinburgh Cancer Research UK Centre, UK
Fatima Cardoso, Jules Bordet Institute, Belgium
Stephen Chia, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Canada
Robert Clarke, University of Manchester, UK
Graham Colditz, Washington University of St. Louis, USA
Nick Day, University of Cambridge, UK
Peter Devilee, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Angelo Di Leo, Hospital of Prato, Italy
Paul Edwards, University of Cambridge, UK
Matthew Ellis, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Stephen Ethier, Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Carol Fabian, University of Kansas Cancer Center, USA
Heather Feigelson, Institute for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente, USA
Stephen Fox, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia
Suzanne A.W. Fuqua, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Julia Gee, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Marina Glukhova, Institut Curie, France
Roger Greenberg, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Piyush B. Gupta, Whitehead Institute/MIT, USA
Susan Hankinson, Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA
Catherine Hill, Institut Gustave Roussy, France
D. Joseph Jerry, University of Massachusetts, USA
Stephen R Johnston, Royal Marsden Hospital, UK
Daehee Kang, Seoul National University, South Korea
Christiane Kuhl, University of Aachen, Germany
Charlotte Kuperwasser, Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Sunil Lakhani, University of Queensland, Australia
Adrian Lee, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Nancy U. Lin, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Hannah Linden, University of Washington and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, USA
Sabine Linn, Netherlands Cancer Institute / Utrecht University, Netherlands
Edison Liu, Jackson Laboratory, USA
Cynthia Ma, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Kathi Malone, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, USA  
Sendurai Mani, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Janine Mansi, St George's Hospital, UK
Jeffrey Marks, Duke University Medical Center, USA
Daniel Medina, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
David Miles, Guy's and St.Thomas' Hospital, UK
William Miller, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dong-Young Noh, Seoul National University, Korea
Chris Ormandy, Garvan Institue of Medical Research, Australia
C. Kent Osborne, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Elaine A Ostrander, National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH, USA
Julie Palmer, Boston University, USA
Klaus Pantel, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Ole William Petersen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Jean-Yves Pierga, Institut Curie, France
Brian Pogue, Dartmouth College, USA
Weston Porter, Texas A&M University, USA
Colin Purdie, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, UK
Jorge Reis-Filho, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Jennifer Richer, University of Colorado, USA
Calvin Roskelley, University of British Colombia, Canada
Jeffrey Schlom, National Cancer Institute, USA
Fernando Schmitt, University of Porto, Portugal
Mitchell Schnall, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Stuart Schnitt, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Ivana Sestak, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Andrew Sims, University of Edinburgh, UK
Matt Smalley, Cardiff University, UK
Christos Sotiriou, Jules Bordet Institute, Belgium
Sheila Stewart, Washington University, USA
W. Fraser Symmans, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Puay Hoon Tan, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Andrew Tutt, King's College London, UK
Celine Vachon, Mayo Clinic, USA
M Van de Vijver, Academic Medical Centre, Netherlands
Anne Vincent-Salomon, Institut Curie, France
Jane Ellen Visvader, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Robert Vonderheide, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Thomas "Trey" Westbrook, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Christine Watson, University of Cambridge, UK
Antonio Wolff, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, USA
Thomas Yankeelov, Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science, USA
Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, NYU School of Medicine, USA

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