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Tribology International
期刊名称 | Tribology International TRIBOL INT |
期刊ISSN | 0301-679X |
期刊官方网站 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/tribology-international |
是否OA | No |
出版商 | Elsevier Inc. |
出版周期 | Monthly |
文章处理费 | 登录后查看 |
始发年份 | |
年文章数 | 900 |
影响因子 | 6.1(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子 |
大类学科 | 小类学科 | Top | 综述 |
工程技术2区 | ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL 工程:机械2区 | 否 | 否 |
CiteScore排名 | CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | ||
学科 | 排名 | 百分位 | 10.1 | 1.281 | 2.036 |
Engineering Mechanical Engineering |
44/672 | 93% |
Engineering Mechanics of Materials |
33/398 | 91% |
Materials Science Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
16/132 | 88% |
Physics and Astronomy Surfaces and Interfaces |
8/57 | 86% |
自引率 | 19.7% |
H-index | 103 |
SCI收录状况 | Science Citation Index Expanded |
官方审稿时间 | 登录后查看 |
网友分享审稿时间 | 数据统计中,敬请期待。 |
接受率 | 登录后查看 |
PubMed Central (PMC) | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0301-679X%5BISSN%5D |
期刊投稿网址 | https://www.editorialmanager.com/TRIBINT |
收稿范围 | Tribology is the science of rubbing surfaces and contributes to every facet of our everyday life, from live cell friction to engine lubrication and seismology. As such tribology is truly multidisciplinary and this extraordinary breadth of scientific interest is reflected in the scope of Tribology International. Tribology International seeks to publish original research papers of the highest scientific quality to provide an archival resource for scientists from all backgrounds. Written contributions are invited reporting experimental and modelling studies both in established areas of tribology and emerging fields. Scientific topics include the physics or chemistry of tribo-surfaces, bio-tribology, surface engineering and materials, contact mechanics, nano-tribology, lubricants and hydrodynamic lubrication. |
收录体裁 | Full Length Articles, Short Communications/Technical Notes and Letters to the Editor |
投稿指南 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/tribology-international/publish/guide-for-authors |
投稿模板 | |
参考文献格式 | https://www.elsevier.com/journals/tribology-international/0301-679x/guide-for-authors |
编辑信息 |
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