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期刊名称 | Tectonophysics TECTONOPHYSICS |
期刊ISSN | 0040-1951 |
期刊官方网站 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/tectonophysics |
是否OA | No |
出版商 | Elsevier B.V. |
出版周期 | Semimonthly |
文章处理费 | 登录后查看 |
始发年份 | |
年文章数 | 293 |
影响因子 | 2.7(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子 |
大类学科 | 小类学科 | Top | 综述 |
地学3区 | GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS 地球化学与地球物理3区 | 否 | 否 |
CiteScore排名 | CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | ||
学科 | 排名 | 百分位 | 4.9 | 1.117 | 1.036 |
Earth and Planetary Sciences Earth-Surface Processes |
43/179 | 76% |
Earth and Planetary Sciences Geophysics |
43/165 | 74% |
自引率 | 7.4% |
H-index | 149 |
SCI收录状况 | Science Citation Index Expanded |
官方审稿时间 | 登录后查看 |
网友分享审稿时间 | 数据统计中,敬请期待。 |
接受率 | 登录后查看 |
PubMed Central (PMC) | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0040-1951%5BISSN%5D |
期刊投稿网址 | https://www.editorialmanager.com/TECTO |
收稿范围 | The International Journal of Integrated Solid Earth Sciences The prime focus of Tectonophysics will be high-impact original research and reviews in the fields of kinematics, structure, composition, and dynamics of the solid earth at all scales. Tectonophysics particularly encourages submission of papers based on the integration of a multitude of geophysical, geological, geochemical, geodynamic, and geotectonic methods with focus on: • Kinematics and deformation of the lithosphere based on space geodesy (e.g. GPS, InSAR), neoteoctonic studies, tectonic geomorphology, and geochronology; • Structure, composition, and thermal state of the crust and mantle and their evolution in various time scales based on geophysical and geochemical studies; • Structural geology, folding, faulting, fracturing, analysis of stress and strain, and rock mechanics; • Orogenesis, tectonism, thermochronology, surficial processes, land-climate interactions, and Lithospheric-asthenospheric interactions; • Active tectonics, seismology, mechanisms of earthquakes and volcanism, geological hazards and their societal impacts; • Rheology and numerical modelling of geodynamic processes; • Laboratory measurements of physical and chemical parameters of crustal and mantle rocks, and their application to geophysics and petrology; • Innovative development, including testing, of new methods in geophysics and geodynamics. Tectonophysics welcomes contributions of three types: • Regular papers. • Fast track papers for short, innovative rapid communication, which will usually be reviewed within three weeks after submission. More information about this paper type can be found within the Guide for Authors. • Comprehensive invited review articles which provide an overview of significant subjects. Abstracts of maximum 300 words describing the objectives of the research, and the rationale and methods (if relevant), should be included for all article types: regular, fast-track and invited review. In addition Special Issues devoted to a single topic, and edited by an authority in that field, are also published. |
收录体裁 | • Regular papers. • short, innovative rapid communication • Comprehensive invited review articles |
投稿指南 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/tectonophysics/publish/guide-for-authors |
投稿模板 | |
参考文献格式 | https://www.elsevier.com/journals/tectonophysics/0040-1951/guide-for-authors |
编辑信息 |
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