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Nature Geoscience
期刊名称 Nature Geoscience
期刊ISSN 1752-0894
期刊官方网站 http://www.nature.com/ngeo/index.html
出版商 Nature Publishing Group
出版周期 Monthly
始发年份 2008
年文章数 140
最新影响因子 15.7(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 9.67 6.467 4.181
Earth and Planetary Sciences
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
2 / 182 99%
自引率 2.10%
H-index 132
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded
网友分享审稿时间 数据统计中,敬请期待。
PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=1752-0894%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 http://mts-ngs.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex

随着人类对气候、海洋和大气影响的扩大,认识地球历史及其未来发展变得越来越重要。Nature Geoscience旨在将地球科学中各个领域的顶级研究与相关领域的相关工作结合在一起。该期刊包含地球科学中的实地工作、建模及理论研究。 


Article, Review, Perspective, News and Views, Correspondence, Matters Arising, Commentary, Books & Arts
投稿指南 https://www.nature.com/ngeo/for-authors
参考文献格式 https://www.nature.com/ngeo/for-authors/preparing-your-submission

Chief Editor: Heike Langenberg

Heike heads the editorial team of Nature Geoscience, and has launched the journal. She started out in her editorial career in 1999 as an Associate, then Senior Editor at Nature handling manuscripts in the broad area of the climate sciences. A graduate in mathematics of the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, she ventured into oceanography for her PhD at the University of Hamburg. Her postdoctoral research at various research institutes in Hamburg was focused on numerical simulations of the ocean and atmosphere at a regional scale.


Senior Editor: Tamara Goldin

A fan of geologic catastrophes on the Earth and beyond, Tamara joined Nature Geoscience in 2012 following postdoctoral research at the University of Vienna. She received her PhD in Geosciences from the University of Arizona, where she studied planetary surface processes at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. Her research focused on large meteorite impacts and their environmental effects. She received her BS in Geology from Tulane University in New Orleans and conducted a year of doctoral research at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut in Germany.


Senior Editor: Xujia Jiang

Xujia joined Nature Geoscience in January 2018, having started her editorial career in 2017 at Nature Sustainability. Prior to joining Nature Research, Xujia worked as a post-doc at Tsinghua University, looking into the relationship among air pollution, human health and socioeconomic development, including a 3-months visit at School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Xujia has a degree in Environmental Engineering from Donghua University and a PhD from Peking University where she studied the behaviour of nanoparticles in aquatic systems. She has also worked on climate change at the Development and Reform Commission in China.

Xujia will be on a temporary assignment at Nature until September 2020. 


Associate Editor: Rebecca Neely

In her own research Rebecca applied geochemistry and, in particular, novel stable isotope techniques to processes ranging from chemical weathering and biological uptake through to geothermal cycling and ore formation. After completing her MEarthSci at the University of Oxford she moved to the University of Iceland for her PhD and was a visiting student at Durham University. She joined Nature Geoscience in 2017 and is based in our Shanghai office.


Associate Editor: Stefan Lachowycz

Stefan joined Nature Geoscience in August 2018, following postdoctoral research as a Fulbright Scholar at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC. He received MEarthSci and DPhil degrees in Earth Sciences from the University of Oxford. His research involved using field, laboratory, and statistical techniques to collect and analyse lithological, geochemical, geophysical, and geochronological data, primarily to investigate diverse types of volcanic activity.


Associate Editor: James Super

James joined Nature Geoscience in 2019 following a PhD at Yale University focused on the biomarker reconstruction of warm past climate. His research has sought to improve understanding of proxy systems as well as test the mechanisms responsible for Late Cretaceous and Neogene climatic evolution. He received a BS in Geological and Environmental Sciences and an MS in Earth Systems from Stanford University.


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