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Economic Geology
期刊名称 | Economic Geology ECON GEOL |
期刊ISSN | 0361-0128 |
期刊官方网站 | http://econgeol.geoscienceworld.org/ |
是否OA | No |
出版商 | Society of Economic Geologists, Inc |
出版周期 | Bimonthly |
文章处理费 | 登录后查看 |
始发年份 | 1930 |
年文章数 | 84 |
影响因子 | 5.5(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子 |
大类学科 | 小类学科 | Top | 综述 |
地学2区 | GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS 地球化学与地球物理3区 | 否 | 否 |
CiteScore排名 | CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | ||
学科 | 排名 | 百分位 | 10.0 | 2.372 | 1.940 |
Earth and Planetary Sciences Geophysics |
5/165 | 97% |
Earth and Planetary Sciences Geochemistry and Petrology |
6/154 | 96% |
Earth and Planetary Sciences Geology |
12/321 | 96% |
Earth and Planetary Sciences Economic Geology |
6/43 | 87% |
自引率 | 7.3% |
H-index | 93 |
SCI收录状况 | Science Citation Index Expanded |
官方审稿时间 | 登录后查看 |
网友分享审稿时间 | 数据统计中,敬请期待。 |
接受率 | 登录后查看 |
PubMed Central (PMC) | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0361-0128%5BISSN%5D |
期刊投稿网址 | https://www.editorialmanager.com/SEG |
收稿范围 | The journal, now published semi-quarterly, was first published in 1905 by the Economic Geology Publishing Company (PUBCO), a not-for-profit company established for the purpose of publishing a periodical devoted to economic geology. On the founding of SEG in 1920, a cooperative arrangement between PUBCO and SEG made the journal the official organ of the Society, and PUBCO agreed to carry the Society's name on the front cover under the heading "Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists". PUBCO and SEG continued to operate as cooperating but separate entities until 2001, when the Board of Directors of PUBCO and the Council of SEG, by unanimous consent, approved a formal agreement of merger. The former activities of the PUBCO Board of Directors are now carried out by a Publications Board, a new self-governing unit within SEG. |
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