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期刊名称 Catena
期刊ISSN 0341-8162
期刊官方网站 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/catena
是否OA No
出版商 Elsevier B.V.
出版周期 https://www.journals.elsevier.com/catena
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年文章数 762
影响因子 5.4(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 10.5 1.502 1.579
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Earth-Surface Processes
8/179 95%
自引率 9.3%
H-index 106
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0341-8162%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 https://www.editorialmanager.com/CATENA/default.aspx
Catena is an interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science that publishes papers describing original field and laboratory investigations and reviews on landscape evolution and geoecology with emphasis on aspects of soil science, hydrology and geomorphology. It aims to disseminate new knowledge and foster better understanding of the physical environment, of evolutionary sequences that have resulted in past and current landscapes, and of the natural processes that are likely to determine the fate of our terrestrial environment. Papers within any one of the above topics are welcome provided they are scientifically novel and of sufficiently wide interest and relevance. Reviews are expected to critically discuss and synthesize findings and approaches on topics falling within the core aim of Catena. Papers just summarizing literature results, and bibliometric analyses will not be considered. Comments are considered for publication only if they bring important scientific new elements and/or corrections on substantial aspects of previously published articles. They should be brief (no more than 2 journal pages i.e. ca. 2000 words).

The following types of submissions will not be considered:
Studies without explicit relation to landscape.
Groundwater studies.
Geobotanical, ecological and vegetation studies with no (or limited) relation to soil, hydrology, geomorphology or landscape evolution.
Chemical laboratory experiments focussing predominantly on the identification/description of chemical and nano-surface reactions with no relation to the field situation.
Field or laboratory studies for purely geotechnical purposes that are more appropriate for environmental engineering.
Surface runoff or runoff studies having no relation to soil or geomorphic change (e.g., sediment transport would relate to surface processes and, thus, geomorphology).
Microbiological studies with no relation to soil formation and landscape.
Comparison of the performance of models (process-based, machine learning) and their robustness with no or only a minimal landscape-learning effect.
Agricultural/crop production experiments without a solid relation to landscape.
Purely geological studies.
Purely Meteorological studies.
Studies on ecosystem services and land use planning.
Regionally oriented studies without novelty in approach or method.
Studies comparing a range of statistical methods without reflection on the landscape-process causing performance differences between methods.

The Editors-in-Chief do not accept presubmission enquiries and invite authors to check the Guide for Authors and the Aims and Scope to determine if a manuscript is likely to be of interest to the journal.
Original research papers (Regular Papers)
Review articles
Technical Notes
投稿指南 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/catena/publish/guide-for-authors
E.L.H. CammeraatUniversity of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands  Land degradation; Soil erosion, desertification, and use change; Land abandonment; Soil organic carbon, upscaling, connectivity; Interaction vegetation-geomorphological processes.
A. L. CollinsRothamsted Research, Sustainable Agriculture Sciences, Devon, United Kingdom  Diffuse pollution, Sediment sources, Sediment budgets, Catchment management, Modelling
M. EgliUniversity of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland  Soil formation and evolution (incl. soil organic matter); Soils in time and space; Weathering (mechanisms and rates); Clay mineralogy; Landscape evolution; Geomorphic processes, dating (radiocarbon, 10Be)

V. Jetten

University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 
University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany  Soil genesis; Soil mineralogy; Land evaluation; N-cycle; Recycling of organic waste.Research projects in forest and agricultural soils of Germany as well as Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, PR China, Somalia, Niger, Benin, Thailand, Vietnam.
G. VerstraetenKU Leuven Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Heverlee, Belgium  Sediment yield; Sediment budget; Human impact; Reservoir sedimentation; Palaeo-ecology; Geoarchaeology
Associate Editors

E. Bonifacio, PhD

University of Turin, Department of Agicultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Grugliasco (TO), Italy  Pedogenesis, Clay Minerals, Ultramafics, Forest Soils, Humus Forms, Soil Aggregates
N. Kuhn

N. Kuhn

University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland  Hydrology; Process geomorphology; Soil erosion; Geochemical cycles; Experimental geomorphology

L. Lespez

University of Paris-East Creteil, Creteil, France & Laboratory of Physical Geography, CNRS, Meudon, France  Geoarchaology, Palaeoenvironment, Fluvial system, Nature/Society interplay, Long-term anthropogenic process, River restoration

B. Liu

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 

J.F Martinez-Murillo

University of Málaga, Malaga, Spain  Geomorphology, Soil erosion, Hillslope and fluvial processes, Eco-geomorphology, and Mapping

A. Novara

University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy  SOIL ORGANIC CARBON sequestration; Soil Organic matter dynamics; Soil erosion, and degradation in agricultural soils.

F. Scarciglia

University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy  Weathering and soil formation processes; Geomorphic processes and landscape evolution, Soil micromorphology; Soil mineralogy; Volcanic soils; Soil chronosequences; Paleopedology.

C. Siebe

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico  Soil pollution and degradation processes; Anthropogenic impacts; Technogenic soil genesis and characterization; Soil organic matter dynamics; Volcanic ash soils

J. A. M Temme

Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, United States Landscape models, Complex response, Landscape evolution, Chronosequences, Landslides, Interaction between soil and landscapes, Computer modelling, Geostatistics

D. Ward

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States  Geomorphology; fluvial, glacial, and hillslope erosion processes; Landscape evolution modeling; Geochronology.
Editorial Board

T. Alekseeva

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS, Pusino, Russian Federation Soil mineralogy; Clay mineralogy; Soil geochemistry; Soil organic matter; Palaeopedology - Holocene, Pleistocene, Palaeozoic

R.W. Arnold

USDA-ARS Crop Production and Pest Control Research Unit, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

K. Auerswald

Technical University of Munich Center for Food Land Use and Environment Department of Soil Science, Freising, Germany Soil erosion; Soil science; Grassland; Stable isotopes; Radio isotopes; Geostatistics; Water quality; Grazing;Hydrology

J. Baartman

Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands Soil erosion modelling; Geomorphology; Landscape evolution modelling and land degradation

R. Bäumler

Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany Soil Geographie especially in high altitude Asia; Soil Genesis; Ecosystem Research; High Altitude Mountain Soils; Paleosoils; Archeological soil science

G. Benito

Spanish Scientific Research Council, Madrid, Spain Palaeoflood hydrology; Palaeohydrology; Fluvial geomorphology

H.-P. Blume

University of Kiel Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Kiel, Germany

C. Boix-Fayos

Center for Edaphology and Applied Biology of the Segura River, Murcia, Spain

G. Brierley

The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Geomorphology; River science; River management; Hillslope processes; River processes; Environmental management

A. Cendrero

University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain Geomorphic hazards; Interactions between human activity and geomorphic processes; Global geomorphic change; Land-use assessment and planning; Environmental quality indicators.

M. Della Seta

University of Rome La Sapienza, Roma, Italy Badlands; Water erosion; Geomorphological hazard; Geomorphic markers; Geostatistics; Morpho-evolutionary models

B. Diekkrüger

University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

E. Eckmeier

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Munich, Germany Soil formation; Land-use change; Geoarchaeology; Paleosoils

L. Gaspar

University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada Soil erosion; Soil redistribution processes; Fallout radionuclides (Cs137, Pb210, Be7); Sediment tracing; Fingerprinting techniques; Source of fine sediments; Soil degradation

J.B.J. Harrison

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, United StatesSoils; Soil landscapes; Soil geomorphology; Geomorphic processes
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Soil Science, Madison, Wisconsin, United States Digital soil mapping; Tropical soils; Pedology; Soil fertility
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom Geomorphology; Rivers; Coasts; Erosion: Coastal and fluvial management; Floods; Sediment
Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands Remote Sensing; Imaging Spectrometry; Land degradation & hydrology; Soil erosion; Natural vegetation; Spatial statistics

C. Kabala

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland Soil origin and transformation; Mountain soils; Soils of polar/subpolar regions; Soils of boreal regions; Soil contamination; Human iimpact on soils; Soil classification (including WRB and Soil Taxonomy)
University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia

J. Latron

Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Barcelona, SpainHydrological response of small catchments (0-10 km2): Hydrological monitoring; Rainfall-runoff relationships; Runoff generation processes; Modeling.Sediment dynamics in small catchments (0-10km2): Erosion, Sediment transport, Sediment budgets.

T. Lei

China Agricultural University, Beijing, China Hydrology; Instrumentation; Sediment measurement; Soil erosion; Soil physics

A. Mirabella

Soil evolution and weathering processes; Clay minerals characteristics and transformation; Soil organic matter (humic and fulvic acids) characterization.

T. Oguchi

The University of Tokyo Center for Spatial Information Science, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Japan Hillslope and fluvial geomorphology, GIS

Y. Onda

University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan

Y.A. Pachepsky

USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland, United States For geoderma: Artificial intelligence; Artificial neural networks; Regression tree; Genetic algorithm; Pedotransfer function; Soil hydraulic properties; Soil water flow; Solute transport; Spatial variability; Soil pore space; Soil structure, fate and transport of microorganisms; Crop simulation

X. Peng, PhD

Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China Scanning, Tomography

J. Poulenard

Mountain Environments Dynamics and Terrain, Le Bourget du Lac, France Mountain soil and Volcanic soil; Sediments sources and Erosion; Paleopedology and paleoenvironments

K. Pustovoytov

University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany Paleopedology; Geoarchaeology; Soil chronosequences; Pedogenic carbonate; Radiocarbon dating; Stable isotopes

D.G. Rossiter

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States Soil geography; Soil survey; Land suitability evaluation; Geostatistics applied to soil and related scieces; Urban soils; Caribbean and northern Latin America including Brazil, northeast and southeast USA, northeast Canada, central and north China, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Cameroon, Mozambique, India

G. Stoops

Ghent University, Gent, Belgium Soil micromorphology; Soil mineralogy; Weathering and laterites.

D. Torri

National Research Council, Roma, Italy Soil erosion; Raindrop detachment; Raindrop transport; Runoff detachment; Runoff transport capacity; Rill erosion; Gully erosion; Rill and gully channel geometry; Soil erodibility; Soil shear strength; Soil cohesion; Soil surface roughness hydraulics friction; Vegetation-soil interaction; Vegetation effects on soil erosion; Biodiversity badlands

C. Valentin

Embassy of France in Laos, Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic Soil surface crust; Runoff production; Catchment hydrology; Soil erosion; Southeast Asia; West Africa: savannah and Sahelian zones

D.E. Walling

University of Exeter Department of Geography, Exeter, United Kingdom

R. Webster, D.Phil., D.Sc., D.Hons

Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, United Kingdom Soil science; Soil survey; Environmental science more generally; Geostatistics; Statistics more generally.

X. Wei

Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling, China Land use change; Organic carbon and nutrients turnover and transportation; Soil aggregates, biogeochemical cycles; Soil erosion; Soil fertility

B. van Wesemael

Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Vis NIR spectroscopy; Soil organic matter and digital soil mapping
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Geomorphology; Quaternary geology; Climate change; Desertification; Arid landscape; Desert

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