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Computer Networks
期刊名称 | Computer Networks COMPUT NETW |
期刊ISSN | 1389-1286 |
期刊官方网站 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/computer-networks |
是否OA | No |
出版商 | Elsevier B.V. |
出版周期 | Semimonthly |
文章处理费 | 登录后查看 |
始发年份 | |
年文章数 | 443 |
影响因子 | 4.4(2023) scijournal影响因子 greensci影响因子 |
大类学科 | 小类学科 | Top | 综述 |
CiteScore排名 | CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | ||
学科 | 排名 | 百分位 | 10.8 | 1.520 | 1.543 |
Computer Science Computer Networks and Communications |
38/395 | 90% |
自引率 | 6.8% |
H-index | 119 |
SCI收录状况 | Science Citation Index Expanded |
官方审稿时间 | 登录后查看 |
网友分享审稿时间 | 数据统计中,敬请期待。 |
接受率 | 登录后查看 |
PubMed Central (PMC) | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=1389-1286%5BISSN%5D |
期刊投稿网址 | https://www.editorialmanager.com/COMNET |
收稿范围 | The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking Computer Networks is an international, archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in the computer communications networking area. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators of networks as well as designers and implementors. The Editorial Board will consider any material for publication that is of interest to those groups. SUBJECT COVERAGE The topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are: 1. Communication Network Architectures: New design contributions on Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs) including Wired, Wireless, Mobile, Cellular, Sensor, Optical, IP, ATM, and other related network technologies, as well as new switching technologies and the integration of various networking paradigms. 2. Communication Network Protocols: New design contributions on all protocol layers except the Physical Layer, considering all types of networks mentioned above and their performance evaluation; novel protocols, methods and algorithms related to, e.g., medium access control, error control, routing, resource discovery, multicasting, congestion and flow control, scheduling, multimedia quality of service, as well as protocol specification, testing and verification. 3. Network Services and Applications: Web, Web caching, Web performance, Middleware and operating system support for all types of networking, electronic commerce, quality of service, new adaptive applications, and multimedia services. 4. Network Security and Privacy: Security protocols, authentication, denial of service, anonymity, smartcards, intrusion detection, key management, viruses and other malicious codes, information flow, data integrity, mobile code and agent security. 5. Network Operation and Management: Including network pricing, network system software, quality of service, signaling protocols, mobility management, power management and power control algorithms, network planning, network dimensioning, network reliability, network performance measurements, network modeling and analysis, and overall system management. 6. Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling Algorithmic and discrete aspects in the context of computer networking as well as mobile and wireless computing and communications. Fostering cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in this field. TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDERED The primary purpose of the journal is to publish original and complete papers covering a specific topic or project in the above mentioned areas in sufficient detail and depth to be of practical use to interested readers. The readers should benefit from the novel solutions and analyses presented in the papers. Enhanced, extended versions of quality papers presented at conferences or workshops can be submitted to our journal for review. Note that papers which were already published with the same contents or simultaneous submission of the same paper to other journals or conferences will not be considered for publication in our journal and will be immediately rejected. Dataset Articles. Computer Networks also publishes micro-articles that describe open datasets available in a redacted and organized way. The purpose is for researchers to easily share and reuse each other's datasets by publishing data articles that: (i) Describe collected data in detail, facilitating reproducibility of experiments and improvements over proposed techniques, thus promoting rigorous experimentation and data analysis. (ii) Describe tools developed to collect, analyze, and visualize data. Open-Source Software Articles. Computer Networks additionally publishes micro-articles that describe open source software that has been used to obtain scholarly results in the area of computer networks. This may include articles describing discrete-event or other simulators, emulation tools, software implementations of networking and communication functionalities and protocols, standard implementations, monitoring tools, among others. |
收录体裁 | Full Article Micro Article |
投稿指南 | https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/computer-networks/publish/guide-for-authors |
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