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Nature Protocols
期刊名称 Nature Protocols
期刊ISSN 1754-2189
期刊官方网站 http://www.nature.com/nprot/index.html
出版商 Nature Publishing Group
出版周期 Quarterly
始发年份 2006
年文章数 146
最新影响因子 13.1(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 12.65 8.829 3.321
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
4 / 189 98%
自引率 1.50%
H-index 177
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
网友分享审稿时间 数据统计中,敬请期待。
PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=1754-2189%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 http://mts-np.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex

Nature Protocols是一本面向研究员的高质量同行评审期刊。方案稿件是由编辑委托作者,或者在投稿前由作者提交。方案以“处方”的形式,详细记录每一步骤,从而其他人可以很快的应用在自己的研究当中。所发表的方案都被证实可行,且已用于研究论文中。期刊涵盖了生物学和生物医学中的所有领域,也包括用于生物的物理、化学方法。通过搜索或浏览网页均可查看已发表的方案。编辑每周都会推出专题,该专题一周内可免费阅读。Nature Protocols与Protocol Exchange相关联,由于Protocol Exchange 是开源期刊,因而可以免费使用。作者可以上传方案,之后生成一个DOI号以供引用,并根据CC-BY许可进行发布。这些并未经过同行评审或者编辑。方案可以链接到引用他们的任何出版物。你还可以创建一个专用页面来收集实验室中所使用的方案。 


Protocol, Protocol Update, Protocol Extension, Correspondence, Matters Arising, Perspective, Commentary, Review, Analysis
投稿指南 https://www.nature.com/nprot/for-authors
参考文献格式 https://www.nature.com/nprot/for-authors/preparing-your-submission

Chief Editor: Melanie Clyne, PhD ORCID

Mel joined Nature Protocols in June 2014 and leads the journal's editorial team. Mel completed her PhD at the Genome Damage and Stability Centre, University of Sussex, where she studied cisplatin resistance in mismatch-repair-defective cells. She continued this research with a brief stint as a postdoctoral scientist before making the transition from laboratory-based research to medical publishing in 2009. She worked—first as an Editorial Assistant, and then as a Clinical Writer—for Map of Medicine, drafting peer-reviewed treatment guidelines for the NHS, and helping local healthcare communities to evaluate the impact of service redesign. Mel joined Nature Publishing Group in September 2011 as an Editor for Nature Reviews Urology, before taking up her current position at Nature Protocols. She is based in the London office.


Managing Editor: Katharine Barnes, PhD ORCID

Katharine joined Nature Protocols in January 2006 as Chief Editor and led the editorial team of Nature Protocols until November 2009, when she stepped down from the full-time Chief Editor role to become Managing Editor, working part-time. Before joining Nature Protocols Katharine was Editor of Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. A graduate of the University of Durham, UK, she completed her PhD in cancer pharmacology at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. Her postdoctoral research, based in the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Pharmacology, was focused on the phosphatase CDC25 and its potential as a target for anti-cancer drug development. She is based in the London office.


Senior Editor: Bronwen Dekker, PhD ORCID

Bronwen Dekker did a masters in Natural Product Chemistry (under Dulcie Mulholland, University of Natal) and worked in the toxicology section of a forensic science laboratory before doing a PhD under Jamal Zweit and Alastair Watson in the Radiochemical Targeting and Imaging group at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research. After a radiochemistry post-doc in Steve Mather's laboratory at St Bartholomew's hospital, she joined Nature Protocols in February 2006. She is based in the Berlin office.


Senior Editor: Hannah Clark, PhD ORCID

Hannah obtained her MA in Biological Sciences from the University of Oxford (St. Hilda's College) before undertaking a Ph.D. in Equine Parasitology, investigating the molecular mechanisms of benzimidazole resistance in equine small strongyles. This was completed under the supervision of Dr. Jane Hodgkinson at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool. Hannah joined Nature Protocols as an Assistant Editor in July 2006. She is based in the London office.


Senior Editor: Mathijs Vleugel, PhD ORCID

Mathijs received his PhD training at Utrecht University (The Netherlands), where he investigated the molecular evolution of cell cycle regulation under the supervision of Prof. Geert Kops. After obtaining his PhD in 2014, Mathijs did his post-doctoral research in the group of Prof. Marileen Dogterom at the University of Technology in Delft. During this period, he worked on the in vitro reconstitution of mitotic spindles using microfluidic technologies. Mathijs joined Nature Protocols as an Associate Editor in January 2017. He is based in the Berlin office.


Associate Editor: Ivanka Kamenova, PhD ORCID

Ivanka obtained her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 2013 from the University of Washington, Seattle where her research focused on characterizing TATA-less promoters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the supervision of Steve Hahn at the Fred Hutch. After that she moved to the IGBMC in Strasbourg, France to work in Laszlo Tora’s group, studying how protein domain organization guides co-translational assembly of multi-subunit complexes in mammalian cells using genomics and single molecule imaging methods. She joined Nature Protocols in April 2018 as an Associate Editor. She is based in the London office.


Editorial Assistant: Beata Ghavimi

Beata has a BSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and specialised in international trade and development economics. She has previously worked as a researcher in the editorial department of The Banker magazine at The Financial Times Group. Beata joined Nature Protocols in March 2016. She is based in the London office.


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