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Energy Efficiency
期刊名称 Energy Efficiency
期刊ISSN 1570-646X
期刊官方网站 http://link.springer.com/journal/12053
出版商 Springer Netherlands
年文章数 133
最新影响因子 3.2(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
工程技术4区 ENERGY & FUELS 能源与燃料4区
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 2.20 0.698 0.923
General Energy
16 / 58 73%
自引率 11.80%
H-index 24
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index Expanded
网友分享审稿时间 数据统计中,敬请期待。
PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=1570-646X%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 https://www.editorialmanager.com/enef/default.aspx

nergy Efficiencycovers wide-ranging topics related to energy efficiency, energy savings, energy consumption, energy sufficiency, and energy transition in all sectors across the globe. Coverage includes energy efficiency policies at all levels of governance enabling social, organizational, and economic factors of sufficient and efficient behavior and decisions; analysis and modeling of energy efficiency performance, measures, policies, outcomes, and impacts; energy management systems and energy services; the role of energy efficiency and demand-side management in energy planning, energy markets and risk assessment; local sustainable energy planning; energy behavior; acceptability of policy, technology, and new energy systems; and emerging technologies and approaches to improve energy efficiency.

Energy Efficiencyeditors welcome new and original work that contributes to our knowledge of energy efficiency and energy savings and that offers broad implications for energy efficiency within the transition to a more sustainable energy system. Editors will only consider clearly written, broadly applicable and accessible submissions that contain a novel element, issue, approach, method or result and that inspire progress in actual energy efficiency gains and energy savings. Areas of current interest include

• Evaluation and modeling of energy efficiency policies and demand-side management programs

• Impact of energy efficiency economy-wide across diverse levels of governance

• Contribution of energy efficiency to climate change mitigation goals

• Co-benefits or multiple benefits of energy efficiency and energy savings, especially health benefits and productivity

• Policies and incentives for energy efficiency and demand-side management programs in future electricity markets with high shares of renewables and prosumers

• Innovative approaches to improving energy use by applying new business models and latest advances in digital information and communications technology Effects of behavioral approaches and social practices to energy demand and efficiency

• Corporate energy efficiency and energy savings management programs, investment decisions, financing; energy efficiency and energy savings as corporate social responsibility

• Energy efficiency in transport, buildings and communities showing the benefits of an integrated approach.

• The role of energy efficiency and demand-side response in the energy transition

Energy Efficiency:

• Presents best practices and opportunities from all corners of the world

• Applies multi-disciplinary approaches and multiple methods

• Integrates fundamental and applied research

• Focuses on outcomes and impacts

• Addresses and integrates technological, economic, behavioral, and policy communities

• Offers high-quality original papers, brief communications, review articles, and editorials



Paolo Bertoldi

Ispra, Italy

e-mail: paolo-bertoldi@libero.it

Associate Editors

A. Alberini (Economics of Energy Efficiency), University of Maryland, MD,USA

S. Blancard (Agriculture), AgroSup Dijon, France

G. Boyd (Economics of Energy Efficiency), Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

K. Ehrhardt-Martinez (Behaviour), Navigant, Boulder, USA

B. Karlin (Behaviour), See Change Institute, Venice, USA;

M. Kopsakangas-Savolainen (Economics of Energy Efficiency) Finnish Environment Institute, Oulu, Finland

M. Krarti (Energy Efficiency in Buildings), University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

F. Sprei (Transport), Chalmer University, Sweden

D. Ürge-Vorsatz (Energy Efficiency in Buildings) Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

E. Worrell (Energy Efficiency in Industry), Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Editorial Board

J. AdnotEcole des Mines de Paris, FranceJ. Anable, University of Leeds, UK; I. Azevedo, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; R. BetzZurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), SwitzerlandM.A BrownGeorgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USAS. Carlucci, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; Adam Cooper, UCL London, UK; C. CooremansHEC Université de Genève, Switzerland; A.T. de AlmeidaUniversity of Coimbra, PortugalP.A. DeCotis, West Monroe Partners LLC, NYUS; N. EyreUniversity of Oxford, UKF. Felder, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA; K. GillinghamYale University,USA; K. Gram-Hanssen, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark; R. Gupta, Professor, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK; R. HaasVienna University of Technology, AustriaM.J. HorowitzDemand Research LLC, Fairfax, VA, USAG.M. JannuzziUniversity of Campinas (UNICAMP), BrazilE. Jochem, Centre for Energy Policy and Economics CEPE, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; V.J. Karplus, MIT, USA; J. Koomey, Stanford University, Stanford, USA; S. Kromer, Efficiency Valuation Organization, USA; B. Lin, Professor, Xiamen University, P.R. China; L. Lutzenhiser, Portland State University, Oregon, USA; R. Madlener, RWTH, Aachen University, Germany; E. Masanet, Nortwestern University, Evanston, USA; D. McCoy, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSE, UK; E. Mills, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, CA, USA; H. Nakagami, Jyukankyo Research Institute, Japan; L.J. Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden; L. Pagliano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy; A. Perrels, Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki, Finland; A.L. Pisiello, Univesity of Perugia, Italy; S. Reddy, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, India; J. Schleich, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France, and Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, Germany; M. Söderström, Linköping University, Sweden; S. Sorrell, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK; L. Steg, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; S. Thomas, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany; T. Tsoutsos, Professor, Technical University of Crete; A. Verbruggen, University of Antwerp, Belgium; H. Wilhite, University of Oslo, Norway; K. Yanbing, Energy Research Institute, Beijing, P.R. China; P. Zhou, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, P.R. China

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