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期刊ISSN 0741-8329
期刊官方网站 http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/525453/description#description
出版商 Elsevier Inc.
出版周期 Monthly
始发年份 1984
年文章数 70
最新影响因子 2.5(2023)  scijournal影响因子  greensci影响因子
大类学科 小类学科 Top 综述
CiteScore排名 CiteScore SJR SNIP
学科 排名 百分位 2.41 0.823 0.635
Social Sciences
Health(social science)
31 / 246 87%
Behavioral Neuroscience
33 / 70 53%
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
58 / 114 49%
67 / 148 55%
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
198 / 407 51%
自引率 4.50%
H-index 74
SCI收录状况 Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded
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PubMed Central (PMC) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0741-8329%5BISSN%5D
期刊投稿网址 http://ees.elsevier.com/alcohol/

Alcohol is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of the actions or effects of alcohol on the nervous system or on other organ systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and biomedical aspects of diagnosis, etiology, treatment or prevention of alcohol-related health effects. 

Intended for both research scientists and practicing clinicians, the journal publishes original research on the neurobiological, neurobehavioral, and pathophysiological processes associated with alcohol drinking, alcohol abuse, alcohol-seeking behavior, tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, protracted abstinence, and relapse. In addition, the journal reports studies on the effects alcohol on brain mechanisms of neuroplasticity over the life span, biological factors associated with adolescent alcohol abuse, pharmacotherapeutic strategies in the treatment of alcoholism, biological and biochemical markers of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, pathological effects of uncontrolled drinking, biomedical and molecular factors in the effects on liver, immune system, and other organ systems, and biomedical aspects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder including mechanisms of damage, diagnosis and early detection, treatment, and prevention. Articles are published from all levels of biomedical inquiry, including the following: molecular and cellular studies of alcohol's actions in vitro and in vivo; animal model studies of genetic, pharmacological, behavioral, developmental or pathophysiological aspects of alcohol; human studies of genetic, behavioral, cognitive, neuroimaging, or pathological aspects of alcohol drinking; clinical studies of diagnosis (including dual diagnosis), treatment, prevention, and epidemiology. The journal will publish 9 issues per year; the accepted abbreviation for Alcohol for bibliographic citation is Alcohol.

Alcohol subscribes to the tenets of The Farmington ConsensusSubmission of a paper to the journal will be taken as evidence that the authors have complied with the tenets set forth in the Consensus. All submitted material will be subject to peer review. Alcoholconsiders three types of manuscripts for publication: 

- Original research articles are full-length reports of the authors' original research addressing topics consistent with the Aims and Scope of the journal. Submissions outside the scope of the journal, or incomplete or fragmentary submissions, will not be considered.

- Rapid communications are original, high-quality manuscripts that describe new data of high impact and major importance to the field. These contributions are typically short (e.g., 4 journal pages), and will be peer-reviewed by at least one expert in the field of the research and an Editor, and will be either accepted with minimal or no revisions or rejected. Publication of accepted rapid communications will be expedited.

- Invited review articles will be considered for publication, upon invitation from the Editor-in-Chief, as full-length papers or mini-reviews. These contributions will be peer-reviewed. Contact the Editor-in-Chief concerning the suitability of a topic for an invited review. 

There are no page charges for articles published in Alcohol, and the current practice is to provide the corresponding author with 50 free reprints of his/her article. Effective May 2006, authors from all countries are invited to submit manuscripts, complete in all respects and following the Instructions to Authors (revised May 2006), to Charles R. Goodlett, Editor-in-Chief, via Elsevier electronic submission at http://ees.elsevier.com/alcohol 

Original research articles
Rapid communications
Review articles 
投稿指南 https://www.elsevier.com/journals/alcohol/0741-8329/guide-for-authors
参考文献格式 https://www.elsevier.com/journals/alcohol/0741-8329/guide-for-authors

D.M. Lovinger, PhD

Rockville, Maryland, United States
Associate Editor

D.A. Finn, PhD

Portland, Oregon, United States

C.R. Goodlet, PhD

Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

T.A. Wyatt, PhD

Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Editorial Board

M. Afshar

Maywood, Illinois, United States

H.C. Becker

Charleston, South Carolina, United States

K.J. Buck

Portland, Oregon, United States

R. Camarini

São Paulo, Brazil

W-J. Chen

College Station, Texas, United States

G. Colombo

Pisa, Italy

P. De Witte

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

W.L. Dees

College Station, Texas, United States

A.M. Dopico

Memphis, Tennessee, United States

T. Duka

Brighton, United Kingdom

C.J.P. Eriksson

Helsinki, Finland

J.G. Fan

Shanghai, China

B. Gao

Rockville, Maryland, USA

N.J. Grahame

Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

K. Grant

Portland, Oregon, USA

C. Guerri

Valencia, Spain

G.E. Homanics

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

W.I. Jeong

Daejeon, Korea

T.R. Jerrells

Omaha, Nebraska, United States

B.S. Kaphalia

Galveston, Texas, United States

K. Kharbanda

Omaha, Nebraska, USA

S.W. Kiefer

Manhattan, Kansas, United States

E.R. Korpi


E.J. Kovacs

Maywood, Illinois, United States

D.A. Lê

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

S. Luczak

La Jolla, California, United States

D. Matthews

Singapore, Singapore

B. McCool

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States

J.C. Molina

Binghamton, New York, United States

P. Pacher

Rockville, Maryland, United States

L.H. Parsons

La Jolla, California, United States

S.B. Pruett

University, Mississippi, United States

V. Ramchandani

Bethesda, Maryland, USA

M. Roberto

La Jolla, California, United States

D. Ron

Emeryville, California, United States

A.M. Rosenwasser

Orono, Maine, United States

G.T. Sutherland

C.F. Valenzuela

Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

T. Waldschmidt

Iowa City, Iowa, United States
Founding Editor

R.D. Myers

East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, United States
Social Media Editor

Patrick J. Mulholland

Charleston, South Carolina, United States

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