Editor-in-Chief: Albrecht E. Melchinger, Stuttgart (Germany) Quantitative genetic theory, plant breeding methodology, maize genetics/ breeding Managing Editors (tagedit@uni-hohenheim.de): Rod Snowdon, Giessen (Germany) Crop plant genomics and molecular breeding Tobias Würschum, Stuttgart (Germany) Crop genomics/genetics, molecular breeding Reviews Editor: Rajeev K. Varshney, Greater Hyderabad (India) Legume genetics/genomics, abiotic stresses, gene discovery, genomics-assisted breeding Editorial Board: Urmil Bansal, Sydney (Australia) Genetics of host pathogen interaction in cereal crops, molecular mapping of economic traits, marker development, marker assisted selection and gene editing Heiko C. Becker, Göttingen (Germany) Plant breeding methodology, plant genetic resources Martin P. Boer, Wageningen (The Netherlands) Quantitative genetics, genomic prediction, genotype-by-environment interaction, analysis high-throughput phenotypic data Hermann Bürstmayr, Tulln (Austria) Small grain cereals - breeding, molecular breeding, QTL mapping, disease resistance Alain Charcosset, Gif-sur-Yvette (France) Genetic diversity analysis, quantitative genetics, molecular breeding methodology Jose Crossa, Mexico (Mexico) Genomic prediction, genotype x environment interaction, multitrait analysis Brian Diers, Urbana, IL (USA) Legume breeding and genetics, genetic mapping, disease and pest resistance Susanne Dreisigacker, El Batán, Texcoco (Mexico) Wheat molecular breeding/genetics, applied biotechnology, population genetics Jorge Dubcovsky, Davis, CA (USA) Cereal genomics/genetics, molecular breeding, regulation of flowering Jeffrey Endelman, Madison, WI (USA) Quantitative genetics, genomic selection, association mapping, potato Maria-Laura Federico, Tucuman (Argentina) Plant molecular biology, biotechnology and functional genomics Matthias Frisch, Giessen (Germany) Maize breeding, quantitative genetics, population genetics Antonio Augusto Franco Garcia, Piracicaba (Brazil) Statistical genetics, quantitative genetics, molecular breeding, QTL and linkage mapping Ian Godwin, Brisbane (Australia) Cereal genetics/genomics, molecular breeding, plant genetic engineering Andreas Graner, Gatersleben (Germany) Cereal genetics/genomics, genetic resources, molecular breeding Christine Hackett, Dundee (UK) Linkage analysis, QTL mapping, statistical methods Volker Hahn, Willstaett, (Germany) Soybean and sunflower breeding and genomics J.S. (Pat) Heslop-Harrison, Leicester (UK) Molecular cytogenetics, comparative genomics and genome evolution, biodiversity Lee Hickey, Brisbane (Australia) Cereal genetics/genomics and plant breeding Sanwen Huang, Shenzhen (China) Plant genomics and vegetable genetics including potato, tomato and cucumber Brent Hulke, Fargo (USA) Sunflower breeding, quantitative genetics, marker- and genomics-assisted breeding Hiroyoshi Iwata, Tokyo (Japan) Quantitative genetics, plant breeding methodology, genomic prediction, QTL/association mapping Lixi Jiang, Hangzhou (China) Plant breeding/genetics, molecular genetics and biotechnology, with field crops such as Brassica oilseeds, Arabidopsis, rice, barley Hai-Chun Jing, Beijing (China) Bioenergy and cereal plant genetics/genomics, genetic resources, molecular breeding Beat Keller, Zürich (Switzerland) Cereal genomics/genetics, disease resistance, molecular breeding Takao Komatsuda, Ibraki (Japan) Barley genetics/genomics, domestication Maria von Korff Schmising, Köln (Germany) Barley genetics and shoot development Evans Lagudah, Canberra (Australia) Cereal/wheat molecular genetics, disease resistance, comparative genomics Peter Langridge, Glen Osmond (Australia) Plant molecular genetics, molecular plant breeding (esp. cereals and grasses) Amnon Levi, Charleston, SC (USA) Plant genetic resources, disease resistance, genetic mapping and molecular breeding Huihui Li, Beijing (China) Statistical genomics, quantitative genetics, statistical methods on gene mapping, genomic selection, selection footprint David. A. Lightfoot, Carbondale, IL (USA) Genome/proteome analysis, plant breeding/metabolism, disease resistance Hong-Qing Ling, Beijing (China) Wheat genomics/genetics, plant nutrition efficiency Thomas Lübberstedt, Ames, IA (USA) Plant breeding/genomics (esp. maize and grasses) Emma Mace, Warwick (Australia) cereal genetics/genomics, molecular breeding, genetic diversity analyses Ian Mackay, Cambridge (UK) Quantitative genetics, plant breeding Annaliese Mason, Giessen (Germany) Cytogenetics, genomics, hybridisation and polyploidy, introgression breeding, high-throughput genotyping and molecular breeding Diane Mather, Glen Osmond (Australia) Plant breeding, QTL mapping, molecular plant breeding Thomas Miedaner, Stuttgart (Germany) Rye breeding/genetics, disease resistance (esp. cereals), marker applications Laurence Moreau, Gif-Sur-Yvette (France) Quantitative genetics, QTL mapping, molecular breeding methodology Gary J. Muehlbauer, Paul (USA) Barley genetics and genomics, development Matthew N. Nelson, Ardingly (UK) Genetic resources, plant domestication, legume genomics, molecular breeding Henry T. Nguyen, Columbia (USA) Plant genome mapping, functional genomics, legume genetics/molecular breeding Frank Ordon, Quedlinburg (Germany) Molecular/ classical plant breeding, disease resistance, genetic resources Isobel Parkin, Saskatoon (Canada) Crop genetics and genomics (specialising in Brassicaceae species), genome sequencing Janila Paupuleti, Hyderabad (India) Legume breeding and genetics, disease resistance, quality improvement, marker assisted selection Xiaoquan Qi, Beijing (China) Cereal genomics/metabolomics, secondary metabolism and quantitative disease resistance Carlos F. Quiros, Davis, CA (USA) Comparative genomics, genome evolution, molecular breeding, Crucifer genetics Istvan Rajcan, Guelph (Canada) Genetics/breeding of oilseed crops, QTL mapping, g x e interaction, seed composition Jochen Reif, Stadt Seeland (Germany) Applied quantitative genetics and wheat breeding, hybrid breeding, statistical genomics Jessica E. Rutkoski, Laguna (Philippines) Quantitative genetics, plant breeding methodology, genomic selection Takuji Sasaki, Tokyo (Japan) Rice genetics/genomics, cereal genomics Chris-Carolin Schön, Freising-Weihenstephan (Germany) QTL analysis, molecular plant breeding, plant breeding methodology Alan Schulman, Helsinki (Finland) Retrotransposons, genome dynamics/evolution, DNA markers, molecular breeding Mikko Sillanpää, Helsinki (Finland) QTL/association mapping, quantitative genetic theory, linkage analysis Kevin P. Smith, Minnesota (USA) Barley breeding and genetics, molecular breeding, QTL mapping, disease resistance Mark Sorrells, Ithaca, NY (USA) Wheat genetics, QTL/microarray/candidate gene Analysis Benjamin Stich, Düsseldorf (Germany) Quantitative crop genomics, molecular breeding methodology Reinhard Töpfer, Siebeldingen (Germany) Grapevine genomics and breeding Joshua Udall, Provo, UT (USA) Cotton, brassica, genomics, introgression, QTL Herman van Eck, Wageningen (The Netherlands) Linkage and physical maps, marker- and genomics-assisted breeding, potato breeding, outbreeders and polyploids, genotyping by sequencing Richard Visser, Wageningen (The Netherlands) Cytogenetics, Solanaceae and Brassica genetics, QTL and physical mapping Jiankang Wang, Beijing (China) Quantitative genetics, QTL mapping methods, simulation modelling in plant breeding and genetics Kan Wang, Ames (USA) Plant biotechnology and genome-editing Matthias Wissuwa, Tsukuba (Japan) QTL mapping, abiotic stress, rice functional genomics Xianchun Xia, Beijing (China) Cereal genetics (wheat and maize), molecular plant breeding, QTL mapping Lizhong Xiong, Wuhan (China) Rice genetics/genomics, stress tolerance, drought resistance Mingliang Xu, Beijing (China) Gene mapping, functional genomics Steven S. Xu, Fargo (USA) Classical and molecular cytogenetics, wheat genomics/genetics and molecular breeding Yunbi Xu, Beijing (China) Cereal genomics (maize and rice), molecular plant breeding, breeding methodology Jianbing Yan, Wuhan (China) Linkage/association mapping, molecular breeding (esp. maize) Aimin Zhang, Beijing (China) Cereal molecular genetics and genomics, molecular breeding