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290.  Catalytic Cascade Dehydrogenative Cross-Coupling of BH/CH and BH/NH: One-Pot Process to Carborano-Isoquinolinone        
        Au, Y. K.; Lyu, H.; Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019141, 12855-12862.         

289. How long a C–C bond can be? An example of extraordinary long C–C single bond in 1,2-diarylamino-o-carborane

Wu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        Chin. Chem. Lett. 2019ASAP.      
288.          Rhodium catalyzed cascade cyclization featuring B–H and C–H activation: one-step construction of carborane-fused N-polyheterocycles        
        Lyu, H.; Zhang, J.; Yang, J.; Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019141, 4219-4224.      
287.          Controlled functionalization of o-carborane viatransition metal catalyzed B–H activation        
        Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.
        Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019ASAP.        
286.          Nucleophilic substitution: a facile strategy for selective B–H functionalization of carboranes        
        Quan, Y.; Tang, C.; Zhang, J.;          Xie, Z.        
        Dalton Trans. 2019, ASAP.      

285. Copper catalyzed/mediated direct B–H alkenylation/alkynylation in carboranes
Chen, Y.; Au, Y. K.; Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.
Sci China Chem201962, 74-79.


284. Regioselective Nucleophilic Alkylation/Arylation of B–H Bonds in o-Carboranes: An Alternative Method for Selective Cage Boron Functionalization
Tang, C.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.
J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018140, 16423-16427.


283. Broad Scope Extra‐Annular [4 + 2] Cycloaddition of o‐Carboryne with Styrenes: Efficient Route to Carborane‐Fused Polycyclics
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.
Chin. J. Chem. 201836, 1041-1046.


282. Rhodium catalyzed cascade cyclization featuring B–H and C–H activation: one-step construction of carborane-fused N-polyheterocycles
Lyu, H.; Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.
Chem. Sci.20189, 6390-6394


281. Reaction of o‐Carboryne with Furans: Facile Synthesis of Carborane-Fused Oxanorbornenes and Their Derivatives
Zhang, R.; Yuan, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.
Chin. J. Chem. 201836, 273-279.

280. 16th International Meeting on Boron Chemistry (IMEBORON XVI)        
Xie, Z.        
        Pure Appl. Chem. 201890, 605.      
279. Enantioselective Synthesis of Chiral-at-Cage o-Carboranes via Pd-Catalyzed Asymmetric B–H Substitution        
Cheng, R.; Li, B.; Wu, J.; Zhang, J.; Qiu, Z.; Tang, W.; You, S. L.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018140, 4508-4511.      

278. Transition‐Metal‐Like Behavior of Monovalent Boron Compounds: Reduction, Migration, and Complete Cleavage of CO at a Boron Center
Wang, H.; Wu, L.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201857, 8708-8713.

277. Borylene Insertion into Cage B–H Bond: A Route to Electron-Precise B–B Single Bond        
        Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Lee, H. K.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018140, 3888-3891.      
276. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of a carborane-fused silylene 1-{[PhC(NtBu)2]Si}-1,2-C2B10H11        
Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Organomet. Chem. 2018865, 173-177.      
275. Transition‐Metal‐Catalyzed Selective Cage B−H Functionalization of o‐Carboranes
Quan, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.
        Chem. Eur. J. 201824, 2795-2805.      
274. Cage carbon-substitute does matter for aggregation-induced emission features of o-carborane-functionalized anthracene triads        
        Wu, X.; Guo, J.; Quan, Y.; Jia, W.; Jia, D.; Chen, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Mater. Chem. C 201815, 4140-4149.      
273. Synthesis of carborane-fused carbo- and heterocycles via zirconacyclopentane intermediates        
        Cui, C. X.; Ren, S.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Dalton Trans. 201847, 2453-2459.      
272. Synthesis, structure and aromaticity of carborane-fused carbo- and heterocycles        
        Chan, T. L.; Xie, Z.
Chem. Sci. 20189, 2284-2289.
271. Cyclic amino(carboranyl) silylene: synthesis, structure and reactivity        
Wang, H.; Chan, T. L.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 201854, 385-388.      

270. Broad Scope [4 + 2] Cycloaddition of o-Carboryne with Pentafulvenes Using 1-Li-2-OTf-o-C2B10H10 as Precursor
Zhang, J.; Qiu Z.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics 201736, 3806-3811.

269.                   Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of a Borylene Cation [(NHSi)2B(CO)]+ Stabilized by Three Neutral Ligands        
Wang, H.; Wu, L.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017139, 13680-13683.      
268. Transition Metal Catalyzed Regioselective B (4)‐Halogenation and B (4, 5)‐Diiodination of Cage B‐H Bonds in o‐Carboranes        
Lyu, H.; Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Eur. J. 201723, 14866-14871.      
267. Reversible Photothermal Isomerization of Carborane-Fused Azaborole to Borirane: Synthesis and Reactivity of Carbene-Stabilized Carborane-Fused Borirane        
Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201756, 9198-9201.      
266. Direct Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction of Cage B−H Bonds by Grignard Reagents: A Route to Regioselective B4-Alkylation of o-Carboranes        
Tang, C.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
                Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201756         , 8642-8646.      
265. Iridium-catalysed regioselective borylation of carboranes via direct B-H activation        
Cheng, R.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Nat Commun. 20178, 14827.      
264. Reactivity of mixed-sandwich zirconacarborane alkyls with polar unsaturated molecules        
Liu, D.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Organomet. Chem. 2017847, 97-104.      
263.          Dehydrogenative cross-coupling of o-carborane with thiophenes via Ir-catalyzed regioselective cage B–H and C (sp2)–H activation        
        Quan, Y.; Lyu, H.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 201753, 4818-4821.      
262.          Cycloheptatrienyl dicarbollyl zirconium complexes: Building blocks for the preparation of multidecker sandwich complexes        
        Bannenberg, T.; Glöckner, A.;          Lemke, M.;          Yang, J.;          Xie, Z.;          Tamm, M.;          Jones, P. G.
J. Organomet. Chem. 2017828, 83-88.
261. Photoarylation of Iodocarboranes with Unactivated (Hetero)Arenes: Facile Synthesis of 1,2-[(Hetero)Aryl]n-o-Carboranes (n = 1,2) and o-Carborane-Fused Cyclics        
        Ni, H.;          Qiu, Z.;          Xie, Z.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201756, 712-716. 

260. Enantioselective Construction of Cyclobutanes: A New and Concise Approach to the Total Synthesis of (+)-Piperarborenine B
Hu, J.-L.; Feng, L-W.; Wang, L.; Xie, Z.; Tang, Y.; Li, X.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016138, 13151-13154.

259.          Transition Metal Catalyzed Direct Amination of Cage B(4)−H Bond in o-Carboranes: Synthesis of Tertiary, Secondary and Primary o-Carboranyl Amines        
        Lyu, H.;          Quan, Y.;          Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016138, 12727-12730.      
258.          Rh-Catalyzed Regioselective Cage B-H Hydroxylation of o-Carboranes          with O2 or Air        
        Lyu, H.;          Quan, Y.;          Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 11840-11844.      

257. Unique properties of C,C′-linked nido-biscarborane tetraanions. Synthesis, structure and bonding of ruthenium monocarbollide via unprecedented cage carbon extrusion
Zhao, D.; Zhang, J.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.
Chem. Commun. 201652, 9992-9995.


256. Phosphine-catalyzed cage carbon functionalization of o-carborane: facile synthesis of alkenylcarboranes
Zheng, F.; Leung, T. F.Chan, K. W.; Sung H. H. Y.; William, I. D. ; Xie, Z.; Jia, G.
Chem. Commun. 201652, 10767-10770.


255. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Carbene-Stabilized Carborane-Fused Azaborolyl Radical Cation and Dicarbollyl-Fused Azaborole
Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics, 2016, 35, 2579-2582.


254. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of mixed-sandwich zirconacarborane methyl complex (η5-C5Me5)[η1: η5-(R2NCH2CH2)C2B9H10]ZrMe
Liu, D.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.

J. Organomet. Chem. 2016822, 144-153.


253Palladium catalyzed regioselective B–C (sp) coupling via direct cage B–H activation: synthesis of B(4)-alkynylated o-carboranes
Quan, Y.; Tang, C.; Xie, Z.
Chem. Sci.20167, 5838-5845.

252                 [3-N         2         -o-C         2         B         10         H         11         ][BF         4         ]: A Useful Synthon for Multiple Cage Boron Functionalization of o-Carborane        
Zhao         , D.         ; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Sci.20167, 5635-5639.      
         251. The synthesis, structure and reactivity of an imine-stabilized carboranylphosphorus(I) compound        
Chan, T. L.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 201652, 7280-7283.      
         250.          Reaction of [η1: η5-(R2NCH2CH2) C2B9H10] TaMe3 with Isonitriles: Effects of Nitrogen Substituents on Product Formation        
                Xiang, L.         ; Xie, Z.        
249. Visible-Light-Promoted Photocatalytic B−C Coupling via a Boron-Centered Carboranyl Radical: Facile Synthesis of B(3)-Arylated o-Carboranes        
        Zhao, D.; Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016553166-3170.      
248.          Tantallacarborane Mediated Consecutive C–C and C–N Coupling Reactions of Alkyl Isonitriles: A Facile Route to N-Heterocycles        
Xiang, L.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201635, 233-241.      
247. Facile Synthesis of N-Carboranyl Amines through an ortho-Carboryne Intermediate        
Cheng, R.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201655, 1751-1754.      
245.          Palladium-catalyzed regioselective diarylation of o-carboranes by direct cage B-H activation        
Quan, Y.;  Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201655, 1295-1298.      
         245. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Carborynes        
Zhao, D.; Xie, Z.        
        Coord. Chem. Rev. 2016314, 14-33.      
244.                   DFT Studies on Structures, Stabilities, and Electron Affinities of closo-Supercarboranes C2Bn–2Hn (n = 13–20)        
Zhang, J; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics          201534, 5576-5588.      
243. The synthesis and structure of a carbene-stabilized iminocarboranyl-boron(I) compound        
Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 201551, 16817-16820.      
242.          An unprecedented Formal [5 + 2] Cycloaddition of Nitrones with o-Carboryne via Tandem [3 + 2] Cycloaddition/Oxygen Migration/Aromatization Sequence        
Zhao, D.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015137, 13938-13942.      
241. Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Dialkenylation of Cage BH Bonds in o-Carboranes through Cross-Coupling Reactions        
Lyu, H.; Quan, Y.;  Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201554, 10623-10626.      
240.                   Asymmetric Hydroamination Catalyzed by A New Chiral Zirconium System: Reaction Scope and  Mechanism        
Zhou, X.; Wei, B.; Sun, X.-L.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 5751-5753.      
239.          Dearomative [2 + 2] Cycloaddition and Formal C-H Insertion Reaction of o-Carboryne with Indoles:          Synthesis of Carborane-Functionalized Heterocycles        
Zhao, D.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015137, 9423-9428.      
238.          Facile Synthesis of o-Carborane-Substituted Alkenes and Allenes by a Regioselective          Ene          Reaction of          1,3-Dehydro-o-carborane        
Zhao, D.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        Chemistry—A European Journal201521, 10334-10337.      
237.          Highly Diastereoselective and Enantioselective Formal [4 + 3] Cycloaddition of Donor-acceptor          Cyclobutanes with Nitrones        
Hu, J.-L.; Wang, L.; Xu, H.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Org. Lett.201517, 2680–2683.
236.                   Nickel-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of o-Carboranyl with Aryl Iodides: Facile Synthesis of          1-Aryl-o-Carboranes and 1,2-Diaryl-o-Carboranes        
Tang, C.; Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201554, 7662-7665.      
235.          o-Carborane Functionalized Pentacenes: Synthesis, Molecular Packing and Ambipolar Organic Thin film          Transistors        
Guo, J.; Liu, D.; Zhang, J,; Zhang, J,; Miao, Q.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 12004-12007.      
234.                   Palladium-Catalyzed Regioselective Intramolecular Coupling of o-Carborane with Aromatics          via Direct Cage          B-H Activation        
Quan, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015137, 3502–3503.      
233.                   Reaction of N-heterocyclic Carbenes with 13-Vertex Closo-carboranes: Synthesis and Structural          Characterization          of Zwitterionic Salts of 13-Vertex Nido-carboranes        
Zheng, F.; Xie, Z.         
        Org. Chem. Front.20152, 55-59         .      
232.                   Reactivity of Traditional Metal-Carbon (Alkyl) versus Nontraditional Metal-Carbon (Cage) Bonds in          Organo-Rare-Earth Metal Complexes [η5:σ-(C9H6)(C2B10H10)]Ln(CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)(THF)2        
Yang, J; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics          201534, 2494-2499.      
231.                   Supercarborane Radical Anions with 2n + 3 Electron Counts: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study        
Zhang, J; Fu, X.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Inorg. Chem.          201554, 1965-1973.      
230.                   Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of Highly Constrained-geometry Yttracarborane Alkyl          [σ:η5-(C9H6)C2B9H10]Y[η2-(CH3OCH2CH2OCH3)]2        
Yang, J; Shen, H.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Organomet. Chem.          2015798, 204-208.      
229.                   Synthesis, structure and reactivity of rare-earth metallacarborane alkyls [η1:η5-O(CH2)2C2B9H9]Ln(σ:η1-CH2C6H4-o-NMe2)(THF)2        
Yang, J; Xie, Z.        
        Dalton Trans. 201544, 6630-6637.      
228.          Synthesis, Structure, and Alkyne Insertion of a Mixed-sandwich Zirconacarborane Alkyl        
Liu, D; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Inorg. Chem. Front.20152, 467-472.      


227. Transition-Metal- Promoted Functionalization of Carboranes Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis        
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z. Edited by Pombeiro, A. J. L.        
        Wiley 2014, p. 81-96.        
        226. One Stone Kills Three Birds: Novel Boron-Containing Vesicles for Potential BNCT, Controlled Drug Release, and Diagnostic Imaging        
Chen, G.; Yang, J.; Lu, G.; Liu, P-C.; Chen, Q.; Xie, Z.; Wu, C.        
        Mol. Pharmaceutics 201411, 3291-3299.        
        225.          Synthesis of Carborane-Fused Cyclobutenes and Cyclobutanes        
Yuan, Y.; Ren, S.; Qiu, Z.; Wang, S.; Xie, Z.        
        Sci. China Chem. 201457, 1157-1163.        
        224. Transition Metal Mediated Functionalization of o-Carboranes        
Xie, Z.        
        Sci. China Chem. 201457, 1061-1063.        
        223. On Desilylation of 13-Vertex Carborane 1,2-Me2Si(CH2)2-1,2-C2B11H11        
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        Chin. J. Chem. 201432, 777-782.        
        222. Regioselective Insertion of o-Carborynes into the α-CH Bond of Tertiary Amines: Synthesis          of α-Carboranylated          Amines        
Zhao, D.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.         
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201453, 12902-12906.        
        221.          Conversion of (η5-C2B9H10R)TaX3 (X = Me, NMe2) to (η6-C2B9H10R)TaX′ (X′ = NMe2, azaallyl) in the          Absence of a Reducing Agent: Synthesis and Structure of Tantallacarboranes Incorporating an          Arachno-η6-C2B9 Ligand        
Xiang, L.; Xie, Z.         
        Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 8249-8252.        
        220.          Iridium Catalyzed Regioselective Cage Boron Alkenylation of o-Carboranes via Direct Cage B-H Activation        
Quan, Y.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 15513–15516.        
        219.          1,3-Dehydro-o-carborane: Generation and Reaction with Arenes        
        Zhao, D.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.         
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 201453, 8488-8491.        
        218.          Diels-Alder Reaction of o-Carboryne with Fulvenes: Synthesis of Carboranonorbornadienes and Their          Transformations        
Zhang, J.; Qiu, Z.; Xu, P.-F.; Xie, Z.         
        ChemPlusChem. 201479, 1044-1052.        
        217. Insight into Reaction Mechanism of [2 + 2 + 1] Cross-Cyclotrimerization of Carboryne with Alkene and          Trimethylsilylarylalkyne Mediated by Nickel Complex        
Zhang, J.; Quan, Y.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z.         
        Organometallics 201433, 3556-3563.        
        216. Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of 13- and 14-Vertex Carboranes        
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.         
        Acc. Chem. Res.          201447, 1623–1633.        
        215. Transition-Metal-Mediated Three-Component Cascade Cyclization: Selective Cage B-C(sp2) Coupling of         
        Carborane with Aromatics and Synthesis of Carborane-Fused Tricyclics.        
        Quan, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2014, 136, 7599–7602.        
        214. Generation and reactivity of o-carborynes.        
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Dalton Trans. 201443, 4925-4934.        
        213. Synthesis and structural characterization of 14-vertex germa-, stanna-, and plumba-carboranes.        
Zheng, F.; Xie, Z.         
        Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 4986-4992.        
212.  Three-Component [2+2+1] Cross-cyclotrimerization of Carboryne, Unactivated Alkene, and          Trimethylsilylalkyne Co-mediated by Zr and Ni.          
Quan, Y.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Am. Chem. Soc.          2013135, 18742-18745.        
        211. Synthesis and Characterization of 14-Vertex Carboranes.         
Zhang, J.; Zheng, F.; Xie, Z.         
        Organometallics          201332, 7399-7406.        
        210. Reaction of Li2C2B10Me8H2 with NiCl2. Ligand Effects on Stability of Ni-Octamethylcarboryne Complexes.         
Qiu, Z.; Deng, L.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Organomet. Chem.          2013747, 225-228.        
        209. Reaction of [         η         1         :         η5         -(Me2NCH2CH2)C2B9H10]TaMe3 with Aryl Isonitriles: Tantallacarborane-mediated Facile         
        Cleavage of C-N Multiple Bonds.         
Xiang, L.; Mashima, K.; Xie, Z.         
        Chem. Commun.          2013, 49, 9039-9041.        
        208. Reaction of 13-Vertex Carborane μ-1,2-(CH2)4-1,2-C2B11H11 with Nucleophiles: Linkage Effect on Product          Formation.         
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 10677-10684.        
        207. Palladium-catalyzed Selective Fluorination of o-Carboranes         
Qiu, Z.; Q. Y.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Am. Chem. Soc.          2013135, 12192-12195.        
        206. Synthesis of Neutral Group 4 Metal-carboryne Complexes and Their Reactivity toward Unsaturated         
Ren, S.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.         
        Organometallics.          201332, 4292-4300.        
        205. Copper-Catalyzed Highly Enantioselective Cyclopentannulation of Indoles with Donor-Acceptor         
Xiong, H.; Xu, H.; Liao, S.; Xie, Z.; Tang, Y.         
        J. Am. Chem. Soc.          2013135, 7851-7854.        
        204. Reactions of 13-Vertex Carboranes with Strong Bases: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Carborane          Monoanions with exo-π Bonding.         
Zheng, F.; Zhang, J.; Fu, X.; Xie, Z.         
        Chem. Asian J. 20138, 1886-1891.        
        203. Supercarboranes: Achievements and Perspectives.         
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.         
        Pure Appl. Chem.          201385, 661-670.        
202. Constrained-geometry Titanacarborane Monoamides: from Synthesis and Reactivity          to Catalytic Applications.         
Shen, H.; Xie, Z. Edited by Hosmane, N. S.         
        Boron Science          2012, 517-528.        
        201. Synthesis, Structure and Ethylene Polymerization Behavior of Group 4 Metal          Complexes          Bearing         
        Salicylaldaminato          Ligands with Appended Donor Functionality.         
Wang, X.; Sit, M.-M.; Sun, J.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.         
        Acta Chim. Sinica 201270, 1909-1916.        
        200. Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Mixed-sandwich Cobalta- and Ferra-carboranes with Carbon-atoms-        
        adjacent' C2B9 and C2B10 Systems.         
Qiu, Z.; Wong, K.-H.; Xie, Z.         
        J. Orgnomet. Chem.          2012721-722, 97-103.        
        199. Reaction of 13-Vertex Carborane μ-1,2-(CH2)3-1,2-C2B11H11 with Nucleophiles: Scope and Mechanism.         
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.         
        Inorg. Chem.          201251, 12976-12987.        
        198.  Reaction of o-Carboranes with Sterically Demanding N-heterocyclic Carbene: Synthesis and Structural         
        Characterization of 1:1 Adducts.         
Zheng, F.; Xie, Z.         
        Dalton Trans.          201241, 12907-12914.        
        197.  Reaction of Zirconocene-Carboryne with Alkenes: Synthesis and Structure of Zirconacyclopentanes with a         
        Carborane Auxiliary        
Ren, S; Qiu, Z; Xie, Z        
        Organometallics 2012, 31, 4435-4441.        
        196.  Formal Insertion of o-Carborynes into Ferrocenyl C-H Bonds: A Simple Access to o-Carboranylferrocenes        
Wang, S. R.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201231, 4544-4550.        
        195.  Reaction of Carboryne with Alkylbenzenes        
Wang, S. R.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201231, 3316-3323.        
        194. Reaction of Carboryne with Styrene and Its Derivatives.        
Wang, S. R.; Xie, Z.        
        Tetrahedron 201268, 5269-5278.        
        193. Transition-Metal-Promoted or -Catalyzed Exocyclic Alkyne Insertion via Zirconacyclopentene with Carborane          Auxiliary: Formation of Symmetric or Unsymmetric Bezeocarboranes.        
Ren,S.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012134, 3242-3254.        
        192. Synthesis, Sructural Characterization, and Reactivity of Late Transition-metal Complexes Bearing Linked Cyclopentadienyl–carboranyl Ligands.        
Liu, D.;  Qiu, Z.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.        
        Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2012, 90, 108-117.        
        191. Three-Component [2+2+2] Cycloaddition of Carboryne, Unactivated Alkene, and Alkyne via          Zirconacyclopentane Mediated by Nickel: One-Pot Synthesis of Dihydrobenzocarborane.        
Ren, S.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 1010-1013.         
        190.          A newly-designed PE-supported arsine for efficient and practical catalytic Wittig olefination.        
Wang, P.; Liu, C.; Sun, X.; Chen, S.; Li, J.; Xie, Z.; Tang, Y.        
        Chem. Commun. 2012, 290-292.        
189. Synthesis and Reaction of Neutral and Cationic Alkyltantalum Complexes with a Linked        
        Cyclopentadienyl-Carboranyl Ligand.        
Tsurugi, H.;  Qiu, Z..; Yamamoto, K.; Müller,R.; Mashima, K.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201130, 5960-5964.        
        188.          Ti-amide Catalyzed Synthesis of Cyclic Guanidines from Di-/Triamines and Carbodiimides.        
Shen, H.; Wang, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Organic Letters, 201113, 4562-4565.        
        187. Intramolecular Hydroamination of Aminoalkenes Catalyzed by a Cationic Zirconium Complex.        
Wang, X.; Chen Z.; Sun, X.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Organic Letters, 201113, 4758-4761.        
        186. Reaction of a Zirconocene-Carboryne Complex with Pyridines: Ligand C-H Activation.        
Ren,S.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201130, 5953-5959.        
        185.          Selective Cage Boron/Carbon Extrusion Reaction of 13-Vertex Carborane μ-1,2-(CH2)3–1,2-C2B11H11:         
        Formation          of nido-CB10, closo-CB10, and closo-C2B10 Species.        
Zhang, J.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.        
        Chem. Commun. 2011, 8082-8084.        
        184.          Atom-economical Synthesis of 2-Aminoimidazoles via [3 + 2] Annulation Catalyzed by Titanacarborane        
Wang, Y.; Shen, H.; Xie, Z.        
        Synlett 2011, 969-973.        
        183. Facile Synthesis of ansa-Zirconocenes Incorporating a Linked Dicarbollyl Ligand via Direct Deboration of         
        Zirconocene Carboranyl Complexes        
Sit, M.-M.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201130, 3449-3452.        
        182.          Transition Metal-Carboryne Complexes: Synthesis, Bonding, and Reactivity.        
Qiu, Z.; Ren, S.; Xie, Z.        
        Acc. Chem. Res. 201144, 299-309.        
        181. Regioselective Insertion of Carborynes into Ethereal C-H Bond: Facile Synthesis of a-Carboranylated Ethers.        
Wang, S. R.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011133, 5760-5763.        
        180.          Synthesis and Structure of Rare-Earth-Metal Dicarbollide Complexes with an Imidazolin-2-iminato Ligand         
        Featuring Very Short Metal−Nitrogen Bonds.        
Trambitas, A. G.; Yang, J.; Melcher, D.; Daniliuc, C. G.; Jones, P. G.; Xie. Z; Tamm, M.        
        Organometallics 201130, 1122-1129.        
        179.          Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Reactivity of Group 4 Metallacarboranes Bearing the Ligand        
Liu, D.; Shen, H.; Wang, Y.; Cai, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Chemistry—An Asian Journal20116, 628-637.        
        178. Highly Diastereroselective Synthesis of Dihydrofurans and Dihydropyrroles via Pyridine Catalyzed Formal [4+1]         
Liu, C.; Zhu, B.; Zheng, J.; Sun, X.; Xie, Z.; Tang, Y.        
        Chem. Commun. 2011, 1342-1344.        
177.          Reaction of [η5:ϭ-Me2C(C5H4)(C2B10H10)]Ru(NCCH3)2 with Internal Alkynes: Synthesis and Structural        
        Characterization of Ruthenium-cyclobutadiene and Ruthenacyclopentatriene complexes.        
Qiu, Z.; Sun, Y.; Xie, Z.        
        Sci. China Chem. 201053, 2123-2128.        
        176.          Palladium/Nickel-Cocatalyzed Cycloaddition of 1,3-Dehydro-o-Carborane with Alkynes. Facile Synthesis of         
        C,B-Substituted Carboranes.        
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010132, 16085-16093.        
        175.          Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Group 10 Metal-Carboryne Complexes.        
Qiu, Z.; Deng L.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.        
        Organometallics 201029, 4541-4547.        
        174.          Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Supercarboranes.        
Zhang, J.; Xie, Z.        
        Chemistry--An Asian Journal20105, 1742-1757.        
        173.          Atom-Economical Synthesis of N-Heterocycles via Cascade Inter-/Intramolecular C-N Bond-Forming Reactions        
        Catalyzed by Ti Amides.        
Shen, H.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem.          Soc.                   2010132, 11473-11480.        
        172                 Insertion of Carboryne into Aromatic Rings: Formation of          Cyclooctatetraenocarboranes.        
Wang, S. R.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.        
        J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010132, 9988-9989.        
        171.          Nickel-Catalyzed Regioselective [2+2+2] Cycloaddition of Carboryne with Alkynes.        
Qiu, Z.; Wang, S. R.; Xie, Z.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201049, 4649-4652.         
        170.          Asymmetric Nazarov Reaction Catalyzed by Chiral          Tris(oxazoline)/Copper(II).        
Cao, P.; Deng C.; Zhou Y.-Y.; Sun X.-L.; Zheng J.-C.; Xie Z.; Tang Y.        
        Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201049, 4463-4466.        


169. Unique Chemical Properties of Metal-carbon Bonds in Metal-carboranyl and Metal-carboryne Complexes.
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.
Sci. China Ser. B-Chem. 200952, 1544-1558. 

168. [O-NSR]TiCl3-Catalyzed Copolymerization of Ethylene with Functionalized Olefins.
Yang, X.-H.; Liu, C.-R.; Wang, C.; Sun, X.-L.; Guo, Y.-H.; Wang, X.-K.; Wang, Z.; Xie, Z.; Tang, Y.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 200948
, 8099-8102.

167. Metallacarboranes Incorporating an arachno-η6-C2B9 Ligand. Sit, M.-M.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. Organometallics 200928, 5998-6002. 

166. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Zirconium-Carboryne Complexes.
Ren, S.; Deng, L.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics 200928, 5749-5756.

165. Reaction of a 14-Vertex Carborane with Nucleophiles: Formation of nido-C2B12, nido-C2B11, and closo-CB11 Carborane Anions.
Zhang, J.; Zheng, F.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.
Inorg. Chem. 200948
, 9786-9791. 

164. Re-examination of Dynamics of Polyelectrolytes in Salt-Free Dilute Solutions by Designing and Using a Novel Neutral-Charged-Neutral Reversible Polymer.
Zhou, K.; Li, J.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, G.; Xie, Z.; Wu, C. 
Macromolecules 200942, 7146-7154. 

163. Nickel-Catalyzed Three-Component [2+2+2] Cycloaddition Reaction of Arynes, Alkenes, and Alkynes.
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 200948, 5729-5732.

162. Reaction of Zirconocene-Carboryne Precursor with Alkynes: An Efficient Route to Zirconacyclopentenes Incorporating a Carboranyl Unit.
Ren, S.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics 200928, 4106-4114.

161. Multistep One-Pot Wittig/Nazarov Reaction for Construction of Cyclopentenone with Diazo Compounds and Acid Chlorides.
Cao, P.; Sun, X.-L.; Zhu, B.-H.; Shen, Q.; Xie, Z.; Tang, Y.
Org. Lett. 200911, 3048-3051.

160. Constrained-geometry ruthenium carboranyl complexes and their unique chemical properties. 
Shen, H.; Xie, Z.
Chem. Commun. 2009, 2431-2445.

159. Titanacarborane mediated C-N bond forming/breaking reactions.
Shen, H.; Xie, Z. 
J. Organomet. Chem. 2009694, 1652-1657.

158. Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Zirconacyclopentene Incorporating a Carboranyl Unit. 
Ren, S.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009131, 3862-3863.

157. Nickel-Mediated Three-Component Cycloaddition Reaction of Carboryne, Alkenes, and Alkynes.
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009131, 2084-2085.


156. Reaction of 13-Vertex Carboranes with Nucleophiles: Unprecedented Cage Carbon Extrusion and Formation of Monocarba-closo-Dodecaborate Anions. 
Zhang, J.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 200847, 9447-9449.

155. The Coil-to-Globule-to-Coil Transition of Linear Polymer Chains in Dilute Aqueous Solutions: Effect of Intrachain Hydrogen Bonding. 
Zhou, K.; Lu, Y.; Li, J.; Shen, L.; Zhang, G.; Xie, Z.; Wu, C. 
Macromolecules 200841, 8927-8931.

154. Hydrogen-Mediated Metal-Carbon to Metal-Boron Bond Conversion in Metal-Carboranyl Complexes. 
Liu, D.; Dang. L.; Sun, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z. 
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008130, 16103-16110.

153. Ehtylene Homopolymerization and Copolymerization with -Olefins Catalyzed by Titanium Complexes Bearing [O-NSR] Tridentate Ligands.
Gao, M.-L.; Gu, Y.-F.; Wang, C.; Yao, X.-L.; Sun, X.-L.; Li, C.-F., Qian, C.-T.; Liu, B.; Ma, Z.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.; Bu, S.-Z.; Gao, Y. 
J. Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,2008292, 62-66.

152. Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Group 4 Metallacarboranes Bearing the Ligand [Me2C(C9H6)(C2B9H10)]3-. 
Liu, D.; Wang, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 5295-5302.

151. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Constrained–Geometry Organolanthanide Chlorides and Alkyls Incorporating the Ligand [η5:σ–(C9H6)C2B10H10]2–. 
Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 5309-5316.

150. A Facile and Practical Synthetic Route to 1,1’-Bis(o-carborane). 
Ren, S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 5167-5168.

149. Nickel-mediated coupling reactions of carboryne with alkenes: a synthetic route to alkenylcarboranes. 
Qiu, Z.; Xie, Z.
Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed. 200847, 6572-6575.

148. One-Pot Screening of Titanium Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization. 
Yang, X.-H.; Sun, X.-L.; Han, F.-B.; Liu, B.; Tang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Gao, M.-L.; Xie, Z.; Bu, S.-Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 4618-4624.

147. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Group 4 Metal Complexes Bearing Pentavalent Phosphorus-Bridged Ligands [(C13H8)(iPr2N)P(-O)(C2B10H10)]2- and [(C13H9)(iPr2N)P(O)(C2B9H10)]2-. 
Wang, H.; Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 3964-3970.

146. Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Reactivity of Group 4 Metallacarboranes Containing the Ligand [Me2C(C5H4)(C2B9H10)]3-.
Wang, Y.; Liu, D.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 2825-2832.

145. Titanacarborane amide catalyzed transamination of guanidines.
Shen, H.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 2685-2687.

144. Copolymerization of ethylene with cycloolefins by titanium complexes containing tridentate [O-NSR] ligands. 
Gao, M.-L.; Sun, X.-L.; Gu, Y.-F.; Yao, X.-L.; Li, C.-F.; Bai, J.-Y.; Wang, C.; Ma, Z.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z.; Bu, S.-Z.; Qian, C. 
J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 200846, 2807-2819.

143. Synthesis, structure, and reactivity of Group 4 metallacycles incorporating a Me2C-linked cyclopentadienyl-carboranyl ligand. 
Sit, M.-M.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Dalton Trans. 2008, 1454-1464.

142. Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Reactivity of Group 4 Metal Complexes Derived from 1-Indenyl-1,2-carborane. 
Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200827, 1157-1168.

141. Synthesis, Folding, and Association of Long Multiblock (PEO23-b-PNIPAM124)750 Chains in Aqueous Solutions. 
Zhang, Q.; Ye, J.; Lu, Y.; Nie, T.; Xie, D.; Song, Q.; Chen, H.; Zhang, G.; Tang, Y.; Wu, C.; Xie, Z.
Macromolecules 200841, 2228-2234.

Folding of Long Multiblock Copolymer (PI-b-PS-b-PI)n Chains Prepared by the Self-Assembly Assisted Polypolymerization (SAAP) in Cyclohexane.
Hong, L.; Zhu, F.; Li, J.; Ngai, T.; Xie, Z.; Wu, C. 
Macromolecules 200841, 2219-2227.

139. Reaction of [s:h5-(C9H6)C2B9H10]Zr(NMe2)(DME) with Guanidines: Metallacarborane-Mediated C-N Bond Cleavage and 1,5-Sigmatropic Rearrangement.          
Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007129, 12934-12935.
        138. Advances in the Chemistry of Carboranes and Metallacarboranes with More than 12 Vertices.          
Deng, L.; Xie, Z. 
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2007251, 2452-2476.
        137. Ph3As-Catalyzed Wittig-Type Olefination of Aldehydes with Diazoacetate in the Presence of Na2S2O4.          
Cao, P.; Li, C.-Y.; Kang, Y.-B.; Xie, Z.; Sun, X.-L.; Tang, Y. 
J. Org. Chem. 200772, 6628-6630.
        136. Ethylene-Norbornene Copolymerization by New Titanium Complexes bearing tridentate ligands. Sidearm effects on catalytic activity.          
Gao, M.; Wang, C.; Sun, X.; Qian, C.; Ma, Z.; Bu, S.; Tang, Y.; Xie, Z. 
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 200728, 1511-1516.
        135. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a 13-Vertex Carborane Radical Anion with 2n + 3 Framework Electrons.          
Fu, X.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007129, 8964-8965.
        134.          Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of [s:h1:h5-(OCH2)(Me2NCH2)C2B9H9]Ti(NR2) (R = Me, Et). 
Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200726, 2694-2704.  
        133.          A Journey from 12-Vertex to 14-Vertex Carboranes and to 15-Vertex Metallacarboranes.          
Deng, L.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics 200726, 1832-1845.
        132. Synthesis, Structure, Reactivity, and Thermal Isomerization of Boron-Substituted 13-Vertex Cobaltacarboranes (h         5-Cp)Co(h6-R2C2B10Me8H2) (R = H, Et). 
Deng, L.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Inorg. Chem. 200746, 2716-2724.
        131. Role of C,C’-Linkage in the Formation and Stabilization of Supercarboranes. Synthesis and Structure of Carbon-Atoms-Apart 13-Vertex Carborane and 14-Vertex Metallacarborane.          
Zhang, J.; Deng, L.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007129, 18-19.

130. Guanylation of Amines Catalyzed by a Half-Sandwich Titanacarborane Amide Complex. 
Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics 200625
, 5515-5517.

129. Ruthenium-Mediated Coupling/Cycloaddition of the Cyclopentadienyl in [h5:s-Me2C(C5H4)(C2B10H10)]Ru(NCCH3)2 with Alkynes: Facile Formation of Tricycles. 
Sun, Y. Chan, H.-S.; Zhao, H.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z. 
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 200645, 5533.

128. Reaction Scope and Mechanism of Sterically Induced Ruthenium-Mediated Intramolecular Coupling of o-Carboranyl with Cyclopentadienyl. Synthesis and Structure of Ruthenium Complexes Incorporating Doubly-Linked Cyclopentadienyl-Carboranyl Ligands. 
Sun, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200625, 4188.

127. Synthesis, Structural Characterization, Reactivity, and Thermal Stability of [h5:s-Me2C(C5H4)(C2B10H10)]Ti(R)(NMe2). 
Wang, H.; Wang, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Inorg. Chem. 200645, 5675.

126. Reaction of [h5:s-Me2C(C5H4)(C2B10H10)]Ru(NH2Prn)2 with Alkynes. Control Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Ruthenium Aminocarbene and Enamine Complexes. 
Sun, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200625
, 3447-3453.

125. Synthesis and Structure of 14- and 15-Vertex Ruthenacarboranes. 
Deng, L.; Zhang, J.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 200645
, 4309-4313.  

124. Nickel-Mediated Regioselective [2 + 2 + 2] Cycloaddition of Carboryne with Alkynes. 
Deng, L.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 7728-7729.

123. Reactions of [η5:σ-Me2C(C5H4)(C2B10H10)]Ru(COD) with Lewis bases: Synthesis, structure, and electrochemistry of ruthenium amine, nitrile, carbene, phosphite and phosphine complexes.  
Sun, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Dixneuf, P. H.; Xie, Z. 
J. Organomet. Chem. 2006691, 3071-3082.  

122. Reaction of [η5:s-Me2C(C5H4)(C2B10H10)]Ru(NCCH3)2 with Me3SiCCR. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Mononuclear Ruthenium Bis(vinylidene) and Vinylvinylidene Complexes. 
Sun, Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Dixneuf, P. H.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200625, 2719-2721.

121. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Carboranyl-Indenyl Ligands and Their Lanthanide Complexes. 
Shen, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200625, 2617-2625.

120. Synthesis, Structure, and Olefin Polymerization Behavior of Constrained-Geometry Group 4 Metallacarboranes Incorporating Imido-Dicarbollyl Ligands.  
Gao, M.; Tang, Y.; Xie, M.; Qian, C.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200625, 2578-2584.

119. Pentavalent vs Trivalent Phosphorus-Bridged Ligands. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Unexpected Group 4 Metal Complexes Incorporating an Indenylide Unit, [σ:σ-iPr2NP(O)(C9H6)(C2B10H10)]M(NR2)2. 
Wang, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z.
Organometallics 200625, 2569-2573.

118. Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of 13-Vertex Carboranes and 14-Vertex Metallacarboranes. 
Deng, L.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 5219-5230.

Group 4 Metallocenes Incorporating Constrained-Geometry Carboranyl Ligands. 
Xie, Z. 
Coord. Chem. Rev. 2006250, 259-272. 

116.          Reduction of 1,2-(CH2)n-1,2-C2B10H10 by Group 1 Metals. Effects of Bridge Length/Rigidity on the Formation of Carborane Anions. 
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Organometallics 200524, 6244-6249.
        115.          Highly Electrophilic Half-Sandwich Group 4 Metallacarborane Alkyls. C-H/C-O Activation and Alkyne Insertion Reactions at Neutral Metal Complexes. 
Cheung, M.-S.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200524, 5217-5220.
        114.          Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of a Zirconocene-Carboryne Precursor. 
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        113.          Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Reactivity of 13-Vertex Lanthanacarboranes Bearing h7-arachno-Carboranyl Ligands. 
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Organometallics 200524, 4468-4474.
        112.          Functional Sidearm Promoted Electron-Transfer Reactions: A New Route to Metallacarboranes Incorporating the h7-arachno-Carboranyl Ligands.
Cheung, M.-S.; Chan, H.-S.; Bi, S.; Lin, Z.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 2005,24, 4333-4336
        111.          Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Reactivity of Rare Earth Complexes Incorporating Lewis Base Appended nido-Carborane Anions of the C2B9 and C2B10 Systems. 
Cheung, M.-S.; Chan, H.-S.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200524, 4207-4215.
        110.          Role of Carborane in Polymerization and Insertion Reactions.
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        109.          Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Mono- and Bisfunctional o-Carboranes. 
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        108. Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Terminal Titanium Imido Complexes Incorporating Constrained-Geometry Carboranyl Ligands.         
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        107.          Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Catalytic Properties of Group 4 Metal Complexes Incorporating a Phosphorus-Bridged Indenyl-Carboranyl Constrained-Geometry Ligand. 
Wang, H.; Chan, H.-S.; Okuda, J.; Xie, Z. 
Organometallics 200524, 3118-3124.
        106.          A New Synthetic Route to High-Valent Half-Sandwich Group 4 Metallacarborane Alkyls. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of [h1:h6-(Me2NCH2CH2)C2B10H11]Hf(CH2SiMe3)2        
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        105. Synthesis, Reactivity, and Structural Characterization of a 14-Vertex Carborane.        
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54. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Novel Organolanthanide Clusters Containing Amido and Imido Groups. 
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53. Cyclopentadienyl vs Indenyl Substituents. Organolanthanide Complexes and Biscarborane Compounds Derived from a Versatile Ligand, Me2Si(C9H7)(C2B10H11). 
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52. Is There a Continuum from Organosamarium Hydroxo to Oxo compounds? Crystal structures of [{(Me3Si)2C5H3}2Sm]2(u-O)(u-OH2) and Three Distinct Crystalline Forms of [{(Me3Si)2C5H3}2Sm(u-OH)]2
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51. A New Class of Metallacarboranes: Synthesis and Molecular Structure of the First Example of an Organolanthanide Compound Bearing an η7-Carboranyl Ligand. 
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Organometallics 199918, 3947-3949. 

50. Pi-Arene/Cation Structure and Bonding. Solvation versus Ligand Binding in Iron(III) Tetraphenylporphyrin Complexes of Benzene, Toluene, p-Xylene, and [C60]Fullerene. 
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49Exo-nido- versus closo-Lanthanacarboranes. Synthesis and Structure of exo-nido-[(C6H5CH2)2C2B10H10]Ln(DME)3, [exo-nido-{(C6H5CH2)2C2B9H9}Ln(THF)3]2 (Ln = Sm, Yb), and closo-exo-[(C6H5CH2)2C2B10H10]4Sm2Na3
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Organometallics 199918, 3603-3609. 

48. Application of a New Versatile Ligand to Lanthanide(II) Chemistry: Synthesis, Reactivity, and Structure of a New Class of Organolanthanide Complexes. 
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47. [{[(η7-C2B10H12)(η6-C2B10H12)U][K2(THF)5]}2]: A Metallacarborane Containing the Novel h7-C2B10H12 4- Ligand. 
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46. Synthesis, Reactivity, and Structural Characterization of Organolanthanide Compounds Incorporating both Cyclopentadienyl and Carboranyl Groups.
Xie, Z.; Wang, S.; Zhou, Z.Y.; Mak, T.C.W.
Organometallics 199918, 1641-1652. 

45. Synthesis and Structure of the First Tetranuclear Organolanthanide Cluster Containing a u4-Imido Group.
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44. Synthesis and structural characterization of new weakly coordinating anions. Crystal structure of Ag(1-CH3-CB11H5X6) (X = H, Cl, Br, I). 
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38. Systematic studies on the reactions of lanthanide trichlorides with Na[1,3-bis(trimethylsilyl)cyclopentadienyl]. Crystal structures of [1,3-(Me3Si)2C5H3]3Ln (Ln = La, Nd, Gd, Dy).          
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        37. Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure of Bis[η         5-1,3-bis(trimethylsilyl)cyclopentadienyl] Lanthanide and Yttrium Iodide Complexes.          
Xie, Z.; Liu, Z.; Xue, F.; Zhang, Z.; Mak, T.C.W. 
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        36. Protonation of a Linear Oxo Bridged Diiron Unit without Rehybridization of the Bridging Oxygen: Structure of the (u-Hydroxo)bis(tetraphenylporphinatoiron(III)) Cation.          
Evans, D.R.; Mathur, R.S.; Heerwegh, K.; Reed, C.A.; Xie, Z. 
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        35.  Synthesis and Crystal Structure of an Organolanthanide Fluoride, [{Me3Si)2C5H3}2Sm(u-F)]2.          
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        34. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of closo- and exo-nido-Lanthanacarboranes.          
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        33. Chlorination of Icosahedral Carborane Anions. X-ray Crystal Structure of [Me3NH][CH3-1-CB11Cl11].          
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        32. Structural Diversity in Silver Salts of Hexahalogenocarborane Anions, Ag(CB11H6X6) (X = Cl, Br, I).
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        31         Five-coordinate Hydrogen: Neutron Diffraction Analysis of the Hydrido Cluster Complex [H2Rh13(CO)24]3-.
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8. Mass Spectra of Organolanthanide Complexes.
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7. Studies on Organolanthanide Complexes. XXI. Reduction of Alkenes with Yttrocene Chlorides/Sodium Hydride systems.
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6. Studies on Organolanthanide Complexes. XIX. Proton and Carbon-13 NMR Spectra of Dicyclopentadienyl Yttrium and Lutetium Chlorides.        
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