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[23] Cement clinker precursor production in an electrolyzer

Z. Zhang, B. Mowbray, C. Parkyn, C. Waizenegger, A. Williams, E. Lees, R. Xuan, Y. Kim, C. P. Berlinguette. Energy Environ. Sci., 2022, 15, 5129.

[22] Porous metal electrodes enable efficient electrolysis of carbon capture solutions

Z. Zhang, E.W. Less, F. Habibzadeh, R.Xuan D. A. Salvatore, D. Wheeler, G. Simpson, A. Liu C. P. Berlinguette, Energy Environ. Sci., 2022,15,705.

[21] Electrochemcial cement clinker production at low voltages

B. Mowbray*, Z. Zhang*, C. Parkyn,C. P. Berlinguette, ACS Energy Lett., 2023 (* Contributed Equally)

[20] Conversion of Reactive Carbon Solutions into CO at Low Voltage and High Carbon Efficiency

Z. Zhang, E. Lees, R. Xuan, A. Huang, C. P. Berlinguette, ACS Cent. Sci., 2022, 8, 749.

[19] pH matters when reducing CO2 in an electrochemical flow cell

Z. Zhang, L. Melo, R.P. Jansonius, F. Habibzadeh, E.Grant, C. P. Berlinguette, ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 3101. (Highlighted by Editors)

[18] Tailoring carbon nanotube microsphere architectures with controlled porosity

Z. Zhang, A. Sadeghi, R. Jervis, S. Ye, J. Gostick, J. E. Barralet, G. Merle, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 42, 1903983.

[17] Cavitation Mediated 3D Microstructured Architectures from Nanocarbon”

Z. Zhang, S. Ye, U. Gbureck, J. E. Barralet, G. Merle Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1706832.

[16] Composite carbon nanotube microsphere coatings for use as electrode supports

Fraser*, Z. Zhang*, G. Merle, S. Ye, U. Gbureck, J. Gostick, J. E. Barralet, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1803713. (* Contributed Equally)

[15] 2D hematene, a bioresorbable electrocatalytic support for glucose oxidation

Z. Zhang, D. Viera, J. E. Barralet, G. Merle, 2D Materials. 2020, 7, 025044.

[14] Selective exposure of platinum catalyst embedded in protective oxide layer on conductive titanium carbide

Z. Zhang, A. Sadeghi, R. Gauvin, S. Ye, J. Gostick, J. E. Barralet, G. Merle, Mater. Today Energy. 2019, 13, 353.

[13]  Top-down bottom-up graphene synthesis

Z. Zhang, A. Fraser, S. Ye, G. Merle, J. E. Barralet, Nano Futures. 2019, 3, 042003.

[12]   Editors' Choice—Methanol electrooxidation with platinum decorated hematene nanosheet

Z. Zhang, M. Ye, E. Harvery, G. Merle, “J. Electrochem. Soc., 2019, 166, H135. (Editors’ Choice)

[11]  Electrically Bloomed Platinum Nanoflowers on Exfoliated Graphene: An Efficient Alcohol Oxidation


Z. Zhang, J. H. Lopes, S.Ye, J. Gostick, J. E. Barralet, G. Merle, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2016, 163, 615.

[10]   Quantification of the effect of an external magnetic field on water oxidation with cobalt oxide anodes

C. Hunt, Z. Zhang, K. Ocean, R. P. Jansonius, M. Abbas, D. J. Dvorak, E. W. Lees, S. Ghosh, A. Turkiewicz, F. A. Garcés-Pineda, D. Fork, C. P. Berlinguette, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144,733.

[9]   Direct H2O2 synthesis, without H2 gas

        A. Huang, R. Delima, Y. Kim, E. Lees, F. Parlane, D. Dvorak,  R. P. Jansonius, , Z. Zhang, C. P.

        Berlinguette, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022

[8]   Electrocatalysts derived from copper complexes transform CO into C2+ products in a flow cell

       R. Shao, Z. Zhang, E. Lees, A. Fink, L. Melo, C. Hunt, E.Grant, C. P. Berlinguette, Chem. Eur. J, 2022

[7]   Impact of Alkali Cation Identity on the Conversion of HCO3‒ to CO in Bicarbonate Electrolyzers

A. Fink, E. Lees, Z. Zhang, R. Shao, R. Delima, C.P.Berlinguette, ChemElectroChem, 2021,8, 2094.

[6]   Electrolysis can be used to resolve hydrogenation pathways at palladium surfaces in a membrane reactor

A. Huang, Y. Cao, R. Delima, T. Ji, R. P. Jansonius, N. Johnson, C. Hunt, J. He, A. Kurimoto, Z. Zhang, C. P. Berlinguette, JACS Au. 2021, 3, 336.

[5]   Electrodes Designed for Converting Bicarbonate into CO

E. Lees, G. Maxwell, F. Arthur, D. Dvorak, D. Salvatore, Z. Zhang, C. Berlinguette, ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 2165

[4]   Conversion of Bicarbonate to Formate in an Electrochemical Flow Reactor

T. Li, E. Lees, Z. Zhang, C. Berlinguette, ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 2624.

[3]  BiomaterialInduction of a Transplantable Angiosome

B. Charbonnier, S. Maillard, O. Sayed, A. Baradaran, H. Mangat, B. Dalisson, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Hussain, D. Mayaki, H. Seitz, E. Harvey, M. Gilardino, U. Gbureck, N. Makhoul, J. Barralet, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 1, 1905115.

[2]  MaterialInduced VenosomeSupported Bone Tubes

B. Charbonnier, A. Baradaran, D. Sato, O. Alghamdi, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, U. Gbureck, M. Gilardino, E. Harvey, N. Makhoul, J. Barralet, Adv. Sci.,2019, 6, 1900844.

[1]  Treatment of CriticalSized Calvarial Defects in Rats with Preimplanted Transplants

B. Charbonnier, M. Abdulla, A. Gorgy, H, Shash, Z. Zhang, U. Gbureck, E. Harvey, N. Makhoul, M. Gilardino, J. Barralet, Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2019, 8, 1900722.