序号 | 项目名称 | 项目类型 | 项目编号 | 项目周期 |
1 | 酸性气藏清洁开发利用 | 国家自然科学基金 | 52325401 | 2024.01-2028.12 |
2 | InP/MIL-100(Fe)局域电子结构调控载流子动力学增强氮气还原合成氨机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22309152 | 2024.01-2026.12 |
3 | 氧化/还原助剂修饰CdS用于光催化分解H2S制氢的超快光物理机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22311530118 | 2023.05-2026.04 |
4 | 超快时间尺度下CO2转化制CH3OH反应中间体的捕获及其决定产物选择性的作用机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22209135 | 2023.01-2025.12 |
5 | 定向调控甲烷活化生成抗积碳中间体提升Ni/CeO2光热催化甲烷干重整性能研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22209136 | 2023.01-2025.12 |
6 | α-Ni(OH)2微观结构调控分子氧活化机制及催化氧化甲醛反应机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22206159 | 2023.01-2025.12 |
7 | 无镉量子点用于光催化CO2和H2S协同转化的研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22211530070 | 2022.06-2024.05 |
8 | 光解硫化氢制氢活性增强机制及氧化产物资源化利用研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22178291 | 2022.01-2025.12 |
9 | 双能带工程耦合氧化产物调控协同增强AgIn5S8量子点光电催化分解硫化氢制氢研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 22109132 | 2022.01-2024.12 |
10 | 光电催化合成氨反应机理研究 | 国家重点研发计划重点专项课题 | 2020YFA0710002 | 2020.12-2025.11 |
11 | 表面修饰NiSe纳米材料增强电催化含硫废水制氢脱硫研究 | 中国博士后科学基金面上资助 | 2024M750704 | 2024.08-2025.08 |
12 | 太阳能驱动甲烷直接转化制甲醇 | 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 | 2024T170747 | 2024.07-2025.06 |
13 | 太阳能波动性源网供能制备绿氨化工品关键技术研究 | 四川省国际科技合作项目 | 2024YFHZ0303 | 2024.01-2025.12 |
14 | 太阳能驱动高含硫气藏伴生气高值转化制氢及碳/硫化学品研究 | 四川省自然科学基金 | 2024NSFSC0277 | 2024.01-2025.12 |
15 | 甲烷-二氧化碳重整制合成气催化剂及工艺技术 | 四川省科技计划“揭榜挂帅”项目 | 2023YFG0375 | 2024.01-2026.12 |
16 | 绿色光电催化含氮废水资源化利用关键装置与技术开发 | 四川省重点研发项目 | 2024YFHZ0040 | 2024.01-2025.12 |
17 | 攀西稀土短流程高效富集分离与高值化应用关键技术研发 | 四川省重大科技专项项目 | 2023ZDZX0005 | 2023.11-2027.12 |
18 | 温室气体二氧化碳与天然气低温耦合利用关键技术研究与应用 | 四川省重点研发项目 | 2023YFG0106 | 2023.01-2024.12 |
19 | 年产300吨高抗湿臭氧分解催化剂制备关键技术和臭氧分解设备推广应用 | 四川省科技成果转移转化示范项目 | 2023ZHCG0053 | 2023.01-2024.12 |
20 | 油水乳液/低维纳米流体水合物促进剂用于甲烷制合成氨脱碳关键技术 | 四川省自然科学基金 | 2023NSFSC0108 | 2023.01-2024.12 |
21 | “双碳”背景下四川天然气(页岩气)综合利用策略及路径研究 | 四川省科协科技智库调研课题 | sckxkjzk2022-3 | 2022.06-2022.11 |
22 | 高效稳定自支撑纳米材料构建及光伏-电催化电解水制氢关键技术研究 | 四川省自然科学基金 | 2022NSFSC0023 | 2022.01-2024.12 |
23 | 离网光伏电解水制绿氢关键技术研究 | 四川省博士后科研项目特别资助 | - | 2024.08-2025.08 |
24 | 水风光多能互补多时间尺度绿电高效消纳技术 | 天府永兴实验室重大专项 | - | 2023.12-2028.12 |
25 | 某公司硫化氢分解制氢脱硫技术研发 | 企业横向项目 | - | 2024.03-2026.03 |
26 | 某公司太阳能热化学高效制氢关键技术研究 | 企业横向项目 | - | 2024.01-2026.12 |
27 | 某公司光伏电解水制氢催化材料及系统构建 | 企业横向项目 | - | 2023.12-2025.02 |
28 | 某公司光解水制氢研究 | 企业横向项目 | - | 2023.10-2027.12 |
29 | 某公司新能源业务创新发展模式技术研究服务 | 企业横向项目 | ZY23-XA702-TPFW1382 | 2023.09-2023.12 |
30 | 某公司熔融法甲烷裂解性能评估及碳材料分析表征实验研究 | 企业横向项目 | JS2023-86 | 2023.07-2023.09 |
31 | 某公司船用甲烷裂解制氢技术服务 | 企业横向项目 | Z2023SFGJ-07/003-HZ | 2023.01-2023.06 |
32 | 某公司新能源技术研究与应用-技术咨询技术服务 | 企业横向项目 | CQSJ-F035-2022-6216 | 2022.12-2023.04 |
33 | 某公司熔融法甲烷裂解高产氢体系及机理研究 | 企业横向项目 | JS202-99 | 2022.10-2023.08 |
34 | 某公司新能源专项规划及相关课题研究 | 企业横向项目 | KLRQ-CQFGS-2022-39 | 2022.01-2022.11 |
35 | 某公司氢能业务部署策略研究技术服务 | 企业横向项目 | JS-2021-45 | 2021.08-2022.06 |
发表论文:(Google Scholar文章列表)
274. Meng Dan, Shan Yu, Weihua Lin, Mohamed Abdellah, Zhen Guo, Zhao-Qing Liu, Tõnu Pullerits, Kaibo Zheng*, Ying Zhou*, Balancing the Charge Separation and Surface Reaction Dynamics in Twin-Interface Photocatalysts for Solar-to-Hydrogen Production, Advanced Materials, 2024, 2415138.
273. Yuangang Duan, Shan Yu*, Zhen He, Jingyuan Huang, Fushen Wang, Mengyao Fu, Zeai Huang, Ying Zhou*, Thermodynamic reaction study of conversion of H2S and CO2 and the promoting effect of light on the reaction, ChemPhotoChem, 2024, e202400125.
272. 黄靖元,于姗*,王登海,饶家豪,付梦瑶,周犁文,唐春,李曼平, 基于多目标决策优化的加氢站选址动态模型, 油气与新能源, 2024, 2, 10-17.
271. Fang Wang*, Wenjing Lin, Jinchi Mu, Xiaosheng An, Ruiyang Zhang, Lihong Guo, Ying Zhou*, Dynamic mechanism of CO2 capture from flue gas via hydrate-based method induced by using IB group transition metal functionalized carbon nanotubes, Gas Science and Engineering, 2024, 128, 205392.
270. Yuman Jiang, Fengying Zhang,* Yanglin Mei, Tingsong Li, Yixuan Li, Kaibo Zheng,* Heng Guo, Guidong Yang, and Ying Zhou*, Fe─S Bond-Mediated Efficient Electron Transfer in Quantum Dots/Metal-Organic Frameworks for Boosting Photoelectrocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation, Small, 2024, 2405512.
269. Xiao Yu, Zhiqiang Rao, Guoxing Chen*, Yuantao Yang, Songhak Yoon, Lina Liu, Zeai Huang*, Marc Widenmeyer, Heng Guo, Gert Homm, Ulrike Kunz, Xingmin Liu, Emanuel Ionescu, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Xin Tu, Ying Zhou*, Anke Weidenkaff, Plasma-enabled process with single-atom catalysts for sustainable plastic waste transformation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, e202404196.
268. Shenshen Zheng, Fengying Zhang*, Yuman Jiang, Tao Xu, Han Li, Heng Guo, Ying Zhou*, Advances in catalysts and reaction systems for electro/photocatalytic ammonia production, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2024, 18, 112.
267. Yuangang Duan, Shan Yu*, Jiale Ye, Zeai Huang, Ying Zhou*, Low temperature hydrogen production from H2S with metal tin by cyclic two-step method, Gas Science and Engineering, 2024, 125, 205315.
266. Chao Duan, Chun Tang, Yonghong Du, Shan Yu, Heng Guo, Yu Bai, Ying Zhou*, Direct solar-driven electrochemical dissociation of H2S to H2 with 12% solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency in diaphragm electrolytic reactor, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 355, 124146.
265. Fengying Zhang, Yuman Jiang, Jiaxin Liu, Anqiang Jiang, Yuehan Cao, Shan Yu, Kaibo Zheng*, Ying Zhou*, Exploration of ultrafast dynamic processes in photocatalysis: Advances and challenges, Fundamental Research, 2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2024.04.003.
264. Qian Zhao, Mohamed Abdellah, Yuehan Cao, Jie Meng, Xianshao Zou, Kasper Ene-mark-Rasmussen, Weihua Lin, Yi Li, Yijiang Chen, Hengli Duan, Qinying Pan, Ying Zhou*, Tonu Pullerits, Hong Xu, Sophie E. Canton, Yuran Niu, Kaibo Zheng*, Size-Dependent Multi-Electron Donation in Metal-Complex Quantum Dots Hybrid Catalyst for Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34, 2315734.
263. Shumin Luo, Heng Guo*, Tingsong Li, Haoran Wu, Fengying Zhang, Chun Tang, Guoxing Chen, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, Ruthenium-induced hydrolysis effect on Fe2O3 nanoarrays for high-performance electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 351, 123967.
262. Yunxiao Zhou, Zeai Huang*, Kuikui Zhang, Mingkai Yang, Junjie Zhan, Mengying Liu, Yangdong He, Wei Yang, Ying Zhou*, Economic analysis of hydrogen production and refueling station via molten-medium-catalyzed pyrolysis of natural gas process, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 62, 1205-1213.
261. Shan Yu, Yi Li, Anqiang Jiang, Yijiang Chen, Yuangang Duan, Jiale Ye, Ying Zhou*,Solar-Driven Hydrogen Evolution from Value-Added Waste Treatment, Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, 14, 15, 2304362.
260. Chunqiu Han,Yuehan Cao*, Chuan Huang, Weifeng Lv,Ying Zhou*, Photocatalytic Methane Oxidation to Methanol in Promoting Methane Conversion Rate and Methanol Selectivity, Progress in Chemistry, 2024, 36(6), 867-877.
259. Jieyuan Li, Ruimin Chen, Jielin Wang, Kaiwen Wang, Ying Zhou, Mingyang Xing, Fan Dong*, Dynamic in situ Formation of Cu2O Sub-Nanoclusters through Photoinduced pseudo-Fehling's Reaction for Selective and Efficient Nitrate-to-Ammonia Photosynthesis, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202317575.
258. Tingsong Li, Chun Tang, Heng Guo, Jingqi Yang, Fengying Zhang, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, Understanding first electron transfer kinetic process of electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia on Fe2O3 nanorods array, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 485, 149560,
257. Yanzhao Zou, Shan Yu*, Jiale Ye, Chao Duan, Yuehan Cao, Zhengyue Huang, Jie Fu, Ying Zhou*, Boosting hydrogen production from formic acid by the visible-light-response nickel-modified cadmium sulfide, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 57, 1466-1473.
256. Mengyao Fu, Shan Yu*, Yunqian Zhong, Yijiang Chen, Chao Duan, Heng Guo, Ying Zhou*, S and N codoped graphene quantum dots decorated on (001)TiO2 to boost surface reaction for photocatalytic hydrogen production, Results in Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024, 14, 100181.
255. 周 莹*, 叶嘉乐, 于 姗*, 赵连仁, 王永刚, 朱思吉, 邓 立, 段元刚,“双碳”目标下天然气分布式能源发展现状及机遇, 天然气工业, 2024, 44, 2, 23-29.
254. 王芳, 穆金池, 张政, 黄泽皑, 郭利红, 周莹*, 温和条件下甲烷提高水合物储氢稳定特性机理, 天然气工业, 2024, 44, 2, 188-196.
253. Yi Li, Shan Yu, Yuehan Cao, Yue Huang, Qiaohao Wang, Yuangang Duan, Lina Li, Kaibo Zheng, Ying Zhou*, Promoting photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by modulating the electron-transfer in an ultrafast timescale through Mo-S6 configuration, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 193, 73-80.
252. Yuehan Cao, Zeai Huang, Chunqiu Han, Ying Zhou*, Product Peroxidation Inhibition in Methane Photooxidation into Methanol, Advanced Science, 2024, 11, 12, 2306891.
251. Fang Wang, Jinchi Mu, Wenjing Lin, Yuehan Cao, Yuhan Wang, Shuai Leng, Lihong Guo, Ying Zhou*, Post-combustion CO2 capture via the hydrate formation at the gas-liquid-solid interface induced by the non-surfactant graphene oxide, Energy, 2024, 290, 130177.
250. Yuehan Cao, Rui Guo, Minzhi Ma, Zeai Huang, and Ying Zhou*, Effects of electron density variation of active sites in CO2 activation and photoreduction: a review, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2024, 40, 2303029.
249. Heng Guo, Peng Yang, Yuantao Yang, Haoran Wu, Fengying Zhang, Zhen-Feng Huang, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, Vacancy-Mediated Control of Local Electronic Structure for High-Efficiency Electrocatalytic Conversion of N2 to NH3, Small, 2024, 20, 17, 2309007.
248. Zhiqiang Rao, Kaiwen Wang, Yuehan Cao, Yibo Feng, Zeai Huang*, Yaolin Chen, Shiqian Wei, Luyu Liu, Zhongmiao Gong, Yi Cui, Lina Li, Xin Tu, Ding Ma, and Ying Zhou*, Light-Reinforced key intermediate for anticoking to boost highly durable methane dry reforming over single atom Ni active sites on CeO2, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 45, 24625-24635 .
247. Chunqiu Han, Yuehan Cao, Wang Yu, Zeai Huang, Fan Dong, Liqun Ye, Shan Yu, and Ying Zhou*, Selective cleavage of chemical bonds in targeted intermediates for highly selective photooxidation of methane to methanol, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 15, 8609-8620.
246. Yuehan Cao, Wang Yu, Chunqiu Han, Yuantao Yang, Zhiqiang Rao, Rui Guo, Fan Dong, Ruiyang Zhang, and Ying Zhou*, Methane photooxidation with nearly 100 % selectivity towards oxygenates: Proton rebound ensures the regeneration of methanol, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62, 18, e202302196.
245. 于姗*, 张洪华, 付梦瑶, 段元刚, 段超, 黄靖元, 唐春, 黄泽皑, 周莹*, 天然气藏中酸气H2S与CO2协同转化研究进展, 化工进展, 2023, 42, 12, 6507-6517.
244. Wenchao Wan*, Yonggui Zhao, Jie Meng, Christopher S. Allen, Ying Zhou*, Greta R. Patzke*, Tailoring C─N Containing Compounds into Carbon Nanomaterials with Tunable Morphologies for Electrocatalytic Applications, Small, 2023, 20, 7, 2304663.
243. Yijiang Chen, Shan Yu*, Yunqian Zhong, Yi Wang, Jiale Ye and Ying Zhou*, Study of Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots/Carbon Quantum Dots System for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Hydrogen Sulfide, Processes, 2023, 11, 11, 3160.
242. 张瑞阳*, 王 壹, 欧博文, 周 莹*, α-Ni(OH)2 表面羟基协同 Ni3+位点催化氧化甲醛机理研究, 无机材料学报, 2023, 38, 10, 1216-1222.
241. 韩春秋, 曹玥晗*, 邱杰, 马敏智, 董帆, 周莹*, Ga-O双功能位点促进高选择性光催化甲烷直接转化制甲醇, 科学通报, 2023, 68, 33, 4544-4555.
240. Haoran Wu, Heng Guo*, Fengying Zhang, Peng Yang, Jiaxin Liu, Yuantao Yang, Zhen-Feng Huang, Chenyuan Zhu, Weitao Wang, Xin Tu*, Guidong Yang, and Ying Zhou*, Enhanced localized electron density from PdCu nanoparticle loading on a defective TiO2 support for selective nitrate electroreduction to ammonia, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 41, 22466-22477.
239. Kuikui Zhang, Zeai Huang*, Mingkai Yang, Mengying Liu, Yunxiao Zhou, Junjie Zhan, Ying Zhou*, Recent progress in melt pyrolysis: Fabrication and applications of high-value carbon materials from abundant sources, SusMat, 2023, 3, 5, 558-580.
238.于姗*, 段元刚, 张怡欣, 唐春, 付梦瑶, 黄靖元, 周莹*, 分步法分解硫化氢制氢和硫黄催化剂研究进展, 化工进展, 2023, 42, 3780-3790.
237. 王芳, 陈佳豪, 黄泽皑, 曹玥晗, 周莹*, CO2及混合气体提高CH4水合物置换率机理研究, 低碳化学与化工, 2023, 48, 154-164.
236. Yi Li, Shan Yu, Jianglai Xiang, Fengying Zhang, Anqiang Jiang, Yuangang Duan, Chun Tang, Yuehan Cao, Heng Guo, Ying Zhou*, Revealing the importance of hole transfer: Boosting photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by delicate modulation of photogenerated holes, ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13, 8281-8292.
235. Ruiyang Zhang, Sijie Li, Aili Zhang, Yan Zhang, Jingyang Guo, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou*, Mn-N/C interfacial bridge accelerating electrons transfer of MnCO3/α-Ni(OH)2 to promote surface adsorbates activation for favorable photocatalytic NO oxidation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11, 110244.
234. Minzhi Ma, Zeai Huang, Lina Li, Wenda Zhang, Rui Guo, Ruiyang Zhang, Wenjun Fa, Chunqiu Han, Yuehan Cao, Shan Yu, Ying Zhou*, Modulating photogenerated electron density of Pr single-atom sites by coordination environment engineering for boosting photoreduction of CO2 to CH3OH, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 330, 122626.
233. Anqiang Jiang, Heng Guo*, Shan Yu*, Fengying Zhang, Tingyu Shuai, Yubin Ke, Peng Yang, Ying Zhou*, Dual charge-accepting engineering modified AgIn5S8/CdS quantum dots for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution overall H2S splitting, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 332, 122747.
232. Chao Duan, Chun Tang*, Shan Yu, Lina Li, Jinjin Li, Ying Zhou*, Efficient electrocatalytic desulfuration and synchronous hydrogen evolution from H2S via anti-sulfuretted NiSe nanowire array catalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 324, 122255.
231. Yixue Xu, Li Wang, Zhonglian Shi, Na Su, Chao Li, Yingping Huang*, Niu Huang, Yu Deng, Hui Li, Tianyi Ma*, Xinyin Kong, Wenjing Lin, Ying Zhou, Liqun Ye*, Peroxide-mediated selective conversion of biomass polysaccharides over high entropy sulfides via solar energy catalysis, Energy & Environmental Science, 2023, 16, 1531-1539.
230. Yijiang Chen, Shan Yu*, Xiangbing Fan, Lizhu Wu*, Ying Zhou*, Mechanistic insights into the influence of surface ligands on quantum dots for photocatalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 8497-8514.
229. Junbu Wang, Zeai Huang, Zhiqiang Rao, Yunxi Zhang, Wei Hu, Fang Wang, Ying Zhou*, Insights into the role of sensitive surface lattice oxygen species on promoting methane conversion, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 272, 118613.
228. Mengying Liu, Zeai Huang*, Yunxiao Zhou, Junjie Zhan, Kuikui Zhang, Mingkai Yang,Ying Zhou*, Optimized process for melt pyrolysis of methane to produce hydrogen and carbon black over Ni foam/NaCl-KCl catalyst, Processes, 2023, 11, 360.
227. Danhua Mei, Xiaoqiang Shen, Shiyun Liu, Rusen Zhou, Xuchu Yuan, Zhiqiang Rao, Yifei Sun, Zhi Fang, Xuesen Du*, Ying Zhou*, Xin Tu*, Plasma-catalytic reforming of biogas into syngas over Ni-based bimetallic catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 462, 142044.
226. Heng Guo, Mengyue Li, Yuantao Yang, Rui Luo, Wei Liu, Fengying Zhang, Chun Tang, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, Self-Supported Pd nanorod arrays for high-efficient nitrate electroreduction to ammonia, Small, 2023, 19, 2207743.
225. Peng Yang, Heng Guo*, Haoran Wu, Fengying Zhang, Jiaxin Liu, Mengyue Li, Yuantao Yang,Yuehan Cao, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, Boosting charge-transfer in tuned Au nanoparticles on defect-rich TiO2 nanosheets for enhancing nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia production, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2023, 636, 184-193.
224. Ruiyang Zhang, Yuehan Cao, Dmitry E.Doronkin, Minzhi Ma, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou*, Single-atom dispersed Zn-N3 active sites bridging the interlayer of g-C3N4 to tune NO oxidation pathway for the inhibition of toxic by-product generation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 454, 140084.
223. Junbu Wang, Zhiqiang Rao, Zeai Huang*, Yaolin Chen, Fang Wang, Ying Zhou*, Recent progress of metal-oxide-based catalysts for non-oxidative coupling of methane to ethane and hydrogen, Catalysts, 2023, 13, 719.
222. 周莹*, 詹俊杰, 黄泽皑*, 周芸霄, 刘梦颖, 杨茗凯, 张魁魁, 熔融介质裂解天然气制氢和高值碳研究进展, 油气与新能源, 2023, 35, 80-88.
221. Jiaxin Liu, Fengying Zhang*, Haoran Wu, Yuman Jiang, Peng Yang, Wei Zhang, Heng Guo*, Yuehan Cao, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, Efficient carrier transfer induced by Au nanoparticles for photoelectrochemical nitrogen reduction, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2023, 7, 883-889.
220. Yuman Jiang, Fengying Zhang*, Minzhi Ma, Jiaxin Liu, Kai Liu, Zhen He, Jiahao Yang, Shan Yu, Zijie Xiao, Wei Zhang, Ying Zhou*, Titanium oxide mediated rapid charge separation in halide perovskite for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Chemical Physics Letters, 2023, 811, 140255.
219. Tingsong Li, Chun Tang*, Heng Guo, Haoran Wu, Chao Duan, Hao Wang, Fengying Zhang, Yuehan Cao, Guidong Yang, Ying Zhou*, In situ growth of Fe2O3 nanorod arrays on carbon cloth with rapid charge transfer for efficient nitrate electroreduction to ammonia, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 49765−49773.
218. 莫皓*, 贾佳, 杨丹, 李勤, 易伟, 宁佳楠, 周莹, 加氢站安全风险及评估方法综述, 油气与新能源, 2022, 34, 36-42.
217. 范雷倚, 王锐, 何睿杰, 张瑞阳, 张骞, 周莹*, 离子型聚丙烯酰胺原位修饰聚氨酯泡沫用于高效乳液分离, 材料导报, 2022, 36, 21060195-6.
216. 范雷倚, 王锐, 何睿杰, 张瑞阳, 张骞, 周莹*, 聚合氯化铝原位改性聚氨酯泡沫用于油水分离, 材料导报, 2022, 36, 21040138-7.
215. Minzhi Ma, Zeai Huang, Rui Wang, Ruiyang Zhang, Tian Yang, Zhiqiang Rao,Wenjun Fa,Fengying Zhang,Yuehan Cao,Shan Yu,Ying Zhou*. Targeted H2O activation to manipulate the selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CH3OH over carbon nitride-supported cobalt sulfide, Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 8791-8799.
214. 杨鹏, 郭恒*, 张凤英, 周莹, 牛晓滨*, 电催化合成氨反应原位表征技术, 科学通报,2022, 67, 2921-2936.
213. 王姝焱, 张瑞阳*, 刘润, 刘凯, 周莹*, Mn(BO2)2/BNO界面结构调控增强催化臭氧分解性能研究, 化工学报, 2022, 73, 3193-3201.
212. Danhua Mei, Peng Zhang, Gehui Duan, Shiyun Liu, Ying Zhou, Zhi Fang*, and Xin Tu*, CH4 reforming with CO2 using a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2022, 62, 102073.
211. Zeai Huang*, Jundao Wu, Minzhi Ma, Junbu Wang, Shuqi Wu, Xiaoyun Hu, Chengdong Yuan, and Ying Zhou*, The selective production of CH4 via photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Pd-modified BiOCl, New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 16889-16898.
210. Yangyang Li, Zhiqiang Rao, Zhisong Liu, Junming Zeng, Wentao Bao, Zijun Wang, Jiangbing Li, Feng Yu*, Bin Dai*, and Ying Zhou*, Photo-assisted CO/CO2 methanation over Ni/TiO2 catalyst: experiment and density functional theory calculation, ChemCatChem, 2022, 14, e202200182.
209. Meng Dan, Ruyi Zhong, Shangyu Hu, Huixiang Wu, Ying Zhou*, and Zhao-Qing Liu*, Strategies and challenges on selective electrochemical hydrogen peroxide production: Catalyst and reaction medium design, Chem Catalysis, 2022, 2, 1919-1960.
208. Minzhi Ma, Jiahao Chen, Zeai Huang*, Wenjun Fa, Fang Wang, Yuehan Cao, Yuantao Yang, Zhiqiang Rao, Rui Wang, Ruiyang Zhang, Yanzhao Zou, and Ying Zhou*, Intermolecular hydrogen bond modulating the selective coupling of protons and CO2 to CH4 over nitrogen-doped carbon layers modified cobalt, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 444, 136585.
207. Xiaoxue Zhang, Yuehan Cao, Zhen-Feng Huang*, Shishi Zhang, Chengguang Liu, Lun Pan, Chengxiang Shi, Xiangwen Zhang, Ying Zhou*, Guidong Yang and Ji-Jun Zou, Regulating the interfacial charge transfer and constructing symmetry-breaking sites for the enhanced N2 electroreduction activity, Carbon Energy, 2022, 1, 8.
206. Yangyang Li, Zhisong Liu, Zhiqiang Rao, Feng Yu*, Wentao Bao, Ying Tang, Huanhuan Zhao, Jie Zhang, Zijun Wang, Jiangbing Li, Zeai Huang*, Ying Zhou, Yongsheng Li, and Bin Dai*, Experimental and theoretical insights into an enhanced CO2 methanation mechanism over a Ru-based catalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 319, 121903.
205. Zeai Huang*, Yaolin Chen, Jundao Wu, Wenwen Xie, Xiaoting He, Minzhi Ma, Kazuhiro Sayama*, and Ying Zhou*, Modulating Pt interaction in Au@Pt nanoparticle/WO3 photocatalysts for enhanced production of peroxodisulphate, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 9, 12797-12805.
204. 陈佳豪, 王芳*, 黄泽皑, 曹玥晗, 周莹, 碳纳米管用于水合物法捕集CO2的研究进展, 天然气化工-C1化学与化工, 2022, 47, 11-18.
203. Rui Wang, Yunqian Zhong, Ruijie He, Yanzhao Zou, Juncai Yang, Miao Fu, Ruiyang Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Ultrahigh emulsion separation flux and antifouling performance of MIL-100(Fe)@graphene oxide membrane enabled by its superhydrophilicity and self-cleaning ability, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2022, 6, 2100497.
202. Yuehan Cao, Yuantao Yang, Wang Yu, Gao Li, Zhiqiang Rao, Zeai Huang, Fang Wang, Chengdong Yuan and Ying Zhou*, Regulating the spin state of single noble metal atoms by hydroxyl for selective dehydrogenation of CH4 direct conversion to CH3OH, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 13344-13351.
201. Yunqian Zhong, Rui Wang, Jiahao Chen, Chao Duan, Zhengyue Huang, Shan Yu, Heng Guo and Ying Zhou*, Surface-terminated hydroxyl groups for deciphering the facet-dependent photocatalysis of anatase TiO2, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 17601-17609.
200. Heng Guo*, Peng Yang , Jie Hu, Anqiang Jiang, Haiyuan Chen*, Xiaobin Niu and Ying Zhou, Band structure engineering and defect passivation of CuxAg1−xInS2/ZnS quantum dots to enhance photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution, ACS Omega, 2022, 7, 9642-9651.
199. Yang Liu, Ying Zhou*, Mohamed Abdellah, Weihua Lin, Jie Meng, Qian Zhao, Shan Yu, Zhanghui Xie, Qinying Pan, Fengying Zhang, Tonu Pullerits and Kaibo Zheng*, Inorganic ligands-mediated hole attraction and surface structural reorganization in InP/ZnS QD photocatalysts studied via ultrafast visible and midinfrared spectroscopies, Science China Materials, 2022, 65, 2529–2539.
198. Mingpu Kou, Yongye Wang, Yixue Xu, Liqun Ye*, Yingping Huang, Baohua Jia, Hui Li, Jiaqi Ren, Yu Deng, Jiahao Chen, Ying Zhou, Kai Lei, Li Wang, Wei Liu, Hongwei Huang and Tianyi Ma*, Molecularly engineered covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen peroxide photosynthesis, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61, e202200413.
197. Ruijie He, Shuaizhuo Liu, Rui Wang, Tao Fu, Ruiyang Zhang*, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, In situ modification of melamine sponge by MgAl-LDH with super-hydrophobicity and excellent harsh environment tolerance for high flux emulsion separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 291, 120916.
196. Qinying Pan, Mohamed Abdellah*, Yuehan Cao, Weihua Lin, Yang Liu, Jie Meng, Quan Zhou, Qian Zhao, Xiaomei Yan, Zonglong Li, Hao Cui, Huili Cao, Wenting Fang, David Ackland Tanner, Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez, Ying Zhou*, Tonu Pullerits, Sophie E. Canton, Hong Xu* and Kaibo Zheng*, Ultrafast charge transfer dynamics in 2D covalent organic frameworks/Re-complex hybrid photocatalyst, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 845.
195. Jieyuan Li, Ruimin Chen, Jielin Wang, Ying Zhou, Guidong Yang and Fan Dong*, Subnanometric alkaline-earth oxide clusters for sustainable nitrate to ammonia photosynthesis, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 1098.
194. 黎邦鑫, 张骞*, 肖杰, 肖文艳, 周莹, Fe增强Ni2(CO3)(OH)2臭氧分解抗湿性与催化性能, 无机材料学报, 2022, 37, 45-50.
193. Junbu Wang, Zeai Huang*, Ying Wang, Jundao Wu, Zhiqiang Rao, Fang Wang, and Ying Zhou*, Low temperature conversion of methane to syngas using lattice oxygen over NiO-MgO, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 33, 4687-4690.
192. Minzhi Ma, Zeai Huang*, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Wenjun Fa, Zhiqiang Rao, Yanzhao Zou, Rui Wang, Yunqian Zhong, Yuehan Cao, Ruiyang Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Ultrahigh surface density of Co-N2C single-atom-sites for boosting photocatalytic CO2 reduction to methanol, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 300, 120695.
191. Meng Dan, Junlian Li, Cheng Chen, Jianglai Xiang, Yunqian Zhong, Fan Wu, Zepan Wang, Zhaoqing Liu* and Ying Zhou*, MoS2 and Ti3C2 ensembles into TiO2 for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution: dual-bonding interactions and capacitive effect trigger the intrinsic activities, Energy Technology, 2022, 10, 2100188.
190. Peng Chen, Kanglu Li, Ben Lei, Lvcun Chen, Wen Cui, Yanjuan Sun, Wendong Zhang, Ying Zhou, Fan Dong*, Crystal-structure dependent photocatalytic redox activity and reaction pathways over Ga2O3 polymorphs, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13 (45), 50975-50987.
189. Wen Cui, Peng Chen, Lvcun Chen, Jieyuan Li, Ying Zhou, Fan Dong*, Alkali/alkaline-earth metal intercalated g-C3N4 induced charge redistribution and optimized photocatalysis: status and challenges, Journal of Physics: Energy, 2021, 3, 032008.
188. Yi Chen, Fang Wang*, Zeai Huang, Jiahao Chen, Chunqiu Han, Qilin Li, Yuehan Cao and Ying Zhou*, Dual-function reaction center for simultaneous activation of CH4 and O2 via oxygen vacancies during direct selective oxidation of CH4 into CH3OH, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13 (39), 46694-46702.
187. Rui Wang, Miao Fu, Juncai Yang, Yunqian Zhong, Ruiyang Zhang, Qian Zhang, Yucheng Liu and Ying Zhou*, Surface charge regulation of MIL-100(Fe) by anion exchange for demulsifying the cationic surfactant-stabilized O/W emulsion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021,13 (42), 49964-49973.
186. 段超, 唐春*, 吴梦南, 于姗, 余堂杰, 郭恒, 李金金, 周莹, 电催化分解硫化氢制氢脱硫研究进展, 天然气化工-C1化学与化工 , 2021, 46 (261), 24-30.
185. 张瑞阳*, 王姝焱, 黎邦鑫, 张艾丽, 张骞, 周莹*, 气相臭氧分解催化材料的研究进展, 材料导报, 2021, 35 (21), 21037-21049.
184. Fan Wu, Shan Yu*, Yunqian Zhong, Weiwei Chen, Meng Dan, Yanzhao Zou, Chengdong Yuan and Ying Zhou*, Homogeneous photocatalytic hydrogen evolution system with assembly of CdSe quantum dots and graphene oxide, Topics in Catalysis, 2021, 64, 567–575.
183. Fengying Zhang, Yuchen Liu, Shiqian Wei, Junsheng Chen, Ying Zhou, Rongxing He*, Tõnu Pullerits* and Kaibo Zheng*, Microscopic morphology independence in linear absorption cross-section of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals, Science China Materials, 2021, 64, 1418–1426.
182. Wen Cui, Wenjia Yang, Peng Chen, Lvcun Chen, Jieyuan Li, Yanjuan Sun, Ying Zhou and Fan Dong*, Earth-abundant CaCO3 based photocatalyst for enhanced ROS production, toxic by-product suppression and efficient NO removal, Energy & Environmental Materials, 2021, 0, 1-7.
181. Ruimin Chen, Jieyuan Li, Hong Wang, Peng Chen, Xing'an Dong, Yanjuan Sun, Ying Zhou and Fan Dong*, Photocatalytic reaction mechanisms at a gas–solid interface for typical air pollutant decomposition, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 20184-20210.9
180. Leiyi Fan, Rui Wang, Qian Zhang, Shuaizhuo Liu, Ruijie He, Ruiyang Zhang, Min Shen, Xin Xiang and Ying Zhou*, In situ self-foaming preparation of hydrophobic polyurethane foams for oil/water separation, New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45, 13902-13908.
179. Aili Zhang, Ruiyang Zhang*, Luo Fei, Jincan Zhu, Yuehan Cao, Qian Zhang, Fan Dong and Ying Zhou*, Tunable microstructure of α-Ni(OH)2 for highly-efficient surface adsorbates activation to promote catalytic NO oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425,130663.
178. Meng Dan, Fan Wu, Jianglai Xiang, Yuehan Cao, Yunqian Zhong, Kaibo Zheng, Yang Liu, Zhaoqing Liu, Shan Yu and Ying Zhou*, A dual-interfacial system with well-defined spatially separated redox-sites for boosting photocatalytic overall H2S splitting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 423,130201.
177. Yangyang Yu, Xing’an Dong, Peng Chen, Qin Geng, Hong Wang, Jieyuan Li, Ying Zhou and Fan Dong*, Synergistic effect of Cu single atoms and Au–Cu alloy nanoparticles on TiO2 for efficient CO2 photoreduction, ACS nano, 2021, 15, 14453-14464.
176. Rui Wang, Yi Feng, Yunqian Zhong, Yanzhao Zou, Mingjun Yang, Yucheng Liu, and Ying Zhou*, Enhancing demulsification performance for oil–water separation through encapsulating ionic liquids in the pore of MIL-100 (Fe), Langmuir, 2021, 37(27), 8232-8239.
175. Heng Guo, Jiabin Liu, Bing Luo, Xu Huang, Jian Yang, Haiyuan Chen, Li Shi, Xin Liu, Daniele Benetti, Ying Zhou, Gurpreet Singh Selopal*, Federico Rosei*, Zhiming Wang* and Xiaobin Niu, Unlocking the effects of Cu doping in heavy-metal-free AgIn5S8 quantum dots for highly efficient photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 9610-9618.
174. 陈鹏, 周莹, 董帆*, 二维光催化材料电子结构和性能调控策略研究进展, 物理化学学报, 2021, 37, 2010010.
173. Shuqi Wu, Junbu Wang, Qingchuan Li, Zeai Huang*, Zhiqiang Rao and Ying Zhou*, Bi/BiOCl nanosheets enriched with oxygen vacancies to enhance photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Transactions of Tianjin University, 2021, 27, 155-164.
172. Zhiqiang Rao, Yuehan Cao, Zeai Huang*, Zihang Yin, Wenchao Wan, Minzhi Ma, Yanxin Wu, Junbu Wang, Guidong Yang, Yi Cui, Zhongmiao Gong and Ying Zhou*, Insights into the nonthermal effects of light in dry reforming of CH4 to enhance the H2/CO ratio near unity over Ni/Ga2O3, ACS catalysis, 2021, 11, 4730-4738.
171. 郑倩, 曹玥晗, 黄南建, 张瑞阳 , 周莹*, BN 诱导 BiOI 富氧{110}面的暴露并增强其可见光催化氧化性能, 物理化学学报, 2021, 37, 2009063.
170. Mingpu Kou, Wei Liu, Yongye Wang, Jindi Huang, Yanli Chen, Ying Zhou, Yi Chen, Minzhi Ma, Kai Lei, Haiquan Xie, Po Keung Wong and Liqun Ye*, Photocatalytic CO2 conversion over single-atom MoN2 sites of covalent organic framework, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 291, 120146.
169. Peng Chen, Lvcun Chen, Xing'an Dong, Hong Wang, Jieyuan Li, Ying Zhou, Chao Xue, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, Enhanced photocatalytic VOCs mineralization via special Ga-O-H charge transfer channel in α‑Ga2O3/MgAl-LDH heterojunction, ACS Environmental Science & Technology Engineering, 2021, 1, 501-511.
168. Lvcun Chen, Peng Chen, Hong Wang, Wen Cui, Jianping Sheng, Jieyuan Li, Yuxin Zhang, Ying Zhou* and Fan Dong*, Surface lattice oxygen activation on Sr2Sb2O7 enhances the photocatalytic mineralization of toluene: from reactant activation, intermediate conversion to product desorption, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2021, 13, 5153-5164.
167. Yuehan Cao, Lan Guo, Meng Dan, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Chunqiu Han, Zhiqiang Rao, Yang Liu, Jie Meng, Zeai Huang, Kaibo Zheng, Peng Chen, Fan Dong and Ying Zhou*, Modulating electron density of vacancy site by single Au atom for effective CO2 photoreduction, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 1675.
166. Zhanghui Xie, Shan Yu*, XiangBing Fan, Shiqian Wei, Limei Yu, Yunqian Zhong, Xue-Wang Gao, Fan Wu and Ying Zhou*, Wavelength-sensitive photocatalytic H2 evolution from H2S splitting over g-C3N4 with S,N-codoped carbon dots as the photosensitizer, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 52, 234-242.
165. Meng Dan, Jianglai Xiang, Jian Yang, Fan Wu, Chunqiu Han, Yunqian Zhong, Kaibo Zheng, Shan Yu and Ying Zhou*, Beyond hydrogen production: Solar-driven-H2S-donating value-added chemical production over MnxCd1-xS/CdyMn1-yS catalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 284, 119706.
164. Ruiyang Zhang, Tao Ran, Yuehan Cao, Qian Zhang*, Fan Dong, Guidong Yang and Ying Zhou*, Surface hydrogen atoms promote oxygen activation for solar light-driven NO oxidization over monolithic α‑Ni(OH)2/Ni Foam, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 16221-16230.
163. Qing Cai, Fang Wang*, Jianglai Xiang, Meng Dan, Shan Yu and Ying Zhou*, Layered MoS2 grown on anatase TiO2 {001} promoting interfacial electron transfer to enhance photocatalytic evolution of H2 from H2S, Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, 2020, 1, 591645.
162. 张瑞阳,李成金,张艾丽,周莹*,整体式光催化材料的制备及应用研究进展,材料导报,2020, 34, 3001-3016.
161. Heng Guo*, Bing Luo, Jing Wang, Bojun Wang, Xu Huang, Jian Yang, Wenxiao Gong, Ying Zhou* and Xiaobin Niu*, Boosting photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation on Cu-doped AgIn5S8/ZnS colloidal quantum dot sensitized photoanodes via shell-layer homojunction defect passivation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 24655-24663.
160. Shan Yu, Fan Wu, Pengkun Zou, Xiang-Bing Fan, Chao Duan, Meng Dan, Zhanghui Xie, Qian Zhang, Fengying Zhang, Heng Zheng, Ying Zhou*, Highly value-added utilization of H2S in Na2SO3 solution over Ca-CdS nanocrystals photocatalyst, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 14227-14230.
159. 张颖, 张骞,张瑞阳,刘帅卓,范雷倚,周莹,超疏水复合海绵材料的制备及在油水分离的应用,无机材料学报,2020,35(4),475-481.
158. 伍凡,赵梓俨,黎邦鑫,董帆,周莹,Bi2O2CO3/PPy 界面氧空位构建及其可见光下NO 氧化机理研究,无机材料学报,2020,35(5),541-548.
157. Wen Cui, Jieyuan Li, Lvcun Chen, Xing’an Dong, Hong Wang, Jianping Sheng, Yanjuan Sun, Ying Zhou, Fan Dong*, Nature-inspired CaCO3 loading TiO2 composites for efficient and durable photocatalytic mineralization of gaseous toluene, Science Bulletin, 2020, 65, 1626-1634.
156. Rui Wang, Yi Feng, Haijuan Xu, Yanzhao Zou, Leiyi Fan, Ruiyang Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Effective demulsification for oil-water separation through metal-organic frameworks with amphipathic micro-domain, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 4, 3086-3093.
155. 淡猛, 蔡晴, 向将来, 李筠连, 于姗, 周莹*, 用于光催化分解硫化氢制氢的金属硫化物, 化学进展, 2020, 32, 917-926.
154. Yonggui Zhao, Wenchao Wan, Yi Chen, Rolf Erni, Carlos A. Triana, Jingguo Li, Christos K. Mavrokefalos, Ying Zhou, and Greta R. Patzke*, Understanding and optimizing ultra-thin coordination polymer derivatives with high oxygen evolution performance, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 10, 2002228.
153. Yuehan Cao, Ruiyang Zhang, Qian Zheng, Wen Cui, Yang Liu, Kaibo Zheng, Fan Dong, and Ying Zhou*, Dual functions of O-atoms in the g-C3N4/BO0.2N0.8 interface: oriented charge flow in-plane and separation within the interface to collectively promote photocatalytic molecular oxygen ctivation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 34432-34440.
152. Yuehan Cao, Qian Zheng, Zhiqiang Rao, Ruiyang Zhang, Zhanghui Xie, Shan Yu, and Ying Zhou*, InP quantum dots on g-C3N4 nanosheets to promote molecular oxygen activation under visible light, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 10, 2689-2692.
151. Ruiyang Zhang, Aili Zhang, Yuehan Cao, Shuyan Wang, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou*, Mo-doped carbon nitride homojunction to promote oxygen activation for enhanced photocatalytic performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 401, 26028.
150. Yi Chen, Fang Wang*, Yuehan Cao, Fengying Zhang, Yanzhao Zou, Zeai Huang, Liqun Ye, Ying Zhou*, Interfacial oxygen vacancy engineered Two-dimensional g‑C3N4/BiOCl heterostructures with boosted photocatalytic conversion of CO2, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3, 4610-4618.
149. Bingqing Tan, Yinghao Ye, Zeai Huang, Liqun Ye, Minzhi Ma, Ying Zhou*, Promotion of photocatalytic steam reforming of methane over Ag0/Ag+-SrTiO3, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31, 1530-1534.
148. Shiqian Wei, Fang Wang, Meng Dan, Shan Yu, Ying Zhou*, Vanadium (V) and Niobium (Nb) as the most promising co-catalysts for hydrogen sulfide splitting screened out from 3d and 4d transition metal single atoms, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45, 17480-17492.
147. Shuaizhuo Liu, Qian Zhang*, Leiyi Fan, Rui Wang, Mingjun Yang, Ying Zhou*, 3D Superhydrophobic sponge coated with magnesium hydroxide for effective oil/Water mixture and emulsion separation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 11713-11722.
146. Ruiyang Zhang, Aili Zhang, Ye Yang, Yuehan Cao, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou*, Surface modification to control the secondary pollution of photocatalytic nitric oxide removal over monolithic protonated g-C3N4/graphene oxide aerogel, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 307, 122822.
145. Ziyan Zhao, Dmitry E. Doronkin*, Yinghao Ye, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Zeai Huang, Ying Zhou*, Visible light-enhanced photothermal CO2 hydrogenation over Pt/Al2O3 catalyst, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41, 286-293.
144. Fengying Zhang, Junsheng Chen, Ying Zhou, Rongxing He*, Kaibo Zheng*, Effect of synthesis methods on photoluminescent properties for CsPbBr3 nanocrystals: Hot injection method and conversion method, Journal of Luminescence, 2020, 220, 117023.
143. Peng Chen, Wen Cui, Hong Wang, Xing’an Dong, Jieyuan Li, Yanjuan Sun, Ying Zhou, Yuxin Zhang, Fan Dong*, The importance of intermediates ring-opening in preventing photocatalyst deactivation during toluene decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 272, 118977.
142. Xianghua Yang*, Zhixu Wu, Haifeng Chen, Qixuan Du, Lin Yu, Ruiyang Zhang and Ying Zhou*, A facile preparation of ambient pressure–dried hydrophilic silica aerogels and their application in aqueous dye removal, Frontiers in Materials, 2020, 7, 152.
141. Wenwen Xie, Zeai Huang*, Ruiqi Wang, Cheng Wen, Ying Zhou*, Metallic Pt and PtOx dual-cocatalyst-loaded WO3 for photocatalytic production of peroxydisulfate and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 11829–11840.
140. Xiao Tang, Zeai Huang*, Yuehan Cao, Ruiyang Zhang, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou*, Mo promotes interfacial interaction and induces oxygen vacancies in 2D/2D of Mo-g-C3N4 and Bi2O2CO3 photocatalyst for enhanced NO oxidation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59 (20), 9509–9518.
139. Junlian Li, Qian Zhang, Yanzhao Zou, Yuehan Cao, Wen Cui, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou*, Ti3C2 MXene modified g-C3N4 with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic performance for NO purification, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 575, 443–451.
138. 郑倩, 曹玥晗, 黄南建, 董帆, 周莹*. BiOBr-BN光催化氧化NO及其抑制毒副产物的机理研究. 无机材料学报,2020, 35, 1256-1262.
137. Lvcun Chen, Wen Cui, Jieyuan Li, Hong Wang, Xing’an Dong, Peng Chen, Ying Zhou* and F. Dong*, The high selectivity for benzoic acid formation on Ca2Sb2O7 enables efficient and stable toluene mineralization, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 271, 118948.
136. Meng Dan, Shan Yu∗, Yi Li, Shiqian Wei, Jianglai Xiang and Ying Zhou∗, Hydrogen sulfide conversion: How to capture hydrogen and sulfur by photocatalysis, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 2020, 42, 100339.
135. Qing Cai, Fang Wang∗, Jizhou He, Meng Dan, Yuehan Cao, Shan Yu and Ying Zhou*, Oxygen defect boosted photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from hydrogen sulfide over active {001} facet in anatase TiO2, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 517, 146198.
134. 郭兰, 曹玥晗, 淡猛, 邹钞, 黄泽皑, 周莹∗, Co/CdS中Co–S键促进载流子分离增强光还原CO2性能, 科学通报,2020, 65, 522-532.
133. 刘帅卓, 张骞∗, 刘宁, 肖文艳, 范雷倚, 周莹∗, 三聚氰胺海绵的一步式协同超疏水改性及在油水分离中的应用, 高等学校化学学报, 2020, 41, 521-529.
132. Shan Yu, Zhanghui Xie, Maoxia Ran, Fan Wu, Yunqian Zhong, Meng Dan and Ying Zhou*, Zinc ions modified InP quantum dots for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from hydrogen sulfide, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 573, 71-77.
131. Yuehan Cao, Ruiyang Zhang, Tianli Zhou, Shengming Jin, Jindi Huang, Liqun Ye, Zeai Huang, Fang Wang and Ying Zhou*, B-O bonds in ultrathin boron nitride nanosheets to promote photocatalytic carbon dioxide conversion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 9935-9943.
130. Ruiyang Zhang, Tao Ran, Yuehan Cao, Liqun Ye, Fan Dong, Qian Zhang, Lizhi Yuan and Ying Zhou*, Oxygen activation of noble-metal-free g-C3N4/α-Ni(OH)2 to control the toxic byproduct of photocatalytic nitric oxide removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382, 12309.
129. Yang Liu, Ying Zhou*, Shan Yu, Zhanghui Xie, Yi Chen, Kaiwen Zheng, Susanne Mossin, Weihua Lin, Jie Meng, Tonu Pullerits and Kaibo Zheng*, Defect state assisted Z-scheme charge recombination in Bi2O2CO3/graphene quantum dot composites for photocatalytic oxidation of NO, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 772-781.
128. Hong Wang, Wen Cui, Xing'an Dong, Jieyuan Li, Qiaoshan Chen, Zhiming Wang, Yanjuan Sun*, Jianping Sheng, Ying Zhou, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, Interfacial activation of reactants and intermediates on CaSO4 insulator-based heterostructure for efficient photocatalytic NO removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390, 124609.
127. Wen Cui, Lvcun Chen, Jianping Sheng, Jieyuan Li, Hong Wang, Xing’an Dong, Ying Zhou, Yanjuan Sun and Fan Dong*, The pivotal roles of spatially separated charge localization centers on the molecules activation and photocatalysis mechanism, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 262, 118251.
126. Jue Li, Yinghao Ye, Liqun Ye*, Fengyun Su, Zhaoyu Ma, Jindi Huang, Haiquan Xie, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Anna Zimina, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt and Ying Zhou*, Sunlight induced photo-thermal synergistic catalytic CO2 conversion via localized surface plasmon resonance of MoO3-x, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 2821-2830.
125. Zengxi Wei, Bing Ding, Hui Dou*, Jorge Gascon*, XiangJian Kong*, Yujie Xiong*, Bin Cai*, Ruiyang Zhang, Ying Zhou*, Mingce Long*, Jie Miao, Yuhai Dou*, Ding Yuan* and Jianmin Ma*, 2020 roadmap on pore materials for energy and environmental applications, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30, 2110-2122.
124. Yanzhao Zou, Yang Xie, Shan Yu, Lvcun Chen, Wen Cui, Fan Dong and Ying Zhou*, SnO2 quantum dots anchored on g-C3N4 for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic removal of NO and toxic NO2 inhibition, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 496, 143630.
123. Jianglai Xiang, Meng Dan, Qing Cai, Shan Yu and Ying Zhou*, Graphene oxide induced dual cocatalysts formation on manganese sulfide with enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production from hydrogen sulfide, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 494, 700-707.
122. Meng Dan, Jianglai Xiang, Fan Wu, Shan Yu, Qing Cai, Liqun Ye, Yinghao Ye and Ying Zhou*, Rich active-edge-site MoS2 anchored on reduction sites in metal sulfide heterostructure: Toward robust visible light photocatalytic hydrogen sulphide splitting, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 256, 117870.
121. Shiqian Wei, Fang Wang*, Ping Yan, Meng Dan, Wanglai Cen, Shan Yu and Ying Zhou*, Interfacial coupling promoting hydrogen sulfide splitting on the staggered type II g-C3N4/r-TiO2 heterojunction, Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 377, 122-132.
120. Ruiyang Zhang, Penghui Li, Fang Wang, Liqun Ye, Abhijeet Gaur, Zeai Huang, Ziyan Zhao, Yang Bai and Ying Zhou*, Atomically dispersed Mo atoms on amorphous g-C3N4 promotes visible-light absorption and charge carriers transfer, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 250, 273-279.
119. Fang Wang, Yinghao Ye, Yuehan Cao and Ying Zhou*, The favorable surface properties of heptazine based g-C3N4 (001) in promoting the catalytic performance towards CO2 conversion, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 481, 604-610.
118. Yi Li, Shan Yu*, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Shiqian Wei, Meng Dan, Fan Wu, Liqun Ye, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt and Ying Zhou*, Highly dispersed PdS preferably anchored on In2S3 of MnS/In2S3 composite for effective and stable hydrogen production from H2S, Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 373, 48-57.
117. Ruiyang Zhang, Zeai Huang, Chengjin Li, Yisu Zuo and Ying Zhou*, Monolithic g-C3N4/reduced graphene oxide aerogel with in situ embedding of Pd nanoparticles for hydrogenation of CO2 to CH4, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 475, 953-960.
116. Ying Zhang, Qian Zhang, Ruiyang Zhang, Shuaizhuo Liu and Ying Zhou*, A superhydrophobic and elastic melamine sponge for oil/water separation, New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 6343-6349.
115. Meng Dan, Arvind Prakash, Qing Cai, Jianglai Xiang, Yinghao Ye, Yi Li, Shan Yu, Yuanhua Lin and Ying Zhou*, Energy‐Band‐Controlling Strategy to Construct Novel CdxIn1‐xS Solid Solution for Durable Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Sulfide Splitting, Solar RRL, 2019, 3, 1800237.
114. Ziyan Zhao, Yuehan Cao, Fan Dong, Fan Wu, Bangxin Li, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, The activation of oxygen through oxygen vacancies in BiOCl/PPy to inhibit toxic intermediates and enhance the activity of photocatalytic nitric oxide removal, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 6360-6367.
113. Meng Dan, Shiqian Wei, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Yi Li, Ziyan Zhao, Shan Yu, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Yuanhua Lin and Ying Zhou*, Novel MnS/(InxCu1-x)2S3 composite for robust solar hydrogen sulphide splitting via the synergy of solid solution and heterojunction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 243, 790-800.
112. Yang Bai, Ping Yang, Li Wang, Bo Yang, Haiquan Xie, Ying Zhou and Liqun Ye*, Ultrathin Bi4O5Br2 nanosheets for selective photocatalytic CO2 conversion into CO, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360, 473-482.
111. Peng Chen, Hong Wang, Hongjing Liu, Zilin Ni, Jieyuan Li, Ying Zhou and Fan Dong*, Directional electron delivery and enhanced reactants activation enable efficient photocatalytic air purification on amorphous carbon nitride co-functionalized with O/La, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 242, 19-30.
110. Peng Chen, Yanjuan Sun, Hongjing Liu, Ying Zhou, Guangming Jiang, ShunCheng Lee, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, Facet-dependent photocatalytic NO conversion pathways predetermined by adsorption activation patterns, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 2366-2373.
109. Xinwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Jieyuan Li, Guangming Jiang, Ying Zhou, ShunCheng Lee and Fan Dong*, Transformation pathway and toxic intermediates inhibition of photocatalytic NO removal on designed Bi metal@defective Bi2O2SiO3, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 241, 187-195.
108. Xian Shi, Pingquan Wang, Wang Li, Yang Bai, Haiquan Xie, Ying Zhou and Liqun Ye*, Change in photocatalytic NO removal mechanisms of ultrathin BiOBr/BiOI via NO3-adsorption, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 243, 322-329.
107. Chunqiu Han, Rumeng Zhang, Yinghao Ye, Li Wang, Zhaoyu Ma, Fengyun Su, Haiquan Xie, Ying Zhou, Po Keung Wong and Liqun Ye*, Chainmail co-catalyst of NiO shell-encapsulated Ni for improving photocatalytic CO2 reduction over g-C3N4, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 9726-9735.
106. Maoxi Ran, Hong Wang, Wen Cui, Jieyuan Li, Peng Chen, Yanjuan Sun, Jianping Sheng, Ying Zhou, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, Light-induced generation and regeneration of oxygen vacancies in BiSbO4 for sustainable visible light photocatalysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 47984-47991.
105. Kanglu Li, Wen Cui, Jieyuan Li, Yanjuan Sun, Yinghao Chu*, Guangming Jiang, Ying Zhou, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, Tuning the reaction pathway of photocatalytic NO oxidation process to control the secondary pollution on monodisperse Au nanoparticles@g-C3N4, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 378, 122184.
104. Jiarui Li, Maoxi Ran, Peng Chen, Wen Cui, Jieyuan Li, Yanjuan Sun,* Guangming Jiang, Ying Zhou and Fan Dong*, Controlling the secondary pollutant on B-doped g-C3N4 during photocatalytic NO removal: a combined DRIFTS and DFT investigation, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, 9, 4531-4537.
103. Wenchao Wan, Shiqian Wei, Jingguo Li, Carlos A. Triana, Ying Zhou and Greta R. Patzke*, Transition metal electrocatalysts encapsulated into N-doped carbon nanotubes on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets: efficient water splitting through synergistic effects, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 15145-15155.
102. Liqun Ye*, Zhaoyu Ma, Yu Deng, Yinghao Ye, Wang Li, Mingpu Kou, Haiquan Xie, Xu Zhikun, Ying Zhou, Dehua Xia and Po Keung Wong, Robust and efficient photocatalytic hydrogen generation of ReS2/CdS and mechanistic study by on-line mass spectrometry and in situ infrared spectroscopy, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 257, 117897.
101. Hong Wang, Xing'an Dong, Wen Cui, Jieyuan Li, Yanjuan Sun, Ying Zhou, Hongwei Huang, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, High-surface energy enables efficient and stable photocatalytic toluene degradation via the suppression of intermediate byproducts, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, 9, 2952-2959.
100. Yang Bai, Xian Shi, Pingquan Wang*, Li Wnag, Kai Zhang, Ying Zhou, Haiquan Xie, Jinan Wang and Liqun Ye*, BiOBrxI1−x/BiOBr heterostructure engineering for efficient molecular oxygen activation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 356, 34-42.
99. 邱丽娟, 张颖, 刘帅卓, 张骞, 周莹*, 超疏水、高强度石墨烯油水分离材料的制备及应用, 高等学校化学学报, 2018, 39, 2758-2766.
98. Yunqian Zhong, Weiwei Chen, Shan Yu*, Zhanghui Xie, Shiqian Wei and Ying Zhou*, CdSe Quantum Dots/g-C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient H2 Production under Visible Light Irradiation, ACS Omega, 2018, 3, 17762-17769.
97. Ying Zhou*, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Ziyan Zhao, Philipp N. Plessow, Jelena Jelic, Blanka Detlefs, Tim Pruessmann, Felix Studt and Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt*, Photothermal catalysis over nonplasmonic Pt/TiO2 studied by operando HERFD-XANES, resonant XES, and DRIFTS, ACS Catalysis, 2018, 8, 11398-11406.
96. Yuehan Cao, Fang Wang,* Shiqian Wei, Weichuang Yang and Ying Zhou*, The role of potassium in the activation of oxygen to promote nitric oxide oxidation on honeycomb-like h-BN(001) surfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 26777-26785
95. Ruiyang Zhang, Minzhi Ma, Qian Zhang, Fan Dong and Ying Zhou*, Multifunctional g-C3N4/graphene oxide wrapped sponge monoliths as highly efficient adsorbent and photocatalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 235, 17-25.
94. Zhaoyu Ma, Penghui Li, Liqun Ye,* Li Wang, Haiquan Xie and Ying Zhou*, Selectivity reversal of photocatalytic CO2 reduction by Pt loading, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8, 5129-5132.
93. Shan Yu, XiangBing Fan, Xian Wang, Jingguo Li, Qian Zhang, Andong Xia, Shiqian Wei, LiZhu Wu*, Ying Zhou* and Greta R. Patzke*, Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution with ligand engineered all-inorganic InP and InP/ZnS colloidal quantum dots, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4009.
92. Lijuan Qiu, Ruiyang Zhang, Ying Zhang, Chengjin Li, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Superhydrophobic, mechanically flexible and recyclable reduced graphene oxide wrapped sponge for highly efficient oil/water separation, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2018, 12, 390-399.
91. 卫诗倩,王芳,曾凯悦,周莹*, 氧缺陷型金红石相 TiO2-x(x=0~0.5)光电性能理论研究, 稀有金属材料与工程, 2018, 47, 2728-2734.
90. Yang Xie, Shan Yu, Yunqian Zhong, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, SnO2/graphene quantum dots composited photocatalyst for efficient nitric oxide oxidation under visible light, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 448, 655-661.
89. Fang Wang, Penghui Li, Shiqian Wei, Jiaxing Guo, Meng Dan and Ying Zhou*, The role of electric field in enhancing separation of gas molecules (H2S, CO2, H2O) on VIB modified g-C3N4 (001), Applied Surface Science, 2018, 445, 568-574.
88. Arvind Prakash, Meng Dan, Shan Yu, Shiqian Wei, Yi Li, Fang Wang and Ying Zhou*, In2S3/CuS nanosheet composite: An excellent visible light photocatalyst for H2 production from H2S, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 180, 205-212.
87. Ye Yang, Qian Zhang*, Ruiyang Zhang, Tao Ran, Wenchao Wan and Ying Zhou*, Compressible and recyclable monolithic g-C3N4/melamine sponge: A facile ultrasonic-coating approach and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6, 156.
86. Weiwei Chen, Shan Yu*, Yunqian Zhong, XiangBing Fan, LiZhu Wu and Ying Zhou*, Effect of electron transfer on the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution efficiency of faceted TiO2/CdSe QDs under visible light, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 4811-4817.
85. Li Yang, Yang Liu, Ruiyang Zhang, Wei Li, Pu Li, Xin Wang and Ying Zhou*, Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic performance of a monolithic tungsten oxide/graphene oxide aerogel for nitric oxide oxidation, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 39, 646-653.
84. Wenchao Wan, Ruiyang Zhang, Minzhi Ma and Ying Zhou*, Monolithic aerogel photocatalysts: a review, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 754-775.
83. Lijuan Qiu, Wenchao Wan, Zhongqiu Tong, Ruiyang Zhang, Lina Li and Ying Zhou*, Controllable and green synthesis of robust graphene aerogels with tunable surface properties for oil and dye adsorption, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 1003-1009.
82. Ting Xiong, Hong Wang, Ying Zhou, Yanjuan Sun, Wanglai Cen*, Hongwei Huang, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, KCl-mediated dual electronic channels in layered g-C3N4 for enhanced visible light photocatalytic NO removal, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 8066-8074.
81. Zhihao Cui, Xing'an Dong, Yanjuan Sun, Ying Zhou, Yuxin Zhang and Fan Dong*, Simultaneous introduction of oxygen vacancies and Bi metal onto the {001} facet of Bi3O4Cl woven nanobelts for synergistically enhanced photocatalysis, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 16928-16934.
80. Xian Shi, Pingquan Wang*, Li Wang, Yang Bai, Haiquan Xie, Ying Zhou, Jin An Wang, Zhongjun Li, Lingbo Qu, Mingji Shi and Liqun Ye*, Few Layered BiOBr with Expanded Interlayer Spacing and Oxygen Vacancies for Efficient Decomposition of Real Oil Field Produced Wastewater, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 13739-13746.
79. Wenjie He, Yanjuan Sun, Guangming Jiang*, Yuhan Li, Xianming Zhang, Yuxin Zhang, Ying Zhou and Fan Dong, Defective Bi4MoO9/Bi metal core/shell heterostructure:Enhanced visible light photocatalysis and reaction mechanism, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 239, 619-627.
78. Xing’an Dong, Jieyuan Li, Qian Xing, Ying Zhou, Hongwei Huang and Fan Dong*, The activation of reactants and intermediates promotes the selective photocatalytic NO conversion on electron-localized Sr-intercalated g-C3N4, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 232, 69-76.
77. Hong Wang, Yanjuan Sun, Wenjie He, Ying Zhou, Shun Cheng Lee and Fan Dong*, Visible light induced electron transfer from a semiconductor to an insulator enables efficient photocatalytic activity on insulator-based heterojunctions, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 15513-15520.
76. Zhaoyu Ma, Penghui Li, Liqun Ye*, Ying Zhou*, Fengyun Su, Chenghua Ding, Haiquan Xie, Yang Bai and Po Keung Wong, Oxygen vacancies induced exciton dissociation of flexible BiOCl nanosheets for effective photocatalytic CO2 conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 24995-25004.
75. 淡猛, 张骞, 钟云倩, 周莹*, 不同晶相MnS制备及光解H2S制氢性能研究, 无机材料学报, 2017 , 32, 1308-1314.
74. Shiqian Wei, Fang Wang, Meng Dan, Kaiyue Zeng and Ying Zhou*, The role of high oxygen vacancy concentration on modification of surface properties and H2S adsorption on the rutile TiO2 (110), Applied Surface Science, 2017, 422, 990-996.
73. Meng Dan, Qian Zhang, Shan Yu, Arvind Prakash, Yuanhua Lin and Ying Zhou*, Noble-metal-free MnS/In2S3 composite as highly efficient visible light driven photocatalyst for H2 production from H2S, Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 2017, 217, 530-539.
72. Ruiyang Zhang, Wenchao Wan, Lijuan Qiu, Yonghua Wang and Ying Zhou*, Preparation of hydrophobic polyvinyl alcohol aerogel via the surface modification of boron nitride for environmental remediation, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 419, 342-347.
71. Ying Zhou*, Wei Li, Qian Zhang, Shuai Yan, Yuehan Cao, Fan Dong* and Fang Wang, Non-noble metal plasmonic photocatalysis in semimetal bismuth films for photocatalytic NO oxidation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 25610-25616.
70. Zhiguang Li, Qian Zhang, Meng Dan, Zhongli Guo and Ying Zhou*, A facile preparation route of Bi2S3 nanorod films for photocatalytic H2 production from H2S, Materials Letters, 2017, 201, 118-121.
69. Yang Liu, Shan Yu, Ziyan Zhao, Fan Dong, Xing’an Dong and Ying Zhou*, N-Doped Bi2O2CO3/Graphene Quantum Dot Composite Photocatalyst: Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic NO Oxidation and In Situ DRIFTS Studies, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121, 12168-12177.
68. Xiaojing Zhang, Shan Yu, Yang Liu, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Photoreduction of non-noble metal Bi on the surface of Bi2WO6 for enhanced visible light photocatalysis, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 396, 652-658.
67. Penghui Li, Fang Wang, Shiqian Wei, Xinyu Li and Ying Zhou*, Mechanistic insights into CO2 reduction on Cu/Mo-loaded two-dimensional g-C3N4(001), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 4405-4410.
66. Ruiyang Zhang, Wenchao Wan, Dawei Li, Fan Dong and Ying Zhou*, Three-dimensional MoS2/reduced graphene oxide aerogel as a macroscopic visible-light photocatalyst, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 38, 313-320.
65. Fang Wang, Yuehan Cao, Shiqian Wei and Ying Zhou*, Enhanced visible-light response of metal-free doped bulk h-BN as potential efficient photocatalyst: a computational study, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2017, 23, 23.
64. Shiyi Cai, Shan Yu, Wenchao Wan, Wen Wen and Ying Zhou*, Self-template synthesis of ATiO3 (A = Ba, Pb and Sr) perovskites for photocatalytic removal of NO, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 27397-27404.
63. Fan Dong*, Ting Xiong, Yanjuan Sun, Lilin Lu*, Yuxin Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Hongwei Huang, Ying Zhou and Zhongbiao Wu*, Exploring the photocatalysis mechanism on insulators, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 219, 450-458.
62. Xing Li*, Xing Zhao, Peng-xiao Huang, Mingshan Wang, Yun Huang, Ying Zhou, Yuanhua Lin, Meizhen Qu and Zuolong Yu, Enhanced electrochemical performance of SrF2-modified Li4Ti5O12 composite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 693, 61-69.
61. Ying Zhou*, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Menglu Chen, Shiqian Wei and Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt*, Interplay of Pt and crystal facets of TiO2: CO oxidation activity and operando XAS/DRIFTS studies, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6: 7799-7809.
60. Ruiyang Zhang, Wenchao Wan, Lijuan Qiu and Ying Zhou*, Facile synthesis route for MoS2-polyvinylpyrrolidone aerogels, Materials Letters, 2016, 181, 321-324.
59. Xiaojing Zhang, Yang Liu, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Bismuth and bismuth composite photocatalyst, Progress in Chemistry, 2016, 28: 1560-1568.
58. Shan Yu, Yun-Qian Zhong, Bao-Quan Yu, Shi-Yi Cai, Li-Zhu Wu and Ying Zhou*, Graphene quantum dots to enhance the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution efficiency of anatase TiO2 with exposed {001} facet, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 20338-20344.
57. Pu Li, Yong Lan, Qian Zhang, Ziyan Zhao, Tonu Pullerits, Kaibo Zheng* and Ying Zhou*, Iodinated SnO2 quantum dots: A facile and efficient approach to Increase solar absorption for visible-light photocatalysis, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 9253-9262.
56. Ying Zhou*, Ziyan Zhao, Fang Wang, Kun Cao, Dmitry E. Doronkin, Fan Dong and Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt*,Facile synthesis of surface N-doped Bi2O2CO3: Origin of visible light photocatalytic activity and in situ DRIFTS Studies, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 307, 163-172.
55. Fang Wang, Shiqian Wei, Zhi Zhang, Great R Patzke and Ying Zhou*. Oxygen vacancies as active sites for H2S dissociation on the rutile TiO2(110) surface: A first-principles study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 6706-6712.
54. Pu Li, Xing Li, Ziyan Zhao, Mingshan Wang, Thomas Fox, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Correlations among structure, composition and electrochemical performances of WO3 anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 192, 148-157.
53. Wenchao Wan, Yuanhua Lin, Arvind Prakashb and Ying Zhou*, Three-dimensional carbon-based architectures for oil remediation: From synthesis and modification to functionalization, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 18687-18705.
52. Wenchao Wan, Shan Yu, Fan Dong, Qian Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Efficient C3N4/graphene oxide macroscopic aerogel visible-light photocatalyst, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 7823-7829.
51. Menglu Chen, Shan Yu, Xiaojing Zhang, Fang Wang, Yuanhua Lin and Ying Zhou*, Insights into the photosensitivity of BiOCl nanoplates with exposing {001} facets: The role of oxygen vacancy, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2016, 89, 275-281.
50. Wenchao Wan, Ruiyang Zhang, Wei Li, Hao Liu, Yuanhua Lin, Lina Li and Ying Zhou*, Graphene-carbon nanotube aerogel as an ultralight, compressible and recyclable highly efficient absorbent for oil and dyes, Environmental Science: Nano, 2016, 3, 107-113.
49. Wenchao Wan, Fei Zhang, Shan Yu, Ruiyang Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Hydrothermal formation of graphene aerogel for oil sorption: The role of reducing agent, reaction time and temperature, New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40 3040-3046.
48. Fang Wang, Kun Cao, Yi Wu, Kunhao Zhang and Ying Zhou*, Interfacial properties of the enhanced visible-light plasmonic Ag/Bi2WO6(001) nanocomposite, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 360, 1075-1079.
47. Ziyan Zhao, Ying Zhou, Fenggang Bian* and Kunhao Zhang*, Synthesis and detection the thermal expansion of CdSe quantum dots from room temperature to 700°C, Journal of Nano Research, 2015, 35, 11-20.
46. Xing Li*, Jun Xu, Pengxiao Huang, Wei Yang, Zhiqiang Wang, Mingshan Wang, Yun Huang, Ying Zhou, Meizhen Qu*, Zuolong Yu and Yuanhua Lin, In-situ carbon coating to enhance the rate capability of the Li4Ti5O12 anode material and suppress the electrolyte reduction decomposition on the electrode, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 190, 69-75.
45. Zhao Zhang, Ying Zhou*, Shan Yu, Menglu Chen and Fang Wang, Ag-BiOCl nanocomposites prepared by the oxygen vacancy induced photodeposition method with improved visible light photocatalytic activity, Materials Letters, 2015, 150, 97-100.
44. Ying Zhou*, Wei Li, Wenchao Wan, Ruiyang Zhang and Yuanhua Lin, W/Mo co-doped BiVO4 for photocatalytic treatment of polymer-containing wastewater in oilfield, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2015, 82, 67-74.
43. Fang Wang, Kun Cao, Yi Wu, Greta R. Patzke and Ying Zhou*, Electronic and optical properties of N-doped Bi2O3 polymorphs for visible light-induced photocatalysis, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2015, 21, 1-8.
42. Ziyan Zhao, Ying Zhou*, Fang Wang, Kunhao Zhang, Shan Yu and Kun Cao, Polyaniline-decorated {001} facets of Bi2O2CO3 nanosheets: In situ oxygen vacancy formation and enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 730-737.
41. Fang Wang, Ziyan Zhao, Kunhao Zhang, Fan Dong and Ying Zhou*, Topochemical transformation of low-energy crystal facets to high-energy facets: A case from Bi2O2CO3 {001} facets to β-Bi2O3 {001} facets with improved photocatalytic oxidation of NO, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 6098-6102.
40. Jingmiao Peng, Ying Zhou*, Hao Wang, Haoran Zhou and Shiyi Cai, Hydrothermal synthesis and formation mechanism of photocatalytically active SrTiO3 nanocrystals using anatase TiO2 with different facets as a precursor, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 1805-1812.
39. Fan Dong*, Ting Xiong, Yanjuan Sun, Yuxin Zhang and Ying Zhou, Controlling interfacial contact and exposed facets for enhancing photocatalysis via 2D–2D heterostructures, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 8249-8252.
38. Zhenyu Wang, Wei Guan, Yanjuan Sun, Fan Dong*, Ying Zhou and Wing-Kei Ho, Water-assisted production of honeycomb-like g-C3N4 with utralong carrier lifetime and outstanding photocatalytic activity, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 2471-2479.
37. Hongfei Liu, Ying Zhou, René Moré, Rafael Müller, Thomas Fox and Greta R Patzke*, Correlations among structure, electronic properties, and photochemical water oxidation: A case study on lithium cobalt oxides, ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5, 3791-3800.
36. Ting Xiong, Fan Dong, Ying Zhou, Min Fu and Wing-Kei Ho, New insights into how RGO influences the photocatalytic performance of BiOIO3/RGO nanocomposites under visible and UV irradiation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 447, 16-24.
35. Kunhao Zhang*, Ziyan Zhao, Zhonghua Wu and Ying Zhou, Synthesis and detection the oxidization of Co cores of Co@SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles by in situ XRD and EXAFS, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2015, 10, 1-9.
34. Ying Zhou*, Xiaojing Zhang, Qian Zhang, Fan Dong, Fang Wang, Zhuo Xiong, Role of graphene on the band structure and interfacial interaction of Bi2WO6/graphene composites with enhanced photocatalytic oxidation of NO, Journal of Materials Chemical A, 2014, 2,16623-16631.
33. Ziyan Zhao, Ying Zhou*, Wenchao Wan, Fang Wang, Qian Zhang, Yuanhua Lin, Nanoporous TiO2/polyaniline composite films with enhanced photoelectrochemical properties, Materials Letters, 2014, 130: 150-153.
32. Ying Zhou*, Aojing Zhang, Ziyan Zhao, Qian Zhang, Fang Wang, Yuanhua Lin*, Effects of pH on the visible-light induced photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical performances of hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2014, 72, 238-244.
31. Qian Zhang, Ying Zhou*, Fang Wang, Fan Dong, Wei Li, Haimin Li, Greta R Patzke, From semiconductors to semimetals: bismuth as a photocatalyst for NO oxidation in air, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 11065-11072.
30. Fang Wang*, Kun Cao, Qian Zhang, Xuedong Gong, Ying Zhou, A computational study on the photoelectric properties of various Bi2O3 polymorphs as visible-light driven photocatalysts, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2014, 20, 2506.
29. Fan Dong*, Qiuyan Li, Ying Zhou, Yanjun Sun, Haidong Zhang, Zhongbiao Wu, In situ decoration of plasmonic Ag nanocrystals on the surface of (BiO)2CO3 hierarchical microspheres for enhanced visible light photocatalysis, Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43, 9468-9480.
28. Xing Li*, Pengxiao Huang, Ying Zhou, Hui Peng, Wen Li, Meizhen Qu*, Zuolong Yu, A novel Li4Ti5O12/graphene/carbon nano-tubes hybrid material for high rate lithium ion batteries, Materials Letters, 2014, 133, 289-292.
27. Xing Li*, Ying Zhou, Pengxiao Huang, Hui Peng, Wen Li, Meizhen Qu, Zuolong Yu, Xiaobing Huang, Yuandao Chen, In situ synthesis of nanosized Li4Ti5O12/graphene/carbon nano-tubes hybrid materials for high rate rechargeable lithium ion batteries, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2014, 9, 4816-4825.
26. Yuanpeng Wu, Zuo Fang, Yuanhua Lin*, Ying Zhou, Zhaohui Zheng, Xiaobin Ding*, Green and facile synthesis of gold Nanoparticles stabilized by chitosan, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2014, 51, 441-446.
25. Jun Xing, Jianfu Chen, Yuhang Li, Wentao Yuan, Ying Zhou, Lirong Zheng, Haifeng Wang*, P Hu, Huijun Zhao, Yun Wang, Yong Wang, Guiyang Hua*, Stable isolated metal atoms as active sites for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Chemical-A European Journal, 2014, 20, 2138-2144.
24. Fan Dong, Ting Xiong, Yanjuan Sun, Zaiwang Zhao, Ying Zhou, Xin Feng, Zhongbiao Wu, A semimetal bismuth element as a direct plasmonic photocatalyst, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 10386-10389.
23. Qian Zhang, Ying Zhou*, Zhao Zhang, Yun He, Yongdong Chen, Yuanhua Lin, Plasmonic photocatalyst, Progress in Chemistry, 2013, 25, 2020-2027.
22. Ying Zhou*, Haiyue Wang, Min Sheng, Qian Zhang, Ziyan Zhao, Yuanhua Lin*, Hongfei Liu, Greta R Patzke, Environmentally friendly room temperature synthesis and humidity sensing applications of nanostructured Bi2O2CO3, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2013, 188, 1312-1318.
21. Ying Zhou*, Qian Zhang, Huanhua Lin, Elena Antonova, Wolfgang Bensch, Greta R Patzke*, One-step hydrothermal synthesis of hierarchical Ag/Bi2WO6 composites: In situ growth monitoring and photocatalytic activity studies, Science China-Chemical, 2013,56, 435-442.
20. Juan Xie*, Hu Wang*, Yuanhua Lin, Ying Zhou, Yuanpeng Wu, Highly sensitive humidity sensor based on quartz crystal microbalance coated with ZnO colloid spheres, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2013, 177, 1083-1088.
19. Franziska Conrad, Matthias Bauer, Stephen Weyeneth, Ying Zhou, Kathrin Hametner, Detlef Günther, Greta Ricarda Patzke*, Hierarchically structured copper gallium spinels through microwave hydrothermal methods, Solid State Sciences, 2013, 24, 125-132.
18. Juan Xie*, Hu Wang*, Yuanhua Lin, Ying Zhou, Yuanpeng Wu, Humidity sensing properties of ZnO colloid crystals coated on quartz crystal microbalance by the self-Assembly method, Ceramics International, 2013, 39, 3621-3625.
17. Ying Zhou*, Yuanhua Lin, Greta R Patzke, Synchrotron radiation for the study of hydrothermal formation mechanisms of oxide nanomaterials, Progress in Chemistry, 2012, 24, 1583-1591.
16. Yuanpeng Wu, Yuanhua Lin*, Ying Zhou, Fang Zuo, Zhaohui Zheng, Xiaobin Ding, Light-induced shape memory polymer materials, Progress in Chemistry, 2012, 24, 2004-2010.
15. Hongjun Zhu*, Yuanhua Lin, Dezhi Zeng, Ying Zhou, Juan Xie, Yuanpeng Wu, Numerical analysis of flow erosion on drill pipe in gas drilling, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2012, 22, 83-91.
14. Min Sheng, Leilei Gu, Roman Kontic, Ying Zhou, Kaibo Zheng, Guorong Chen, Xiaoliang Mo*, Greta R Patzke*, Humidity sensing properties of bismuth phosphates, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2012, 166, 642-649.
13. Ying Zhou, Elena Antonova, Yuanhua Lin, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Wolfgang Bensch, Greta R Patzke*, In situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction studies on the hydrothermal formation of Bi2W1-xMoxO6 nanomaterials, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 5, 783-789.
12. Ying Zhou, Greta R Patzke, Bi2O3 or Bi6S2O15 Nanowires? The role of templating inorganic additives in nanomaterials formation, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 1161-1163.
11. Ying Zhou#, Kaibo Zheng, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Thomas Fox, Leilei Gu, Xiaoliang Mo, Guorong Chen, Greta R. Patzke*, W/Mo-Oxide nanomaterials: Structure-property relationships and ammonia-sensing studies, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 1134-1142.
10. Leilei Gu, Kaibo Zheng, Ying Zhou, Juan Li, Xiaoliang Mo*, Greta R Patzke, Guorong Chen*, Humidity sensors based on ZnO/TiO2 core/shell nanorod arrays with enhanced sensitivity, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2011, 159,1-7.
9. Ying Zhou*, Yongyou Geng, Donghong Gu, Weibing Gu, Zhi Jiang, Effect of film thickness on the optical constants and optical absorption properties of NiOx thin films, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2010, 405(18): 3875-3878.
8. Ying Zhou, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Frank Krumeich, Kaibo Zheng, Guorong Chen, Jan Stötzel, Ronald Frahm, Greta R Patzke*, Hydrothermal synthesis of Bi6S2O15 nanowires: Structural, in Situ EXAFS, and humidity-sensing studies, Small, 2010, 6, 1173-1179.
7. Ying Zhou, Kathrin Vuille, Andre Heel, Benjamin Probst, Roman Kontic, Greta R Patzke*, An inorganic hydrothermal route to photocatalytically active bismuth vanadate, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010, 375, 140-148.
6. Ying Zhou, Elena Antonova, Wolfgang Bensch, Greta R Patzke*, In situ X-ray diffraction study of the hydrothermal crystallization of hierarchical Bi2WO6 nanostructures, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 2412-2417.
5. Ying Zhou, Frank Krumeich, Andre Heel, Greta R Patzke*, One-step hydrothermal coating approach to photocatalytically active oxide composites, Dalton Transactions, 2010, 39, 6043-6048.
4. Ying Zhou, Greta R Patzke*, Targeted synthesis and environmental applications of oxide nanomaterials, CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 2010, 64, 252-258.
3. Franziska Conrad, Ying Zhou, Maxim Yulikov, Kathrin Hametner, Stephen Weyeneth, Gunnar Jeschke, Detlef Günther, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Greta R Patzke*, Microwave-hydrothermal synthesis of nanostructured zinc-copper gallates, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 13, 2036-2043.
2. Greta R Patzke*, Ying Zhou, Roman Kontic, Franziska Conrad, Oxide nanomaterials: Synthetic developments, mechanistic studies, and technological innovations, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2010, 50, 826-859.
1. Kaibo Zheng, Ying Zhou, Leilei Gu, Xiaoliang Mo, Greta R Patzke*, Guorong Chen*, Humidity sensors based on aurivillius type Bi2MO6 (M = W, Mo) oxide films,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2010, 148, 240-246.