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李福秀 2020级博士研究生     进组时间: 2020.09

2023.10                  Visiting PhD Student, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen's-RMC, Canada

2020.09 –                 博士   武汉大学,岩土工程

2017.09 2020.06   硕士   中国地震局兰州地震研究所,岩土地震工程

2012.09  2016.06   本科   兰州交通大学,土木工程



(1) Zheng, Y., Li, F., Niu, X., and Yang, G.* (2022). Numerical investigation of the interaction of back-to-back mechanically stabilized earth walls. Geosynthetics International.  https://doi.org/10.1680/jgein.21.00087

(2) Zheng, Y., Li, F., Guo, W., Wang, P., and Yang, G.* (2023). Influence of facing conditions on the dynamic response of back-to-back MSE walls. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 174, 107650. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107650

(3) Li, F., Guo, W., and Zheng, Y.* (2023) “Influence of geometric configuration on the interaction of back-to-back MSE walls under static loading.” 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Rome, Italy, 948-953.

(4) Ji, M., Zhao, Y., Li, F., and Zheng, Y.* (2023). Shaking table tests on the influence of geosynthetic encasement stiffness on the shear reinforcement effect of GESC composite foundation. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geotexmem.2023.10.005

(5) 李福秀郭文灏郑烨炜* (2023). 刚性墙面双面加筋土挡墙动力响应振动台模型试验研究岩土力学. (录用)

(6) Li, F., Guo, W., Pu, H., and Zheng, Y.* (2024). “Influence of geometric configuration on the deformation behavior of back-to-back MSE walls under dynamic loading.” 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, Japan. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 10 (25), 914-917.

(7) Li, F., Guo, W., and Zheng, Y.* (2024). Influence of secondary reinforcements on the behavior of geosynthetic reinforced soil walls. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 52(4), 828-840. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geotexmem.2024.04.008

(8) Li, F., Wu, Z.*, and Zheng, Y.** (2024). Influence of fissures on the dynamic response of loess slope using shaking table tests. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. (In review)

(9) 李福秀, 郭文灏, 杨广庆, 郑烨炜* (2024). 模块式墙面双面加筋土挡墙动力响应振动台试验研究, 土木工程学报. (在审)

(1) 郑烨炜, 郭文灏张军, 李福秀. 一种筋材紧密布置的双级加筋土桥台及其施工方法, ZL202011216358.X

Email: Li-Fuxiu@whu.edu.cn