Zhao Zheng
Assistant Professor Presidential Young Fellow
Aggregation-Induced Emission, AIE
Prof. Zhao is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the School of Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). He has been promoted as a Presidential Young Fellow of CUHK-SZ in 2021, and served as the RPg Programme director of Materials Science and Engineering programme since 2023. Currently, he also serves as Section Editor of Discover Molecules, advisory editorial board member of Aggregate journal, Young editorial board member of Chinese Chemical Letters, Smart Molecules, and National Science Reviewguest editor of National Science Review. fluorescent probes, mechanism exploration and functional application of organic / inorganic aggregate materials. His research interest contains editorial board member of (1) New aggregate luminescent materials and mechanism study; (2) organic photosensitizers; (3) Phototheranostic materials and applications. So far, Prof. Zhao has published more than 100 SCI papers in Nat. Photonics, JACS, Nat. Commun., Matter, Angew. Chem., Advanced Materials, and 13 papers entieled "Highly Cited Papers of ESI", Two papers were selected as "ESI hot papers". The total citations are over 10000 times and H index is 54.