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After three years of hard work and fruitful results, we warmly congratulate the research group on the successful graduation of the 2024 master's students!

Congratulations to the master's students of our research group for successfully completing their studies and graduating.

In the past three years, every graduate student in the research group has been diligent and dedicated to scientific exploration and academic research. They have not only achieved excellent results in their respective research fields, but also published multiple high-level papers in academic conferences and journals, making important contributions to the academic community and practical applications.

With the careful guidance of Professor Zhao Yufei and the mutual help of classmates, the research group has formed a good atmosphere of unity, progress, and win-win cooperation. Graduates have demonstrated outstanding research abilities and innovative spirit through solid theoretical foundations and rich practical experience.

We once again extend warm congratulations to the 2024 graduate students of our research group! May you not forget your original intention in the future days, continue to move forward, and create a more brilliant tomorrow!

All members of the research group take a group photo as a souvenir