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Professor Geoffrey Waterhouse of the University of Auckland was invited to Give an Academic Presentation

       On the afternoon of May 14, 2024, at the invitation of Professor Yufei Zhao of the State Key Laboratory of Effective Utilization of Chemical Resources, Professor Geoffrey Waterhouse of the University of Auckland, New Zealand was invited to give a lecture entitled "Designing metal single atom catalysis for selective chemical" to the teachers and students of our university in the lecture hall on the second floor of the Conference Center transformations (Design of metal monatomic catalysts for selective chemical Transformation) ". The presentation was chaired by Professor Yufei Zhao and attended by more than 100 teachers and students.

     In this presentation, Professor Geoffrey explores in depth the structure, properties, development of metallic monatomic catalysts (SACs) and the bridge between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, and through detailed scientific findings, For example, SACs has been successfully applied in oxygen reduction/precipitation reaction, hydrogen reduction/oxidation reaction, carbon dioxide reduction reaction, uranium extraction from seawater, biofuel production, zinc air cell, fuel cell and green hydrogen peroxide production, etc., to demonstrate the efficient catalytic activity of SACs. At the same time, Professor Geoffrey also explained that the performance of SACs catalyst can be regulated by reasonable regulation of the coordination configuration of the metal center. Professor Geoffrey's presentation was rich in content, easy to understand, funny but also rigorous, which benefited the participants. After the meeting, the participating teachers and students actively asked questions and made speeches, and had in-depth discussions with Professor Geoffrey on SACs, fuel, energy and other related issues.

Introduction of the reporter:

        Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse, Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Royal New Zealand Academy of Chemistry (FNZIC), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), New Zealand National Representative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). 2019-2023 Clarivate World's Most Cited Scientist for five consecutive years, 2020-2023 ranked among the world's top 2% of top scientists for four consecutive years (Stanford University ranking). He is currently a Principal Investigator at the New Zealand National Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (MacDiarmid Institute). Deputy editor of SCI English Journal Food Science and Human Wellness, Chief editor of Journal of Future Foods, Senior Editor of Food Science of Animal Products and Food & Medicine Homology; He is also a professor of South China University of Technology and a professor of Shandong Agricultural University. Research areas include nanomaterials synthesis, catalysis, development of bioactive/drug delivery systems, development of functional packaging materials, and optical sensor detection. He has published 11 international monograph chapters and 500 SCI journal papers (H index 100; The average journal impact factor is about 12; The total number of citations reached 40,000, of which the highest single article was cited 1870 times).