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For everyone in the lab: Lab manual (Choose the key points to learn) from HU Group at EPFL

Learn from Accidentst-Butyl Lithium AccidentA Dichloromethane Injection Injury from ACS案例1案例2案例3案例4案例5案例6;

Literature suggestionsfrom HU Group at EPFL

Demystifying Synthetic Organic Chemistry: Not Voodoo X.4

Safety Information: 

Basic Protocols for Using Chemicals from EPFL

Protocols for Quenching Reactive Chemicals from EPFL

Procedures for Using Peroxide (Organic Peracid; H2O2; etc.) from EPFL

Introduction to the Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide from EPFL

Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards

Handling Air-Sensitive Reagents from EPFL

Handling Cryogenic Liquids from EPFL 

Knowledge and Techniques in Organic Chemistry:

Name Reaction:  Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis(password: 0+the room number of our lab); The Organic Chemistry PortalName Reaction Listby Marcus Brackeen

Experimental Synthetic Organic Chemistry: All the Considerations about How to Run A Reaction

Organic Chemistry LibreTexts 

Wiki of Fluorine Chemistry

Learning and Traning in Total Synthesis: Synarchive; List of syntheses by molecule nameChemistry by designTotal synthesis highlightsProblems Archivefrom Yokoshima GroupDenksportform Trauner group

The Organometallic HyperTextBook Index

Top Pharmaceuticals Poster

The Schlenk Line Survival Guide

TLC Stains: Ref 1; Ref 2;

Radical Philicity

Column Chromatography

Crystal Growth

Drying Solvents Handout

Calibration Curve

Steric Environment Analysis: Buried Volume

Energy Units Converter

药明康德经典操作(password: 0+the room number of our lab)

Chemistry Tree

Software Learning:

ChemOffice: 教程1;  教程2教程3;  教程4 in English;

MestRoNova: 教程1教程2教程3;

Zotero: 教程1教程2教程3;

Endnote: 教程1教程2教程 3

Olex 2: 教程1教程2教程 3

Database and Learning Website: 

Organic Chemistry Data

pKa: pKa of EvanspKa of WilliamsBordwell pKa Table

Bond Energy: iBondby Prof. Cheng; DeepSynthesis (including pKa)by Prof, LuoBDEby Luo;

Handbook of Bond Dissociation Energies (password: 0+the room number of our lab)

Hammet Constants


  1. NMR Spectroscopy (General principle, Shift, and J data: 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 77Se, 11B...)

  2. Chemical Shifts of Trace Impurities: Ref 1; Ref 2; Ref 3;

  3. 19F Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants

  4. NMR Prediction

  5. Solid-state NMR

  6. Spectral Database for Organic Compounds

Online MS Tools for Mass Spec Users


Mayr's Database Of Reactivity Parameters; Reactivity Scales Posters

The Essential Chemical Industry (online)


化学空间 Chem-Station

微信公众号:X-Mol;化学+; 漫游药化;有机合成;

Writing and PresentationFrom HU Group

Writing A Paper

Whitesides’ Group: Writing A Paper

Whitesidtes’ presentation: Writing a Scientific Paper

Wiley: Tips for Writing Better Science Papers

How to write an abstract (Nature)

Writing tips: Style Guides and the Garlic, Shallots, and Butter of Scientific Writing

Preparing for A Talk

Structure your talk

Poster design

Scientific images and where to find them

Presentation tips in Chemistry (Prof. Christine Le)