当前位置: 首页   >  组内活动   >  2021天元药学论坛第十六讲分子影像与核医药学研讨会如期胜利召开,感谢各位专家莅临指导交流!/ The special seminar on molecular imaging and nuclear medicine, lecture 16 of 2021 Tianyuan pharmaceutical forum, was successfully held as scheduled. Thank experts for your guidance and exchange!
2021天元药学论坛第十六讲分子影像与核医药学研讨会如期胜利召开,感谢各位专家莅临指导交流!/ The special seminar on molecular imaging and nuclear medicine, lecture 16 of 2021 Tianyuan pharmaceutical forum, was successfully held as scheduled. Thank experts for your guidance and exchange!