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In preparation:


Zeng, C.; Memet, E.; Bruss, I.; Shahjamali, M.; Mahadevan, L.; Manoharan, V. N. 

Stress-induced formation of twisted bundles from small regular arrays of polymer pillars.



Sherif, A; Faaborg, M. W.; Zeng, C.; Brenner, M. P; Manoharan, V. N.

Braiding, twisting, and weaving microscale fibers with capillary forces.

Soft Matter 2024, 20, 3337-3348.


Zeng, C.*; Faaborg J. M.*; Sherif, A.; Falk, M.; Hajian, R.; Xiao, M.; Kara, H.; Bar-Sinai, Y.; Brenner, M. P.; Manoharan, V. N. (*equal contribution)

3D-printed machines that manipulate microscopic objects using capillary forces. 

Nature 2022, 611, 68-73.

Highlighted by Harvard SEAS News&Events


Zeng, C.; Scott, L.; Malyutin, A.; Zandi, R.; Van der Schoot, P.; Dragnea, B. 

Virus mechanics under molecular crowding.

J. Phys. Chem. B2021, 125 (7), 1790-1798.


Hernando-Pérez, M.; Zeng, C.; Miguel, M. C.; Dragnea, B. 

Intermittency of deformation and the elastic limit of an icosahedral virus under compression. 

ACS Nano 2019, 13 (7), 7842-7849.


Zeng, C.; Lázaro, G. R.; Tsvetkova, I. B.; Hagan, M. F.; Dragnea, B. 

Defects and chirality in the nanoparticle-directed assembly of spherocylindrical shells of virus coat proteins. 

ACS Nano 2018, 12 (6), 5323-5332.


Zeng, C.; Hernando-Pérez, M.; Ma, X.; van der Schoot, P.; Zandi, R.; Dragnea, B. 

Contact mechanics of a small icosahedral virus. 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017, 119, 038102.


Zeng, C.; Moller-Tank, S.; Asokan, A.; Dragnea, B. 

Probing the link among genomic cargo, contact mechanics and nanoindentation in recombinant adeno-associated virus 2. 

J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121, 1843-1853.


Zeng, C.; Vitale-Sullivan, C.; Ma, X. 

In situ atomic force microscopy studies on nucleation and self-assembly of biogenic and bio-inspired materials. 

Minerals 2017, 7, 158.


Zeng, C.

Structure and mechanochemistry of icosahedral viruses and virus shells studied by atomic force microscopy.

Indiana University2017.


Delalande, L.; Tsvetkova, I. B.; Zeng, C.; Bond, K.; Jarrold, M. F.; Dragnea, B. 

Catching a virus in a molecular net. 

Nanoscale 2016, 8, 16221-16228. 

*Nanoscale HOT article; highlighted by Chemistry World.


Hernando-Pérez, M.; Zeng, C.; Delalande, L.; Tsvetkova, I. B.; Bosquet, A.; Tayachi-Pigeonnat, M.; Temam, R.; Dragnea, B. 

Nanoindentation of isometric viruses on deterministically corrugated substrates. 

J. Phys. Chem. B 2016, 120, 340-347.