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21. Huang, J. Y., Lin, C. K., Bian, Y. L., Xie, H. L., Chai, H. W., Ding, Y. Y.*, & Luo, S. N. Strain rate effects on fragment morphology of ceramic alumina: A synchrotron-based study. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences2024, 280, 109506.

20. 蒋钰婷, 钟东海, 方泽辉, 丁圆圆*, & 周风华. 墨鱼骨结构的力学行为及其应变率效应. 爆炸与冲击, 2024.

19. Jiayun Zhao; Zhuang Cui; Shilong Wang; Zhengping Sun; Yuanyuan Ding*; Flexural response of additively manufactured honeycomb sandwich structures with continuous density-gradient variations. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 197: 111642. 

18. Zhuang Cui; Jiayun Zhao; Rong Xu; Yuanyuan Ding*; Zhengping Sun; Mechanical design and energy absorption performances of novel plate-rod hybrid lattice structures, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 194: 111349.

 17. Yuanyuan Ding*; Shilong Wang; Zhengping Sun; V.P.W. Shim*; Density-graded Voronoi honeycombs – A local transversely isotropic description, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023, 285: 112555.

 16. Shilong Wang; Wenjie Pei; Yifan Yang; Yuanyuan Ding*; Design and analysis of buckling induced honeycombs with tailorable out-of-plane crushing performance, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 143: 108739 

 15. Jiajian Ye; Zhengping Sun; Yuanyuan Ding*; Yuxuan Zheng; Fenghua Zhou; The deformation mechanism, energy absorption behavior and optimal design of vertical-reinforced lattices, Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 190: 110988.

 14. Zehui Fang; Yuanyuan Ding*; Yuting Jiang; Yuxuan Zheng; Zhanjiang Wang; Fenghua Zhou; Failure mode analysis of stiffness-guided lattice structures under quasi-static and dynamic compressions, Composite Structures, 2021, 275: 114414

 13. Yuanyuan Ding; Yonggang Wang; Zheng Zhang; Huawei Lai. Dynamic testing technique based on multi-channel photonic doppler velocimetry for investigating the dynamic behavior of materials, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2019, 6. 

12. Yuanyuan Ding; Zhijun Zheng; Yonggang Wang; Fenghua Zhou; Impact resistance and design of graded cellular cladding. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 10(10): 1850107.

11. Yuanyuan Ding; Shilong Wang; Zhijun Zheng; Liming Yang; Jilin Yu; Dynamic crushing of cellular materials: A unique dynamic stress–strain state curve. Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 100: 219-231. 

10. Yuanyuan Ding; Shilong Wang; Zhijun Zheng; Liming Yang; Jilin Yu; Blast alleviation of cellular sacrificial cladding: A nonlinear plastic shock model. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 8(4): 1650057. 

9. Wang, S., Zheng, Z., Zhu, C., Ding, Y., & Yu, J. Crushing and densification of rapid prototyping polylactide foam: Meso-structural effect and a statistical constitutive model. Mechanics of Materials, 2018, 127, 65-76.

8. LL Wang, YY Ding, LM Yang. Experimental investigation on dynamic constitutive behavior of aluminum foams by new inverse methods from wave propagation measurements. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2013(62): 48-59.

7. SL Wang, YY Ding, CF Wang, ZJ Zheng, JL Yu. Dynamic material parameters of closed-cell foams under high-velocity impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 99: 111-121.

6. Yang, J., Wang, S., Ding, Y., Zheng, Z., & Yu, J. (2017). Crashworthiness of graded cellular materials: A design strategy based on a nonlinear plastic shock model. Materials Science and Engineering: A680, 411-420.

5. 丁圆圆王士龙郑志军杨黎明虞吉林. 多胞牺牲层的抗爆炸分析. 力学学报, 2014(46): 825-833.

4. 丁圆圆杨黎明王礼立. 泡沫铝材料的动态本构参数的实验确定. 爆炸与冲击, 2015(35): 1-8.

3.丁圆圆张振, 赖华伟, 王永刚. 基于数字图像相关性方法的脆性材料拉氏反分析实验技术. 爆炸与冲击, 2018, 38(6): 1310-1316.

2. 蔡正宇, 丁圆圆, 王士龙, 郑志军,  虞吉林. 梯度多胞牺牲层的抗爆炸分析爆炸与冲击2017, 37(3), 396-404.

1. 丁圆圆, 郑志军, 王士龙, 周风华,  虞吉林. 多孔材料吸能行为对相对密度和冲击速度的依赖性. 固体力学学报, 2018, 39(6), 578-586.