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Selected Recent Journal Articles

1. Hairong Yue,Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, and Jinlong Gong ,
"Ethylene Glycol: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications"
Chemical Society Reviews 2012, 41, 4218-4244. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2cs15359a
 (Invited, Cover Story, 2013 IF=30.425)

Graphical abstract: Front cover

2. Hairong Yue, Xinbin Ma, and Jinlong Gong ,
"An Alternative Synthetic Approach for Efficient Catalytic Conversion of Syngas to Ethanol"
Accounts of Chemical Research 2014,47 (5),1483–1492. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ar4002697 (Invited, Cover Story, 2013 IF=24.348)

Graphical abstract: Front cover

3. Jinlong Gong, 1 Hairong Yue, 1 Yujun Zhao, Shuo Zhao, Li Zhao, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, and Xinbin Ma ,
"Synthesis of Ethanol via Syngas on Cu/SiO2 Catalysts with Balanced Cu0-Cu+ Sites"
Journal of the American Chemical Society2012, 134, 13922-13925.http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja3034153 (1: 并列一作, Cover Story, 2013 IF=11.444)
* Highlighted in Nature China: "Catalysis: An alternative route to ethanol production," June 13, 2012.
* Highlighted in JACS Spotlights: "Success at the surface: Ethanol production via copper catalysis," August, Issue 34, 2012.

Graphical abstract: Front cover

4. Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Shuo Zhao, Bo Wang, Xinbin Ma , and Jinlong Gong * ,
"A Copper-Phyllosilicate Core-Sheath Nanoreactor for Carbon-Oxygen Hydrogenolysis Reactions"
Nature Communications2013, 4, 2339. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms3339 (2013 IF=10.742)

Highlighted in Nature China: "Catalytic materials: On the scroll" October 2, 2013

5. Shuo Zhao, Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Li Zhao, Bo Wang, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, Jinlong Gong, and Xinbin Ma *
"Chemoselective Synthesis of Ethanol via Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate on Cu/SiO2: Enhanced Stability with Boron Dopant"
Journal of Catalysis2013, 297, 142-150. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcat.2012.10.004 (2013 IF=6.073)

6. Chengxi Zhang, Hairong Yue , Zhiqi Huang, Gaowei Wu, Shuirong Li, Xinbin Ma, and Jinlong Gong * ,
"Hydrogen Prduction via Steam Reforming of Ethanol on Phyllosilicate-derived Ni/SiO2: Enhanced Metal-support Interaction and Catalytic Stability"
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering2013, 297, 161-173. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/sc300081q (2013 IF=4.642)

7. Wenjie Shangguan,Jimin Song,Hairong Yue * , Siyang Tang,Chanjun Liu, Chun Li,Bin Liang, Heping Xie
An Efficient Milling-assisted Technology for K-feldspar Processing, Industrial Waste Treatment and CO2 Mineralization
Chemical Engineering Journal2016,292,255-263. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.02.031 (2013 IF=4.321)

8.Yujun Zhao,Shuo Zhao,Yaochen Geng, Yongli Shen,Hairong Yue,Jing Lv,Shengping Wang,Xinbin Ma *
Ni-containing Cu/SiO2 catalyst for the chemoselective synthesis of ethanol via hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate
Catalysis Today 2016, . http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2016.01.053 (2013 IF=3.893)

9. Bing Zeng, Hairong Yue, Changjun Liu, Tao Huang, Jing Li, Bin Zhao, Ming Zhang, Bin Liang *
Desulfurization Behavior of Fe-Mn-Based Regenerable Sorbents for High-Temperature H2S Removal
Energy & Fuels 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef502092v (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor =2.733)

10. Jiao Lei, Hairong Yue, Hao Tang, Bin Liang *
Heat Integration and Optimization of Hydrogen Production for a 1 kW Low-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cel
Chemical Engineering Science2015 ,123, 81-91 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2014.10.036 . (SCI,2013 Impact Factor =2.613)

11. Hairong Yue, Yujun Zhao, Li Zhao, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, Jinlong Gong, and Xinbin Ma ,
"Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol on a Cu/SiO2/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst: Enhanced Internal Mass Transfer and Stability"
AIChE Journal2012, 58, 2798-2809. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aic.12785 (2013 IF=2.613)

12. Xinbin Ma, Hanwen Chi, Hairong Yue , Yujun Zhao, Yan Xu, Jing Lv, Shengping Wang, and Jinlong Gong * ,
"Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate to Ethylene Glycol over Mesoporous Cu-MCM-41 Catalysts"
AIChE Journal2013, 59, 2530-2539. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aic.139985 (2013 IF=2.493)

13. Bing Zeng, He Li, Tao Huang, Changjun Liu,Hairong Yue, Bin Liang *
A Kinetic Study on the Sulfidation and Regeneration of Manganese-Based Regenerable Sorbent for High Temperature H2S Removal
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie503233a (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor =2.235)

14. Longpo Ye, Hairong Yue,Yufei Wang, Haoyi Sheng, Bo Yuan, Li Lv, Chun Li, Bin Liang * , Jiahua Zhu, Heping Xie
"CO2 Mineralization of Activated K-feldspar+CaCl2 Slag to Fix Carbon and Produce Soluble Potash Salt "
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014 ,53(26),10557–10565 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie500992y. (SCI, C级期刊,2013 Impact Factor =2.235)

15. Chao Wang,Hairong Yue , Chun Li, Bin Liang, Jiahua Zhu, Heping Xie
"Mineralization of CO2 using Natural K-feldspar and Industrial Solid Waste to Produce Soluble Potassium"
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2014 ,53 (19),7971–7978, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie5003284 (SCI, C级期刊,2013 IF=2.235)

16. Li Zhao , Yujun Zhao , Shengping Wang ,Hairong Yue , Bo Wang , Jing Lv and Xinbin Ma * Hydrogenation of Dimethyl Oxalate Using Extruded Cu/SiO2 Catalysts: Mechanical Strength and Catalytic Performance"
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2012, 51 (43), pp 13935–13943. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie300779a (2013 IF=2.235)

17. Sheng Haoyi, Lv Li, Liang Bin, Li Chun * ,Yuan Bo,Ye Longpo,Yue Hairong,Liu Changjun,Wang Yufei,Zhu Jiahua,Xie Heping
Aqueous carbonation of the potassium-depleted residue from potassium feldspar–CaCl2 calcination for CO2 fixation
Environmental Earth Sciences2015 ,73(11):6871-6879 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12665-015-4412-9 . (IF=1.765)

18.Yuan Bo, Li Chun, Liang Bin, Lv Li * ,Yue Hairong,Sheng Haoyi,Ye Longpo,Xie Heping Extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via the CaCl2 calcination route
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Engineering2015 ,23(9):1557-1564 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cjche.2015.06.012 . (IF=1.098)

19. Heping Xie * , Hairong Yue, Jiahua Zhu, Bin Liang, Chun Li, Yufei Wang, Lingzhi Xie, Xiangge Zhou
Scientific and Engineering Progress in CO2 Mineralization Using Industrial Waste and Natural Minerals
Engineering2015,1(1) http://dx.doi.org/10.15302/J-ENG-2015017. 

20. Ye Longpo, Li Shuang, Yue Hairong * , Li Chun, Liang Bin, Zhu Jiahua, Xie Heping
Process intensification by coupling reaction and extraction for CO2 mineralization in Ca2+-rich solution
CIESC Journal2015,66(9), 3511-3517. http://10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150981.

21. Liang Bin * ; Wang Chao; Yue Hairong; Li Chun; Xie Heping
Evaluation for the Process of Mineralization of CO2 Using Natural K-feldspar and Phosphogypsum to Produce Sulfate Potassium
Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)2014 , (03), 168-174. (EI期刊 In Chinese)