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(AI辅助多肽设计)Assembly-Induced Membrane Selectivity of Artificial Model Peptides through Entropy−Enthalpy Competition, ACS Nano, 18, 28, 18650, 2024.

(AI辅助材料设计)Machine-Assisted Inverse Design of Patchy Particles for Self-Assembly of Complex Interfacial Tessellations, under review

(AI辅助实验室数据分析)基于无监督学习方法的细胞膜内单分子扩散运动分析:胆固醇对模型膜和活细胞膜流动性的不同影响,物理学报, 73(18), 188702, 2024. (封面文章)



在研项目“基于纳米-细胞界面蛋白质组的巨胞饮作用分子机制研究” (负责人:魏裕双)


Helicity-directed recognition of bacterial phospholipid via radially amphiphilic antimicrobial peptides, Sci. Adv., 10, eadn9435, 2024.

A molecular architectural design that promises potent antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant pathogens, NPG Asia Mater., 13, 18, 2021.

Membrane perturbation of fullerene and graphene oxide distinguished by pore-forming peptide melittin, Carbon, 180, 67-76, 2021.

Graphene oxide as antibacterial sensitizer: mechanically disturbed cell membrane for enhanced poration efficiency of melittin, Carbon, 149, 248-256, 2019.

Designing Melittin-Graphene Hybrid Complexes for Enhanced Antibacterial Activity, Adv. Healthc. Mater., 1801521, 2019.


在研项目“脂质-纳米结构杂合体系的组装机制、结构性能表征及应用” (已结题)


Membrane-specific binding of 4 nm lipid nanoparticles mediated by an entropy-driven interaction mechanism, ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.2c04774, 2022.

Nanomolar LL-37 induces permeability of a biomimetic mitochondrial membrane, Nanoscale, 14, 17654-17660, 2022

Membrane-curvature-mediated co-endocytosis of bystander and functional nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 13, 9626-9633, 2021.

Cardiolipin Selectively Binds to the Interface of VsSemiSWEET and Regulates Its Dimerization, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 1940-1946, 2021.

Controlling the Nanoscale Rotational Behaviors of Nanoparticles on the Cell Membranes: A Computational Model, Small, 12(9), 1140-1146, 2016.


在研项目“功能化纳米颗粒介导的细胞伴吞作用机制研究” (负责人:魏裕双)


(a) Cholesterol Depletion and Membrane Deformation by MeβCD, and the Resultant Enhanced T Cell Killing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024 (dynamic GUV leakage assay,定量+实时,表征细胞膜结构变化)

(b) Asymmetric Disturbance and Permeabilization of Bilayer Membranes by 3-nm Carbon Dots, J. Hazard. Mater., 465, 133382, 2024.(使用了多种细胞膜结构表征技术,包括:dynamic GUV leakage ,实时监测膜张力和膜透化;Synchrotron XRD, 测膜xy面内的lipid排布有序性和z方向有序性;QCM-D ,实时监测双叶不对称变化;光电压,膜电学性质变化;MD模拟,提供分子细节、能量计算;等)

(c) Transition between different diffusion modes of individual lipids during the membrane-specific action of As-CATH4 peptides, Small, 2301713, 2023. (单脂分子追踪+非高斯性分析)

(d) Non-Gaussian Diffusion of Individual Lipids Unveils the Unique Peptide–Membrane Interaction Dynamics, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 854-862, 2023.

(e) Correlation between single-molecule dynamics and biological functions of antimicrobial peptide melittin, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11, 4834-4841, 2020.

(f) 综述《光电压瞬态技术:实时分析膜界面动态过程的新手段》,物理学报, 2024, doi: 10.7498/aps.73.20241093