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[1] Xiao Y*, Ran H, Fang D, Che Y, Ahouanse RD, Wang S, Peng J, Chen L, Lu J*. School bullying associated suicidal risk in children and adolescents from Yunnan, China: the mediation of social support. Journal of Affective Disorders 2022 300: 392-399. (中科院二区,TOP期刊,影响因子4.839)

[2] Xiao Y*, #, Liu F#, Ran H, Deng W, Che Y, Fang D, Ahouanse RD. Resilience mediates the association between self-harm and suicidal ideation in Chinese left-behind children. BMC Public Health 2021 21: 2055. (影响因子3.295)

[3] Xiao Y, He L, Chang W, Zhang S, Wang R, Chen X, Li X, Wang Z, Risch HA*. Self-harm behaviors, suicidal ideation and associated factors among rural left-behind children in west China. Annals of Epidemiology 2020 42: 42-49. (影响因子3.797)

[4] Xiao Y, Jiang L, Yang R, Ran H, Wang T, He X, Xu X, Lu J*. Childhood maltreatment with school bullying behaviors in Chinese adolescents: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021 281: 941-948. (中科院二区,TOP期刊,影响因子4.839)

[5] Xiao Y*, He L, Chen Y, Wang Y, Chang W, Yu Z. Depression and deliberate self-harm among Chinese left-behind adolescents: a dual role of resilience. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2020 48: 101883. (影响因子3.543)

[6] Xiao Y*, Chen Y, Chang W, Pu Y, Chen X, Guo J, Li Y, Yin F. Perceived social support and suicide ideation in Chinese rural left-behind children: a possible mediating role of depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020 261: 198-203. (中科院二区,TOP期刊,影响因子4.839)

[7] Xiao Y, Yang H, Lu J, Li D, Xu C*, Risch HA*. Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase and the overall survival of metastatic pancreatic cancer. BMC Cancer 2019 19: 1020. (影响因子3.150)

[8] Xiao Y, Lu J, Chang W, Chen Y, Li X, Li D, Xu C*, Yang H*. Dynamic serum alkaline phosphatase is an indicator of overall survival in pancreatic cancer. BMC Cancer 2019 19: 785. (影响因子3.150)

[9] Xiao Y*, Chen Y, Meng Q, Tian X, He L, Yu Z, Wang Y. Suicide ideation and suicide plan in Chinese left-behind children: prevalence and associated factors. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019 257: 662-668. (中科院二区,TOP期刊,影响因子3.892)

[10] Xiao Y*, Wang Y, Chang W, Chen Y, Yu Z, Risch HA*. Factors associated with psychological resilience in left-behind children in southwest China. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2019 46: 1-5. (影响因子2.529)

[11] Xiao Y, He L, Chen Y*, Wang Q, Meng Q, Chang W, Xiong L, Yu Z. The influence of meteorological factors on tuberculosis incidence in Southwest China from 2006 to 2015. Scientific Reports 2018 8: 10053. (影响因子4.011

[12] Xiao Y, Chen W, Xie Z, Shao Z, Xie H, Qin G, Zhao N*. Prognostic relevance of lactate dehydrogenase in advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarci-noma patients. BMC Cancer 2017 17(1): 25. (影响因子3.288

[13] Xiao Y, Xie H, Xie Z, Shao Z, Chen W, Qin G, Zhao N*. Kinetics of post-diagnosis platelet count with overall survival of pancreatic cancer: a counting process approach. Cancer Medicine 2016 5(5): 881-887. (影响因子3.3619)

[14] Xiao Y, Xie Z, Shao Z, Chen W, Xie H, Qin G, Zhao N*. Neutrophil and lymphocyte counts at diagnosis are associated with overall survival of pancreatic cancer: A retrospective cohort study. Medicine 2016 95(40): e5024. (影响因子1.8029

[15] Xiao Y, Xie Z, Shao Z, Chen W, Xie H, Qin G, Zhao N*. Varying postresection lactate dehydrogenase with overall survival of early stage pancreatic cancer patients: A retrospective study. Medicine 2017 96(12): e6399. (影响因子2.028)

[16] Xiao Y, Xie Z, Shao Z, Chen W, Xie H, Qin G, Zhao N*. Prognostic value of postdiagnostic inflammation-based scores in short-term overall survival of advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients. Medicine 2017 96(50):e9247 (影响因子2.028)

[17] Xiao Y, Zhao N, Wang H, Zhang J, He Q, Su D, Zhao M, Wang L, Zhang X, Gong W, Hu R, Yu M, Ding G, Cong L, Ye Z*. Association between socioeconomic status and obesity in a Chinese adult population. BMC Public Health 2013 13:355. (Highly accessed article, 影响因子2.321)

[18] Xiao Y, Zhao N*, Yu M, Zhao M, Zhong J, Gong W, Hu R. Factors associated with severe deliberate self-harm among Chinese internal migrants. PLoS ONE 2013 8(11):e80667. (影响因子3.534)

[19] Xiao YY, Cai J, Wang XY, Li FD, Shang XP, Wang XX, Lin JF, He F*. Prognosis and survival of 128 patients with severe avian influenza A(H7N9) infection in Zhejiang province, China. Epidemiology and Infection 2015 143(9): 1833-1838. (影响因子2.515)

[20] Xiao Y, Zhao N*. Current cigarette use in rheumatoid arthritis patients: associated factors and a limited mediating role of depression. Rheumatology International 2015 35(7): 1219-1224. (影响因子1.702)

[21] Ran H, Cai L, He X, Jiang L, Wang T, Yang R, Xu X, Lu J*, Xiao Y*. Resilience mediates the association between school bullying victimization and self-harm in Chinese adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders 2020 277: 115-120. (中科院二区,TOP期刊,影响因子4.839)

[22] Ran H, Fang D, Che Y, Ahouanse RD, Peng J, Chen L, Wang S, Xiao Y*. Resilience mediates the association between impulsivity and self-harm in Chinese adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders 2022 300: 34-40. (中科院二区,TOP期刊,影响因子4.839)

[23] Ran H#, Ma J#, Cai L, Zhou H, Yuan Z, Chen Y, Chang W, Huang Y*, Xiao Y*. Serum cholinesterase may independently predict prognosis in non-small-cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer 2022. (Newly accepted, 影响因子4.43)

[24] Ahouanse RD, Chang W, Ran H, Fang D, Che Y, Deng W, Wang S, Peng J, Chen L, Xiao Y*. Childhood maltreatment and suicide ideation: A possible mediation of social support. World Journal of Psychiatry 2022 12(3): 483-493. (中科院三区, 影响因子4.571)

[25] Tian X, Chang W, Meng Q, Chen Y, Yu Z, He L, Xiao Y*. Resilience and self-harm among left-behind children in Yunnan, China: a community-based survey. BMC Public Health  2019 19(1): 1728. (影响因子2.521)

[26] Tian X, Yang G, Jiang L, Yang R, Ran H, Xie F, Xu X, Lu J*, Xiao Y*. Resilience is inversely associated with self-harm behaviors among Chinese adolescents with childhood maltreatment. PEERJ 2020 8: e9800. (影响因子2.984)

[27] Ran H, Fang D, Donald AR, Wang R, Che Y, He X, Wang T, Xu X, Lu J*, Xiao Y*. Impulsivity mediates the association between parenting styles and self-harm in Chinese adolescents. BMC Public Health 2021 21: 332. (影响因子3.295)

[28] Jiao XY, Xu CZ, Chen Y, Peng QL, Ran HL, Che YS, Fang D, Peng J, Chen L, Wang SF, Xiao YY*. Personality traits and self-harm behaviors among Chinese children and adolescents: The mediating effect of psychological resilience. World Journal of Psychiatry 2022 12(3): 494-504.(中科院三区,影响因子4.571

[29] Liu Y#, Xiao Y#, Ran H, He X, Jiang L, Wang T, Yang R, Xu X, Yang G, Lu J*. Association between parenting and non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents in Yunnan, China: a cross-sectional survey. PEERJ 2020 8: e10493. (并列第一作者,中科院三区,影响因子2.984

[30] Chen X#, Jiang L#, Liu Y, Ran H, Yang R, Xu X, Lu J*, Xiao Y*. Childhood maltreatment and suicidal ideation in Chinese children and adolescents: the mediation of resilience. PEERJ 2021 9: e11758. (影响因子2.984)

[31] Tian X#, Lu J#, Che Y, Fang D, Ran H, He X, Wang Y, Wang T, Xu X, Yang G, Xiao Y*. Childhood maltreatment and self-harm in Chinese adolescents: moderation and mediation via resilience. BMC Public Health 2021 21: 1561. (影响因子3.295)

[32] Yang F#, Jiang L#, Miao J, Xu X, Ran H, Che Y, Fang D, Wang T, Xiao Y*, Lu J *. The association between non-suicidal self-injury and negative life events in children and adolescents in underdeveloped regions of South-western China. PEERJ 2022. (新近接收,影响因子2.984)

[33] Shen W#, Xiao Y#, Ying XH, Li S, Zhai Y, Shang X, Li F, Wang X, He F, Lin J. Tea consumption and cognitive impairment: a cross-sectional study among Chinese elderly. PLoS ONE  2015 10(9): e0137781.  (并列第一作者,影响因子3.057)

[34] Chen L#, Xiao Y#, Yang Y, Xu C, Li S, Zhang T. A cross-sectional study on serum measles antibody levels of a healthy population in southwest China. Medicine 2019 98(43): e17507.  (并列第一作者,影响因子1.870)



[1] 肖媛媛,李晓梅,何利平,孟琼。连续型变量界值点敏感度分析的SAS宏程序。中国卫生统计 2021,38(6): 936-938. CSCD,北大核心)

[2] 肖媛媛,许传志,赵耐青*常用生存分析模型及其对时依性协变量效应的估计方法。中国卫生统计 2016,33(3): 543-547. CSCD,北大核心)

[3] 肖媛媛,许传志,赵耐青*含特定比例随机均匀删失生存数据的SAS模拟实现。中国卫生统计 2016,33(6): 1058-1059. CSCD,北大核心)

[4] 肖媛媛,陈莹,何利平,等。不同删失比例下AFT模型与Cox模型表现比较的模拟研究。中国卫生统计 2017,34(4): 676-680. CSCD,北大核心)

[5] 陈晓雯,陈莹,何利平,韩利,肖媛媛*大学生手机依赖及其与抑郁、焦虑的关联性研究。现代预防医学 2019,46(14): 2602-2606. (北大核心)

[6] 肖媛媛,胡如英,龚巍巍,等。2007年浙江省医院伤害监测结果分析。疾病监测 2009,24(6): 434-437. (北大核心)

[7] 肖媛媛,胡如英,龚巍巍,等。2007年浙江省居民出生、死亡、传染病、慢性病漏报调查结果分析。疾病监测 2008,23(11):727-730. (北大核心)

[8] 肖媛媛,刘力克,张倩,等。铁路卫校学生疲劳状况及相关因素分析。现代预防医学 2006,33(7):1091-1092. (北大核心)



[1] Fan H, Shao ZY, Xiao YY, Xie ZH, Chen W, Xie H, Qin GY, Zhao NQ. Incidence and Survival of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in Shanghai: A Population-Based Cohort Study BMJ Open 2015 5(12): e009419.

[2] Fan H, Shao ZY, Xiao YY, Xie ZH, Chen W, Xie H, Qin GY, Zhao NQ. Comparison of the Glasgow prognostic score (GPS) and the modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) in evaluating the prognosis of patients with operable and inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2016 142(6): 1285-1297.

[3] Liu J, Yu Z, Xiao Y, Meng Q, Wang Y, Chang W. Coordination of FOXA2 and SIRT6 suppresses the hepatocellular carcinoma progression through ZEB2 inhibition. Cancer Management and Research 2018 10: 391-402.

[4] Zhai Y, Yi H, Shen W, Xiao Y, Fan H, He F, Li F, Wang X, Shang X, Lin J. Association of empty nest with depressive symptom in a Chinese elderly population: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2015 187: 218-223.

[5] Li F, He F, Chen T, Xiao Y, Lin S, Shen W, Wang X, Zhai Y, Shang X, Lin J. Reproductive history and risk of cognitive impairment in elderly women: a cross-sectional study in eastern China. Journal of Alzheimers Disease  2015 49(1): 139-147.

[6] Meng Q, Yang Z, Wu Y, Xiao Y, Gu X, Zhang M, Wan C, Li X. Reliability analysis of the Chinese version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Leukemia (FACT-Leu) scale based on multivariate generalizability theory. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2017;15:93.

[7] Wang X, Shen W, Wang C, Zhang X, Xiao Y, He F, Zhai Y, Li F, Shang X, Lin J. Association between eating alone and depressive symptom in elders: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics 2016;16:19.

[8] Ye L, Shang X, Wang Z, Hu F, Wang X, Xiao Y, Zhao X, Liu S, He F, Li F, Wang C, Jiang J, Lin J. A case of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome caused by a novel bunyavirus in Zhejiang, China. International Journal of Infectious Disease 2015 9;33:199-201.

[9] Wang H, Zhang X, Zhang J, He Q, Hu R, Wang L, Su D, Xiao Y, Pan J, Ye Z. Factors associated with prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among adults in Southern China: a community-based, cross-sectional survey. PLoS ONE 2013 9;8(5):e62469.

[10] Ye Z, Cong L, Ding G, Yu M, Zhang X, Hu R, Wu J, Fang L, Wang H, Zhang J, He Q, Su D, Zhao M, Wang L, Gong W, Xiao Y, Liang M, Pan J. Optimal cut-off points for two-step strategy in screening of undiagnosed diabetes: a population-based study in China. PLoS ONE 2014 ;9(3): e87690.