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李俊杰 三年级硕士生     进组时间: 2019年

Roland Donald AHOUANSE, MSc Epidemiology and Health Statistic at Kunming Medical University. 

Nationality: Beninese 

After completing my Bachelor's degree in Statistics ( Demography and social)  at the National University of Economy and Management in Benin, I have obtained the opportunity to pursue my study through the Yunnan Government scholarship program. I have integrated a master's program in Epidemiology and health statistics at Kunming Medical University under the supervision of Professor Xiao Yuan Yuan. Our main focus was on adolescent mental health issues and cancer survival analysis in Yunnan province. Our team has performed numerous investigations in Yunnan that have ended with valuable scientific publications. 

My experience in this team is not only at the scientific level but also at a personal level, viewing the support of my colleagues surrounding me.