今天是12月9日,祝Xue lab二周年快乐!
Xue Lab两周岁啦。实际上是虚岁,2020年12月9日是薛老师拿到实验室钥匙的那一天。实验室从21年7月份迎来了第一位成员,曲海晶博士;21年9月份迎来了博士生程威和硕士生陈晗,开始正式开张。后面迎来了更多的小伙伴,课题组成员的性格都非常好,相处的很开心。
曲海晶:道阻且长,行则将至。祝Xue lab 科研顺利,继续做大做强,蒸蒸日上!
吴红光:祝xue lab年年一篇NS,师弟师妹美如花
程威:海阔凭鱼跃,天空任鸟飞,祝Xue lab成为振臂高呼的雄鹰,搏击长空,笑傲苍穹!
朱仪:星光不问赶路人,时光不负有心人。祝Xue lab越办越好,再创辉煌!
潘雨晴:大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。祝Xue lab新的一年日日好data,月月好paper,投啥中啥!
Today is December 9. Happy second anniversary to Xue lab!
Xue Lab is two years old. December 9, 2020 was the day when Dr. Xue got the key to the laboratory. We welcomed our first member, Dr. Qu Haijing, on July 2021. Then, Cheng Wei (Ph.D. student) and Chen Han (master's student) kicked the ball rolling in September. More and more students joined our family thereafter. All lab members have good personalities and get along very happily.
2022 is a hard year. The laboratory was closed for three months from March to June, due to the COVID pandemic. Then it was shut down one month after another, which brought specific difficulties to the development of the laboratory. However, our lab members are diligent and hardworking and have made substantial progress in their scientific research, life and study.